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Interpretations of the Sikh Empire

©2023 Kapow Primary

Credit: Heritage Image Partnership Ltd / Alamy Stock Photo


What can you see?


©2023 Kapow Primary

Interpreting Maharaja Ranjit Singh



Story scenarios

What can you see?

©2022 Kapow Primary

©2023 Kapow Primary


Credit: Ray Evans / Alamy Stock Photo

Story scenario 1

©2022 Kapow Primary

©2023 Kapow Primary


Sam was walking home from school one bright June day. He enjoyed walking home because he liked seeing everyone in the park. He took the shortcut through the playing fields. As he was walking along, his eyes caught the sight of something unusual. There, lying near a park bench, was a £20 note. He looked around, scanning the faces of people nearby, but no one seemed to be looking for lost money. There was no sign of who might have dropped it.

Story scenario 2

©2022 Kapow Primary

©2023 Kapow Primary


Samira was riding her bike in the park during the school holidays on a beautiful, sunny day. She needed to get home quickly as it was nearly lunchtime. Suddenly out of nowhere, a dog jumped in front of her bike causing her to nearly fall off. She got off her bike hurriedly and leant down towards the dog. It was a friendly, happy dog who ran around her wanting to play. She looked around to see if she could find the owner of the dog. There was no sign of anybody searching.

Interpreting Maharaja Ranjit Singh

©2022 Kapow Primary

©2023 Kapow Primary


Credit: World History Archive / Alamy Stock Photo

What do their actions show about Maharaja Ranjit Singh?

Who do you think are the other people in this painting?

How might the time and place that this portrait was made affect how Singh was represented?

What can we tell about Maharaja Ranjit Singh based on this portrait?

Who do you think created this portrait and why?

Select each question to reveal the answer.


©2023 Kapow Primary

They are all seated lower than him which could show that they are not as important as him. It could be that the lower they are seated, the less important they are. They show reverence, respect, servitude and some show fear.

The people seated next to him could be his wife, other leaders of the misls or advisors. The people on their knees in front of him could be seeking the advice of their leader.

If it was painted during his rule, it would be more flattering or grander. If it was painted in the Punjab, it would reflect the style and traditions of the area.

Possibly commissioned by Singh himself or someone in his court to commemorate an important meeting or event.

He appears regal and powerful, suggesting he was an important person. He is wearing elaborate clothing, indicating he is wealthy.