Ayana Greenleaf
Created on August 18, 2023
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The monks tale
The Host praises the Monk's fair and brawny appearance, saying that he looks more like a lay man or master of his domain than a pale, poor monk. In fact, says the Host, it was a foolish person that dedicated the Monk to religion, for had the Monk the opportunity to have sex, he would produce many children. The Host says that if he were a pope, every manly man would have a wife, even if he were a monk or a priest. Religion, says the Host, has caused the children of the world to be puny and weak, because so many weak laymen are procreating while manly men like the Monk remain celibate. The Host asks the monk not to be angry with him; he's only joking. the Host demands a merry tale from the Monk, the Monk instead gives a series of cameo tragedies, The Monk says he will tell some tragedies. The Monk defines a tragedy as a story about someone who falls from a prosperity into misery and makes a wretched end. The Monk announces his intention to tell the tragedies as they come into his mind, and not in chronological order. He then talks about the down fall of lucifer, Adam, Samson, Hercules, and other prominent figures.
The Host praises the Monk's fair and brawny appearance, saying that he looks more like a lay man or master of his domain than a pale, poor monk. In fact, says the Host, it was a foolish person that dedicated the Monk to religion, for had the Monk the opportunity to have sex, he would produce many children. The Host says that if he were a pope, every manly man would have a wife, even if he were a monk or a priest. Religion, says the Host, has caused the children of the world to be puny and weak, because so many weak laymen are procreating while manly men like the Monk remain celibate. The Host asks the monk not to be angry with him; he's only joking. the Host demands a merry tale from the Monk, the Monk instead gives a series of cameo tragedies, The Monk says he will tell some tragedies. The Monk defines a tragedy as a story about someone who falls from a prosperity into misery and makes a wretched end. The Monk announces his intention to tell the tragedies as they come into his mind, and not in chronological order. He then talks about the down fall of lucifer, Adam, Samson, Hercules, and other prominent figures.
The Monk is nothing like the usual monk many people imagine. He hunts hares and rides horses instead of studying, praying, and working. He does not follow the rules of the monastery which say that monks should not hunt, be reckless, nor leave the monastery. Instead,they should study and perform manual labor. The Monk ignores these rules. He is rebellious, ignores rules, and lives and controls his own life. yolo
The monk
The leader of the group, the Host is large, loud, and merry, although he possesses a quick temper, as well as his wife. He mediates among the monks and facilitates the flow of the tales. His title of “host” may be a pun, suggesting both an innkeeper and the Eucharist, or Holy Host.
The Host
The Host expresses a wish that his wife could have heard Chaucer's tale of Melibee. His wife is not as patient as Prudence, the wife of Melibee: in fact, when the Host beats his servants, his wife brings the clubs and eggs him on. Also, if any of his friends fail to acknowledge his wife in church, she yells at him and accuses him of being browbeaten by his friends.
The wife
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As if by magic
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Animate your content and take it up a notch
Interactivity and animation can be your best allies when creating tables, infographics, or graphs that help provide context for the information and simplify the data in order to communicate it to your audience. We are visual beings and we find it easier to ‘read’ images than to read a written text.