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0 km 500 km


The Realm of Circadia, 535 Sela

Fairchild Fairchild is the site of one of the early Blood War massacres. The town--occupied primarily by Steramestei followers--was directly in Hyrnedhna's path as she marched to Mynair's sea. As she marched, a large troop of her raging Hyrnedhnai--including the Ragged Bear--chanced upon the tiny village. Most of the residents were slaughtered. The massacre is one of the reasons Circadian followers of Steramestei became involved in the war.

Saltcoast A port town of simple, hardworking people, Saltcoast is inhabited mostly by Mynair followers, though various fisherfolk, merchants, and shipwrights. Historically known as a rather dour town, it has experienced something of a revival: High Priest Myr'naianesa--priestess of both Mynair and Nepheris--has brought new commercial attention to Saltcoast.

Beausejour Estates In the inhospitable northeastern mountains, Verine's most loyal family--the Beausejour--keep their estates. While the wealthy family could assuredly afford to live in the scenic Vyr'Vera, it is assumed they prefer to keep their privacy.

The Wastelands This expanse of parched deserts and roaming, hostile beasts is undoubtedly the most inhospitable place in all of Circadia: it has existed for at least several hundred years, and it is unclear whether it is a natural feature of the product of some sort of disaster.

The Lake of the Two Brothers A stunning lake imbued with the powers of Beodhen and Nepheris, this location is the subject of many a legend. It is said the lake shimmers silver and gold with the Brothers' blood and is known to have powers of inspiration and healing.

The Little Lost Things An archipelago of densely forested islands, the Little Lost Things are rumored to be the home of the elusive Toto. However, the archipelago is difficult to enter: it is protected by powerful warding magic unique to the Toto.

Lyra'Tel A beautiful coastal city, Lyra'Tel is the eastern hub of sea trade and activity. It was a major site during the Blood War, as, looking out on Horizon, all refugees were offered sanctuary behind the city's high walls.

The Grey Islands These islands, barren and cold, are the unfortunate homes of Blood War exiles. In the final weeks of the Blood War, Followers of T'Rer who refused to bow to the new Pantheron were sent to the Grey Islands. While a bitter fate, it is a consequence kinder than execution.

Pel'Neris Somewhat more austere then Faeris'Tel, Pel'Neris is nevertheless a place of impressive architecture and even more impressive people. Generally associated with followers of Beodhen, Goldsun is a place of politics where anyone of strategic inclination can find a home.

Brightwater Sea While not as predictable as the southerly seas, Brightwater Sea holds many visitors in awe: the nighttime waters--even in storms--are invariably clear expanses that perfectly reflect the stars.

Kurik A tiny hamlet, Kurik was once the center of a sect dedicated to T'Zyri. However, just prior to the Blood War, Kurik was razed by Witches, and the old secrets of T'Zyri worship were all but totally lost.

The Quiet Sea Once called Naia'gul, The Quiet Sea was renamed after Mynair's death. Still a vital part of Circadian trade and ocean travel, The Quiet Sea is nonetheless considered an expansive memorial to Mynair. Mynair's corpse still floats within the Quiet Sea, guarded by Mynaira who have taken a vow of silence.

Wasteland Scar The Wasteland Scar is an ancient Scar that has existed for (so researchers believe) thousands of years.

The Twin Scars The scar directly to the South is believed to be connected, and the Abyssal Scars seem like networked entries to the Abyss.

Beausejour Scar The Beausejour Scar is a strange location in that the Beausejour family guards it as proprietary. Explorers are allowed to enter--at a price.

Port Naia Scar This small Scar appeared shortly after the tragic death of the Goddess Mynair. Despite its danger, it is nonetheless a pilgrimage site.

Faeris'Tel Scar Even though the Faeris'Tel Scar directly threatens the capital city of Faeris'Tel, it is a well-known and appreciated feature: its proximity to the capital has made it ripe for entry and exploration.

Saltcoast Scar While a small Abyssal Scar, the Saltcoast Scar nevertheless proves troublesome for nearby towns and cities.

Three Sisters Scar These three small scars, while fairly distant from one another, seem to connected, though research remains inconclusive.

Grand Scar The oldest Abyssal Scar in Circadia, Grand Scar is also the largest. A location of incredible danger, no one is certain when this Scar first originated. It was well established prior to the Blood War.

Grey Islands Scar While named for its proximity to the Grey Islands, this far stretching Scar has devastated many townships across its range.

Eastward Sea A place of adventure and good fortune, the Eastward Sea (which stretches to the Northern tip of Horizon, is frequented by all manner of seafarers. While many scoff at the audacity of such folk, it is said terrific beasts--of incredible size--dwell in the depths.

If the Northwesten ocean is a place of magic and lore, Goldwater is a place of abundance and commerce. Tended by the residents of Vyr'Vera and Lyr'Nephri alikes, Goldwater Sea is best known for smooth sailing, ample nautical game, and endless opportunity.

Little Scar This tiny scar--which covers the entirety of one of the islands of the Little Lost Things archipelago--has never been entered by Mortals. It is said the Toto guard it, day in and day out, and allow no trespassers.

Old Lament Ruins

Starfall Ruins

Farview Ruins

Narrow Strait Ruins

Sages' Ascent Ruins

Lost Song Ruins

Templecoast Ruins

The Wasteland Ruins

Stormfall Ruins

Rakes Ruins

Fallow Field Ruins

Vyr'Vera Scar While some distance from Vyr'Vera, this Scar is nevertheless the proprietary exploration point for followers of Veraine, Nepheris, and Beodhen.

Little Katzen Ruins

Grey Haven Ruins

Kind Lady Cross While T'Rer and Steramestei were never known to be particularly close allies, they did collaborate from time-to-time. The solemn village of Kind Lady--located high in the mountains--is a testament to this: it is said that the Lord of Judgement, during his reign, sent the cruelest of criminals to Kind Lady Cross and there Steramestei enacted her most ruthless celebrations of Starshine.

Red Spring Red Spring is the ancestral home of the Red Spring family: once followers of Hyrnedhna, they switched to support Beodhen during the Blood War. It is also known that Oracles, keen to gaze into the Red Spring, live in the carefully guarded township.

The Eastern Scar Hitherto under explored, the Eastern Scar is of significant interest to the Rakes family.

Wexly Pass While a rather unimpressive village at the foot of mountains, Wexly Pass is infamous for the post Blood War "Wexly Pass Massacre" initiated by Balyn the Butcher.

The God Cross Scar A Scar that emerged after the Blood War, the God Cross Scar is a site of intensive research and exploration (as well as consternation for the tireless Devout driving off Corruption associated with the Scar).

Seabrook Seabrook is a port town famed for its crabbing. Unlike many portside towns, the denizens of Seabrook tend to favor worship of Hyrnedhna rather than Mynair--likely because Seabrook was devastated during the floods of that precipitated the Blood War. War hero Scrungo the Great was born in Seabrook, and his memorial is a popular destination.

Rosin's Wood Rosin's Wood is a strange place: while, initially, there seems to be nothing "special" about the humble village, it is known to be a place where adventurers find no shortage of interests. Matriarch Esther, Devout of T'Rer, presides over the town. In her retirement, she has been allowed to serve the Fallen God: more notably, she happily provides "quests" to seekers in need of them. She says that, even after the Blood War, she is happy enough to do so.

Abbey of the Fading Light Renowned even among the most trusted Devout of Steramestei, the Abbey of the Fading Light of the Brightwater Isles is where some of the most talented visionaries study. Students of the Abbey engage in a difficult trial: before they are allowed to return to the world of Mortals, they must spend a year in complete silence. After the year is over, they may speak to their brethren--however, they may only speak of their dreams. Finally, after the second year is completed, they may resume normal conversation. Suffice to say: very few Devout emerge from such trials unchanged.

Chatsworth A small town, Chatsworth is mostly unassuming. Nevertheless, it has become known as a place routinely besieged by raging Beasts, and even Hyrnedhnai wonder if the town is especially cursed. Because of its plight, Chatsworth is quick to offer a warm bed and hearty meal to any visiting Devout. Indeed, small plaques dot the town of Devout who have taken up arms in defense of the populace.

Villa de Ambrosa The lush estates of the Ambrosa family, Villa de Ambrosa is considered among the most elegant estates in all of Circadia. Known for full-bodied wines and acres-upon-acres of vineyards, any who are invited to the Villa consider themselves lucky. It is rumored that, hundreds of years ago, Verine herself had the Villa designed as a personal summer home.

Silent Grove There are many places throughout Circadia that serve as resting places for those Mortals who have passed to their final death. Silent Grove, however, is particular: it is a resting place for Beasts. Silent Grove is one of the few places attended equally by followers of Kasamei and, perhaps unsurprisingly, followers of Hyrnedhna.

Aylee's Watch Ruins

Caline While many of Circadia's cities boast thriving populaces, Caline lays no such claim. Indeed, the cluttered, noisy city is steeped in poverty and struggle. Caline suffered much during the Blood War, and, even during the Reconstruction, it has never really recovered. The problems are so bad that many Daviyah foundlings come from Caline. While the people of Caline still suffer, recent years have been more favorable to the poor: anonymous benefactors, working in the shadows, have seemingly made it their sworn duty to work to alleviate poverty.

qual parts natural wonder and Mortal ingenuity, the Me'guul Caverns are a labyrinth of interconnected cave systems. Long ago, it is said that the earliest worshippers of the Old Gods called these caverns home--remnants of their cave art and sculpture remain. Today, the caves are only sparsley populated by some of the strangest Devout in Circadia: the Cults of Gu'labir. Many might traverse the caverns for days without encountering another Mortal. However, on Gu'labir's High Holy Day, it is advised best to avoid pilgrim worshipper's revelries.Me'guul CavernsThe Ancient Tunnels

0 km 500 km


The Realm of Circadia, 535 Sela

Fairchild Fairchild is the site of one of the early Blood War massacres. The town--occupied primarily by Steramestei followers--was directly in Hyrnedhna's path as she marched to Mynair's sea. As she marched, a large troop of her raging Hyrnedhnai--including the Ragged Bear--chanced upon the tiny village. Most of the residents were slaughtered. The massacre is one of the reasons Circadian followers of Steramestei became involved in the war.

Saltcoast A port town of simple, hardworking people, Saltcoast is inhabited mostly by Mynair followers, though various fisherfolk, merchants, and shipwrights. Historically known as a rather dour town, it has experienced something of a revival: High Priest Myr'naianesa--priestess of both Mynair and Nepheris--has brought new commercial attention to Saltcoast.

Beausejour Estates In the inhospitable northeastern mountains, Verine's most loyal family--the Beausejour--keep their estates. While the wealthy family could assuredly afford to live in the scenic Vyr'Vera, it is assumed they prefer to keep their privacy.

The Wastelands This expanse of parched deserts and roaming, hostile beasts is undoubtedly the most inhospitable place in all of Circadia: it has existed for at least several hundred years, and it is unclear whether it is a natural feature of the product of some sort of disaster.

The Lake of the Two Brothers A stunning lake imbued with the powers of Beodhen and Nepheris, this location is the subject of many a legend. It is said the lake shimmers silver and gold with the Brothers' blood and is known to have powers of inspiration and healing.

The Little Lost Things An archipelago of densely forested islands, the Little Lost Things are rumored to be the home of the elusive Toto. However, the archipelago is difficult to enter: it is protected by powerful warding magic unique to the Toto.

Lyra'Tel A beautiful coastal city, Lyra'Tel is the eastern hub of sea trade and activity. It was a major site during the Blood War, as, looking out on Horizon, all refugees were offered sanctuary behind the city's high walls.

The Grey Islands These islands, barren and cold, are the unfortunate homes of Blood War exiles. In the final weeks of the Blood War, Followers of T'Rer who refused to bow to the new Pantheron were sent to the Grey Islands. While a bitter fate, it is a consequence kinder than execution.

Pel'Neris Somewhat more austere then Faeris'Tel, Pel'Neris is nevertheless a place of impressive architecture and even more impressive people. Generally associated with followers of Beodhen, Goldsun is a place of politics where anyone of strategic inclination can find a home.

Brightwater Sea While not as predictable as the southerly seas, Brightwater Sea holds many visitors in awe: the nighttime waters--even in storms--are invariably clear expanses that perfectly reflect the stars.

Kurik A tiny hamlet, Kurik was once the center of a sect dedicated to T'Zyri. However, just prior to the Blood War, Kurik was razed by Witches, and the old secrets of T'Zyri worship were all but totally lost.

The Quiet Sea Once called Naia'gul, The Quiet Sea was renamed after Mynair's death. Still a vital part of Circadian trade and ocean travel, The Quiet Sea is nonetheless considered an expansive memorial to Mynair. Mynair's corpse still floats within the Quiet Sea, guarded by Mynaira who have taken a vow of silence.

Wasteland Scar The Wasteland Scar is an ancient Scar that has existed for (so researchers believe) thousands of years.

The Twin Scars The scar directly to the South is believed to be connected, and the Abyssal Scars seem like networked entries to the Abyss.

Beausejour Scar The Beausejour Scar is a strange location in that the Beausejour family guards it as proprietary. Explorers are allowed to enter--at a price.

Port Naia Scar This small Scar appeared shortly after the tragic death of the Goddess Mynair. Despite its danger, it is nonetheless a pilgrimage site.

Faeris'Tel Scar Even though the Faeris'Tel Scar directly threatens the capital city of Faeris'Tel, it is a well-known and appreciated feature: its proximity to the capital has made it ripe for entry and exploration.

Saltcoast Scar While a small Abyssal Scar, the Saltcoast Scar nevertheless proves troublesome for nearby towns and cities.

Three Sisters Scar These three small scars, while fairly distant from one another, seem to connected, though research remains inconclusive.

Grand Scar The oldest Abyssal Scar in Circadia, Grand Scar is also the largest. A location of incredible danger, no one is certain when this Scar first originated. It was well established prior to the Blood War.

Grey Islands Scar While named for its proximity to the Grey Islands, this far stretching Scar has devastated many townships across its range.

Eastward Sea A place of adventure and good fortune, the Eastward Sea (which stretches to the Northern tip of Horizon, is frequented by all manner of seafarers. While many scoff at the audacity of such folk, it is said terrific beasts--of incredible size--dwell in the depths.

If the Northwesten ocean is a place of magic and lore, Goldwater is a place of abundance and commerce. Tended by the residents of Vyr'Vera and Lyr'Nephri alikes, Goldwater Sea is best known for smooth sailing, ample nautical game, and endless opportunity.

Little Scar This tiny scar--which covers the entirety of one of the islands of the Little Lost Things archipelago--has never been entered by Mortals. It is said the Toto guard it, day in and day out, and allow no trespassers.

Old Lament Ruins

Starfall Ruins

Farview Ruins

Narrow Strait Ruins

Sages' Ascent Ruins

Lost Song Ruins

Templecoast Ruins

The Wasteland Ruins

Stormfall Ruins

Rakes Ruins

Fallow Field Ruins

Vyr'Vera Scar While some distance from Vyr'Vera, this Scar is nevertheless the proprietary exploration point for followers of Veraine, Nepheris, and Beodhen.

Little Katzen Ruins

Grey Haven Ruins

Kind Lady Cross While T'Rer and Steramestei were never known to be particularly close allies, they did collaborate from time-to-time. The solemn village of Kind Lady--located high in the mountains--is a testament to this: it is said that the Lord of Judgement, during his reign, sent the cruelest of criminals to Kind Lady Cross and there Steramestei enacted her most ruthless celebrations of Starshine.

Red Spring Red Spring is the ancestral home of the Red Spring family: once followers of Hyrnedhna, they switched to support Beodhen during the Blood War. It is also known that Oracles, keen to gaze into the Red Spring, live in the carefully guarded township.

The Eastern Scar Hitherto under explored, the Eastern Scar is of significant interest to the Rakes family.

Wexly Pass While a rather unimpressive village at the foot of mountains, Wexly Pass is infamous for the post Blood War "Wexly Pass Massacre" initiated by Balyn the Butcher.

The God Cross Scar A Scar that emerged after the Blood War, the God Cross Scar is a site of intensive research and exploration (as well as consternation for the tireless Devout driving off Corruption associated with the Scar).

Seabrook Seabrook is a port town famed for its crabbing. Unlike many portside towns, the denizens of Seabrook tend to favor worship of Hyrnedhna rather than Mynair--likely because Seabrook was devastated during the floods of that precipitated the Blood War. War hero Scrungo the Great was born in Seabrook, and his memorial is a popular destination.

Rosin's Wood Rosin's Wood is a strange place: while, initially, there seems to be nothing "special" about the humble village, it is known to be a place where adventurers find no shortage of interests. Matriarch Esther, Devout of T'Rer, presides over the town. In her retirement, she has been allowed to serve the Fallen God: more notably, she happily provides "quests" to seekers in need of them. She says that, even after the Blood War, she is happy enough to do so.

Abbey of the Fading Light Renowned even among the most trusted Devout of Steramestei, the Abbey of the Fading Light of the Brightwater Isles is where some of the most talented visionaries study. Students of the Abbey engage in a difficult trial: before they are allowed to return to the world of Mortals, they must spend a year in complete silence. After the year is over, they may speak to their brethren--however, they may only speak of their dreams. Finally, after the second year is completed, they may resume normal conversation. Suffice to say: very few Devout emerge from such trials unchanged.

Chatsworth A small town, Chatsworth is mostly unassuming. Nevertheless, it has become known as a place routinely besieged by raging Beasts, and even Hyrnedhnai wonder if the town is especially cursed. Because of its plight, Chatsworth is quick to offer a warm bed and hearty meal to any visiting Devout. Indeed, small plaques dot the town of Devout who have taken up arms in defense of the populace.

Villa de Ambrosa The lush estates of the Ambrosa family, Villa de Ambrosa is considered among the most elegant estates in all of Circadia. Known for full-bodied wines and acres-upon-acres of vineyards, any who are invited to the Villa consider themselves lucky. It is rumored that, hundreds of years ago, Verine herself had the Villa designed as a personal summer home.

Silent Grove There are many places throughout Circadia that serve as resting places for those Mortals who have passed to their final death. Silent Grove, however, is particular: it is a resting place for Beasts. Silent Grove is one of the few places attended equally by followers of Kasamei and, perhaps unsurprisingly, followers of Hyrnedhna.

Aylee's Watch Ruins

Caline While many of Circadia's cities boast thriving populaces, Caline lays no such claim. Indeed, the cluttered, noisy city is steeped in poverty and struggle. Caline suffered much during the Blood War, and, even during the Reconstruction, it has never really recovered. The problems are so bad that many Daviyah foundlings come from Caline. While the people of Caline still suffer, recent years have been more favorable to the poor: anonymous benefactors, working in the shadows, have seemingly made it their sworn duty to work to alleviate poverty.

Fairchild Fairchild is the site of one of the early Blood War massacres. The town--occupied primarily by Steramestei followers--was directly in Hyrnedhna's path as she marched to Mynair's sea. As she marched, a large troop of her raging Hyrnedhnai--including the Ragged Bear--chanced upon the tiny village. Most of the residents were slaughtered. The massacre is one of the reasons Circadian followers of Steramestei became involved in the war.

0 km 500 km


The Realm of Circadia, 535 Sela

Fairchild Fairchild is the site of one of the early Blood War massacres. The town--occupied primarily by Steramestei followers--was directly in Hyrnedhna's path as she marched to Mynair's sea. As she marched, a large troop of her raging Hyrnedhnai--including the Ragged Bear--chanced upon the tiny village. Most of the residents were slaughtered. The massacre is one of the reasons Circadian followers of Steramestei became involved in the war.

Saltcoast A port town of simple, hardworking people, Saltcoast is inhabited mostly by Mynair followers, though various fisherfolk, merchants, and shipwrights. Historically known as a rather dour town, it has experienced something of a revival: High Priest Myr'naianesa--priestess of both Mynair and Nepheris--has brought new commercial attention to Saltcoast.

Beausejour Estates In the inhospitable northeastern mountains, Verine's most loyal family--the Beausejour--keep their estates. While the wealthy family could assuredly afford to live in the scenic Vyr'Vera, it is assumed they prefer to keep their privacy.

The Wastelands This expanse of parched deserts and roaming, hostile beasts is undoubtedly the most inhospitable place in all of Circadia: it has existed for at least several hundred years, and it is unclear whether it is a natural feature of the product of some sort of disaster.

The Lake of the Two Brothers A stunning lake imbued with the powers of Beodhen and Nepheris, this location is the subject of many a legend. It is said the lake shimmers silver and gold with the Brothers' blood and is known to have powers of inspiration and healing.

The Little Lost Things An archipelago of densely forested islands, the Little Lost Things are rumored to be the home of the elusive Toto. However, the archipelago is difficult to enter: it is protected by powerful warding magic unique to the Toto.

Lyra'Tel A beautiful coastal city, Lyra'Tel is the eastern hub of sea trade and activity. It was a major site during the Blood War, as, looking out on Horizon, all refugees were offered sanctuary behind the city's high walls.

The Grey Islands These islands, barren and cold, are the unfortunate homes of Blood War exiles. In the final weeks of the Blood War, Followers of T'Rer who refused to bow to the new Pantheron were sent to the Grey Islands. While a bitter fate, it is a consequence kinder than execution.

Pel'Neris Somewhat more austere then Faeris'Tel, Pel'Neris is nevertheless a place of impressive architecture and even more impressive people. Generally associated with followers of Beodhen, Goldsun is a place of politics where anyone of strategic inclination can find a home.

Brightwater Sea While not as predictable as the southerly seas, Brightwater Sea holds many visitors in awe: the nighttime waters--even in storms--are invariably clear expanses that perfectly reflect the stars.

Kurik A tiny hamlet, Kurik was once the center of a sect dedicated to T'Zyri. However, just prior to the Blood War, Kurik was razed by Witches, and the old secrets of T'Zyri worship were all but totally lost.

The Quiet Sea Once called Naia'gul, The Quiet Sea was renamed after Mynair's death. Still a vital part of Circadian trade and ocean travel, The Quiet Sea is nonetheless considered an expansive memorial to Mynair. Mynair's corpse still floats within the Quiet Sea, guarded by Mynaira who have taken a vow of silence.

Wasteland Scar The Wasteland Scar is an ancient Scar that has existed for (so researchers believe) thousands of years.

The Twin Scars The scar directly to the South is believed to be connected, and the Abyssal Scars seem like networked entries to the Abyss.

Beausejour Scar The Beausejour Scar is a strange location in that the Beausejour family guards it as proprietary. Explorers are allowed to enter--at a price.

Port Naia Scar This small Scar appeared shortly after the tragic death of the Goddess Mynair. Despite its danger, it is nonetheless a pilgrimage site.

Faeris'Tel Scar Even though the Faeris'Tel Scar directly threatens the capital city of Faeris'Tel, it is a well-known and appreciated feature: its proximity to the capital has made it ripe for entry and exploration.

Saltcoast Scar While a small Abyssal Scar, the Saltcoast Scar nevertheless proves troublesome for nearby towns and cities.

Three Sisters Scar These three small scars, while fairly distant from one another, seem to connected, though research remains inconclusive.

Grand Scar The oldest Abyssal Scar in Circadia, Grand Scar is also the largest. A location of incredible danger, no one is certain when this Scar first originated. It was well established prior to the Blood War.

Grey Islands Scar While named for its proximity to the Grey Islands, this far stretching Scar has devastated many townships across its range.

Eastward Sea A place of adventure and good fortune, the Eastward Sea (which stretches to the Northern tip of Horizon, is frequented by all manner of seafarers. While many scoff at the audacity of such folk, it is said terrific beasts--of incredible size--dwell in the depths.

If the Northwesten ocean is a place of magic and lore, Goldwater is a place of abundance and commerce. Tended by the residents of Vyr'Vera and Lyr'Nephri alikes, Goldwater Sea is best known for smooth sailing, ample nautical game, and endless opportunity.

Little Scar This tiny scar--which covers the entirety of one of the islands of the Little Lost Things archipelago--has never been entered by Mortals. It is said the Toto guard it, day in and day out, and allow no trespassers.

Old Lament Ruins

Starfall Ruins

Farview Ruins

Narrow Strait Ruins

Sages' Ascent Ruins

Lost Song Ruins

Templecoast Ruins

The Wasteland Ruins

Stormfall Ruins

Rakes Ruins

Fallow Field Ruins

Vyr'Vera Scar While some distance from Vyr'Vera, this Scar is nevertheless the proprietary exploration point for followers of Veraine, Nepheris, and Beodhen.

Little Katzen Ruins

Grey Haven Ruins

Kind Lady Cross While T'Rer and Steramestei were never known to be particularly close allies, they did collaborate from time-to-time. The solemn village of Kind Lady--located high in the mountains--is a testament to this: it is said that the Lord of Judgement, during his reign, sent the cruelest of criminals to Kind Lady Cross and there Steramestei enacted her most ruthless celebrations of Starshine.

Red Spring Red Spring is the ancestral home of the Red Spring family: once followers of Hyrnedhna, they switched to support Beodhen during the Blood War. It is also known that Oracles, keen to gaze into the Red Spring, live in the carefully guarded township.

The Eastern Scar Hitherto under explored, the Eastern Scar is of significant interest to the Rakes family.

Wexly Pass While a rather unimpressive village at the foot of mountains, Wexly Pass is infamous for the post Blood War "Wexly Pass Massacre" initiated by Balyn the Butcher.

The God Cross Scar A Scar that emerged after the Blood War, the God Cross Scar is a site of intensive research and exploration (as well as consternation for the tireless Devout driving off Corruption associated with the Scar).

Seabrook Seabrook is a port town famed for its crabbing. Unlike many portside towns, the denizens of Seabrook tend to favor worship of Hyrnedhna rather than Mynair--likely because Seabrook was devastated during the floods of that precipitated the Blood War. War hero Scrungo the Great was born in Seabrook, and his memorial is a popular destination.

Rosin's Wood Rosin's Wood is a strange place: while, initially, there seems to be nothing "special" about the humble village, it is known to be a place where adventurers find no shortage of interests. Matriarch Esther, Devout of T'Rer, presides over the town. In her retirement, she has been allowed to serve the Fallen God: more notably, she happily provides "quests" to seekers in need of them. She says that, even after the Blood War, she is happy enough to do so.

Abbey of the Fading Light Renowned even among the most trusted Devout of Steramestei, the Abbey of the Fading Light of the Brightwater Isles is where some of the most talented visionaries study. Students of the Abbey engage in a difficult trial: before they are allowed to return to the world of Mortals, they must spend a year in complete silence. After the year is over, they may speak to their brethren--however, they may only speak of their dreams. Finally, after the second year is completed, they may resume normal conversation. Suffice to say: very few Devout emerge from such trials unchanged.

Chatsworth A small town, Chatsworth is mostly unassuming. Nevertheless, it has become known as a place routinely besieged by raging Beasts, and even Hyrnedhnai wonder if the town is especially cursed. Because of its plight, Chatsworth is quick to offer a warm bed and hearty meal to any visiting Devout. Indeed, small plaques dot the town of Devout who have taken up arms in defense of the populace.

Villa de Ambrosa The lush estates of the Ambrosa family, Villa de Ambrosa is considered among the most elegant estates in all of Circadia. Known for full-bodied wines and acres-upon-acres of vineyards, any who are invited to the Villa consider themselves lucky. It is rumored that, hundreds of years ago, Verine herself had the Villa designed as a personal summer home.

Silent Grove There are many places throughout Circadia that serve as resting places for those Mortals who have passed to their final death. Silent Grove, however, is particular: it is a resting place for Beasts. Silent Grove is one of the few places attended equally by followers of Kasamei and, perhaps unsurprisingly, followers of Hyrnedhna.

Aylee's Watch Ruins

Caline While many of Circadia's cities boast thriving populaces, Caline lays no such claim. Indeed, the cluttered, noisy city is steeped in poverty and struggle. Caline suffered much during the Blood War, and, even during the Reconstruction, it has never really recovered. The problems are so bad that many Daviyah foundlings come from Caline. While the people of Caline still suffer, recent years have been more favorable to the poor: anonymous benefactors, working in the shadows, have seemingly made it their sworn duty to work to alleviate poverty.

Fairchild Fairchild is the site of one of the early Blood War massacres. The town--occupied primarily by Steramestei followers--was directly in Hyrnedhna's path as she marched to Mynair's sea. As she marched, a large troop of her raging Hyrnedhnai--including the Ragged Bear--chanced upon the tiny village. Most of the residents were slaughtered. The massacre is one of the reasons Circadian followers of Steramestei became involved in the war.

The Vineyards of Verine


While many of the Gods favor cities and centers, Verine's favored strongholds are the sprawling southern territories of Vyr'Vera. Rolling hills and lush countryside offer boundless farmland. Scenic towns, both large and small, are clustered throughout the landscape. While Verine herself only infrequently alights, many of her most prominent families live in the various villas. Due to its beauty, Vyr'Vera is a popular destination for many travelers.

The Imagined Home of the Gods


Horizon is believed by Mortals to be the home of the Gods and the terrestrial location of the Pantheon. However, this is but belief: no Mortal save the High Clergy have visited large island, and the High Clergy remain sworn to secrecy.Although it appears on maps as through it is level with the rest of the continent, Horizon actually appears to hover far above the ocean, unreachable by normal means. Those on the Eastern coasts say that--on every High Holiday--great lights shine from Horizon. Additionally, it is thought that the Aurora Borealis originates from Horizon itself.

The Old Capital


Once an austere city of nevertheless majestic architecture, the Old Capital of T'Zane was T'Rer's stronghold and the capital city of Circadia. Prior to the Blood War, T'Rer ruled within Circadia itself: while the God of Justice frequented Horizon to the East, he preferred to be a constant presence in his capital city.Today, the buildings remain and Devout of T'Rer still live in the T'Zane. However the city is in noticeable disrepair, and Beodhen's Devout have (however begrudgingly) taken up permanent residence to "keep an eye on things." Perhaps surprisingly, a small number of T'Zyri Devout also call T'Zane home.

The City of Outcasts


Even though Myrim'Zane is an ancient city of historical import, T'Zyri's capital is known better as a city of thieves, liars, scoundrels, and outcasts--afterall, it is the place where the Scarred Princess is most heavily worshipped. Compared to other cities, Myrim'Zane is dingy, cramped, and dangerous. However, residents are proud of their home: afterall, it boasts wellsprings of arcanical energy.T'Zyri infrequently alights to Circadia, but one of the best places to find her (allegedly) is Myrim'Zane. Due to the illicit nature of comings-and-goings, it is rumored that Heretics quietly reside here in force.

Kasamei's Community Hub


Despite its somber name, Deathwalk is a place of community and activity. Kasamei frequently alights here, and, accordingly, many of her followers call this place permanent home. The majority of inhabitants in Deathwalk follow either Steramestei or Kasamei, though there is diversity within the populace.Compared to other Circadian cities, Deathwalk is known for its intimate, cozy design. Many visiting Deathwalk for the first time are impressed that the city feels more like a rambling village than a busy urban center. Tea shops, community halls, and lovingly tended graveyards are fixtures within Deathwalk.

The Starlit Archipelago

Brightwater Isles

Befitting the Star Lady's temperament, Steramestei's primary territory is a distant series of hard-to-reach islands. They are undeniably beautiful, though few have seen them, and spiraling star towers stand as hallmarks to the purview of the Goddess's Devout.The Brightwater Isles are home almost exclusively to Steramestei followers and Toto. Many assume such communities to be distant and standoffish--and they perhaps are to outsiders--but inhabitants find vibrant community with one another.

The Old Capital


Once an austere city of nevertheless majestic architecture, the Old Capital of T'Zane was T'Rer's stronghold and the capital city of Circadia. Prior to the Blood War, T'Rer ruled within Circadia itself: while the God of Justice frequented Horizon to the East, he preferred to be a constant presence in his capital city.Today, the buildings remain and Devout of T'Rer still live in the T'Zane. However the city is in noticeable disrepair, and Beodhen's Devout have (however begrudgingly) taken up permanent residence to "keep an eye on things." Perhaps surprisingly, a small number of T'Zyri Devout also call T'Zane home.

Beodhen's Golden City


The current capital of Circadia,Faeris'Tel is the longtime center of Beodhen's worshippers and a large population of layfolk. Known for its sweeping architecture, grand civic events, and general wealth, all who live in Faeris consider themselves lucky.The Lionhardt family call Faeris'Tel home, and Lionhardt Castle is located in the northern section of the city. In many ways, the Lionhardts are the unofficial governance of Faeris'Tel: their long established prominence in the city has offered them historical presence.Faeris 'Tel is formally led by an elected mayor--currently, Garris Brightborne.

A Retreat for the Weary


Offered the same grim name as Kasamei's Highest Holiday, Deathwalk is nonetheless a town known for its coziness and charm. The cobblestone streets wind and weave through the small cottages and storefronts of Deathwalk, inviting visitors to stop, rest, and enjoy a cup of tea in front of a fire. The Daviyah Family keep their orphanages in Deathwalk, and no foundling is ever turned away. Though Kasamei would never formally claim Deathwalk as her "capital," it is known she frequently alights here to enjoy the company of her followers.

The City of Outcasts


Even though Myrim'Zane is an ancient city of historical import, T'Zyri's capital is known better as a city of thieves, liars, scoundrels, and outcasts--afterall, it is the place where the Scarred Princess is most heavily worshipped. Compared to other cities, Myrim'Zane is dingy, cramped, and dangerous. However, residents are proud of their home: afterall, it boasts wellsprings of arcanical energy.T'Zyri infrequently alights to Circadia, but one of the best places to find her (allegedly) is Myrim'Zane. Due to the illicit nature of comings-and-goings, it is rumored that Heretics quietly reside here in force.

The Vineyards of Verine


While many of the Gods favor cities and centers, Verine's favored strongholds are the sprawling southern territories of Vyr'Vera. Rolling hills and lush countryside offer boundless farmland. Scenic towns, both large and small, are clustered throughout the landscape. While Verine herself only infrequently alights, many of her most prominent families live in the various villas. Due to its beauty, Vyr'Vera is a popular destination for many travelers.

The City of Outcasts


Even though Myrim'Zane is an ancient city of historical import, T'Zyri's capital is known better as a city of thieves, liars, scoundrels, and outcasts--afterall, it is the place where the Scarred Princess is most heavily worshipped. Compared to other cities, Myrim'Zane is dingy, cramped, and dangerous. However, residents are proud of their home: afterall, it boasts wellsprings of arcanical energy.T'Zyri infrequently alights to Circadia, but one of the best places to find her (allegedly) is Myrim'Zane. Due to the illicit nature of comings-and-goings, it is rumored that Heretics quietly reside here in force.

Mynair's Port Town

Port Naia

Smaller than other cities, Mynair's former primary territory is nonetheless a dynamic center of nautical activity. Even after Mynair's death, the port town boasts fish markets, all manner of guild halls, centers of worships, and even fine restaurants.The success of Port Naia is owed in part to the collaboration of both Nepheris and his High Priestess, Myr'naianesa the former High Priestess of Mynair. Nepheris's Devout have welcome new businesses and customers alike, and the port has recovered steadily from the Blood War.

The Imagined Home of the Gods


Horizon is believed by Mortals to be the home of the Gods and the terrestrial location of the Pantheon. However, this is but belief: no Mortal save the High Clergy have visited large island, and the High Clergy remain sworn to secrecy.Although it appears on maps as through it is level with the rest of the continent, Horizon actually appears to hover far above the ocean, unreachable by normal means. Those on the Eastern coasts say that--on every High Holiday--great lights shine from Horizon. Additionally, it is thought that the Aurora Borealis originates from Horizon itself.

The Central Godscross

Gods Road

Read more about Gods Road here.

A place of incredible holiness, Gods Road--called Eskrinėrya in the ancient language--is the site of many a Divine occurence. Gods Road is one of the most important locations in all of Circadia.Gods Road was an important location during the Blood War. Today, it is the location of Highgate Keep and the Highgate Barracks. The Keep is the home of the High Clergy while the Barracks house the most elite of the Devout.

The Forest of Beasts

Suul'Nedhna Wood

While there are many woods in Circadia, Suul'Nedhna Wood is a vast expanse of forested area. It is the birthplace of Hyrnedhna and rumored to be one of the few places where the ancient Beast Tongue is still taught and spoken. Prior to the Blood War, Suul'Nedhna was considered dangerous--now, teeming with hostile Hyrnedhnai, it is frequently deadly.It should surprise no one the Wild Queen has no urban capital--however, many of her followers live in one of the villages established in the woods. Additionally, many of Beodhen's wilder followers call the place home.

Verine's Fields of Bounty


The Goddess Verine has significant influences in both Beodhen's Tel'Faeris and Nepheris's Lyr'Nephri. For this reason, she has never had much use for a formal capital city. Instead, her favored followers live in the sumptuous province of Vyr'Vera. Rolling hills, sparkling coastal waters, and mild temperatures serve as setting for countless villas. To live in Vyr'Vera is to live a life of bounty...bounty occassionally marred, it is said, by the complicated politics the Jealous God invites.

The Forest of Beasts

Suul'Nedhna Wood

While there are many woods in Circadia, Suul'Nedhna Wood is a vast expanse of forested area. It is the birthplace of Hyrnedhna and rumored to be one of the few places where the ancient Beast Tongue is still taught and spoken. Prior to the Blood War, Suul'Nedhna was considered dangerous--now, teeming with hostile Hyrnedhnai, it is frequently deadly.It should surprise no one the Wild Queen has no urban capital--however, many of her followers live in one of the villages established in the woods. Additionally, many of Beodhen's wilder followers call the place home.

The Central Godscross

Gods Road

Read more about Gods Road here.

A place of incredible holiness, Gods Road--called Eskrinėrya in the ancient language--is the site of many a Divine occurence. Gods Road is one of the most important locations in all of Circadia.Gods Road was an important location during the Blood War. Today, it is the location of Highgate Keep and the Highgate Barracks. The Keep is the home of the High Clergy while the Barracks house the most elite of the Devout.

The Ancient Tunnels

Me'guul Caverns

Equal parts natural wonder and Mortal ingenuity, the Me'guul Caverns are a labyrinth of interconnected cave systems. Long ago, it is said that the earliest worshippers of the Old Gods called these caverns home--remnants of their cave art and sculpture remain. Today, the caves are only sparsley populated by some of the strangest Devout in Circadia: the Cults of Gu'labir.Many might traverse the caverns for days without encountering another Mortal. However, on Gu'labir's High Holy Day, it is advised best to avoid pilgrim worshipper's revelries.

The Old Capital


Once an austere city of nevertheless majestic architecture, the Old Capital of T'Zane was T'Rer's stronghold and the capital city of Circadia. Prior to the Blood War, T'Rer ruled within Circadia itself: while the God of Justice frequented Horizon to the East, he preferred to be a constant presence in his capital city.Today, the buildings remain and Devout of T'Rer still live in the T'Zane. However the city is in noticeable disrepair, and Beodhen's Devout have (however begrudgingly) taken up permanent residence to "keep an eye on things." Perhaps surprisingly, a small number of T'Zyri Devout also call T'Zane home.

The Ancient Tunnels

Me'guul Caverns

Equal parts natural wonder and Mortal ingenuity, the Me'guul Caverns are a labyrinth of interconnected cave systems. Long ago, it is said that the earliest worshippers of the Old Gods called these caverns home--remnants of their cave art and sculpture remain. Today, the caves are only sparsley populated by some of the strangest Devout in Circadia: the Cults of Gu'labir.Many might traverse the caverns for days without encountering another Mortal. However, on Gu'labir's High Holy Day, it is advised best to avoid pilgrim worshipper's revelries.

Forest of Beasts

Suul'Nedhna Wood

While there are many woods I'm Circadia, Suul'Nedhna Wood is a vast forested expanse. It is the birthplace of Hyrnedhna and one of the few places where it is rumored Beast Tongue is still taught and spoken. Prior to the Blood War, Suul'Nedhna was considered dangerous. Now, teeming with hostile Hyrnedhnai, it is often deadly.It should surprise no one that the Beast Queen, Hyrnedhna, has no urban capital. However, many of her followers live in one of the villages established throughout the woods. Additionally, some of Beodhen's wilder Devout call the woods home.

Forest of Beasts

Suul'Nedhna Wood

While there are many woods I'm Circadia, Suul'Nedhna Wood is a vast forested expanse. It is the birthplace of Hyrnedhna and one of the few places where it is rumored Beast Tongue is still taught and spoken. Prior to the Blood War, Suul'Nedhna was considered dangerous. Now, teeming with hostile Hyrnedhnai, it is often deadly.It should surprise no one that the Beast Queen, Hyrnedhna, has no urban capital. However, many of her followers live in one of the villages established throughout the woods. Additionally, some of Beodhen's wilder Devout call the woods home.

The Unlikely Place


Fairchild is the site of one of the early Blood War massacres. The town--occupied primarily by Steramestei followers--was directly in Hyrnedhna's path as she marched to Mynair's sea. As she marched, a large troop of her raging Hyrnedhnai--including the Ragged Bear--chanced upon the tiny village. Most of the residents were slaughtered. The massacre is one of the reasons Circadian followers of Steramestei became involved in the war.Strangely, however, the town is now associated with Opix. No one knows why, and it is habited equally by followers of Opix and Steramestei.

The Ancient Tunnels

Me'guul Caverns

Equal parts natural wonder and Mortal ingenuity, the Me'guul Caverns are a labyrinth of interconnected cave systems. Long ago, it is said that the earliest worshippers of the Old Gods called these caverns home--remnants of their cave art and sculpture remain. Today, the caves are only sparsley populated by some of the strangest Devout in Circadia: the Cults of Gu'labir.Many might traverse the caverns for days without encountering another Mortal. However, on Gu'labir's High Holy Day, it is advised best to avoid pilgrim worshipper's revelries.

A Retreat for the Weary


Offered the same grim name as Kasamei's Highest Holiday, Deathwalk is nonetheless a town known for its coziness and charm. The cobblestone streets wind and weave through the small cottages and storefronts of Deathwalk, inviting visitors to stop, rest, and enjoy a cup of tea in front of a fire. The Daviyah Family keep their orphanages in Deathwalk, and no foundling is ever turned away. Though Kasamei would never formally claim Deathwalk as her "capital," it is known she frequently alights here to enjoy the company of her followers.

A Retreat for the Weary


Offered the same grim name as Kasamei's Highest Holiday, Deathwalk is nonetheless a town known for its coziness and charm. The cobblestone streets wind and weave through the small cottages and storefronts of Deathwalk, inviting visitors to stop, rest, and enjoy a cup of tea in front of a fire. The Daviyah Family keep their orphanages in Deathwalk, and no foundling is ever turned away. Though Kasamei would never formally claim Deathwalk as her "capital," it is known she frequently alights here to enjoy the company of her followers.

The Ancient Tunnels

Me'guul Caverns

Equal parts natural wonder and Mortal ingenuity, the Me'guul Caverns are a labyrinth of interconnected cave systems. Long ago, it is said that the earliest worshippers of the Old Gods called these caverns home--remnants of their cave art and sculpture remain. Today, the caves are only sparsley populated by some of the strangest Devout in Circadia: the Cults of Gu'labir. Many might traverse the caverns for days without encountering another Mortal. However, on Gu'labir's High Holy Day, it is advised best to avoid pilgrim worshipper's revelries.

The Ancient Tunnels

Me'guul Caverns

Equal parts natural wonder and Mortal ingenuity, the Me'guul Caverns are a labyrinth of interconnected cave systems. Long ago, it is said that the earliest worshippers of the Old Gods called these caverns home--remnants of their cave art and sculpture remain. Today, the caves are only sparsley populated by some of the strangest Devout in Circadia: the Cults of Gu'labir. Many might traverse the caverns for days without encountering another Mortal. However, on Gu'labir's High Holy Day, it is advised best to avoid pilgrim worshipper's revelries.

Kasamei's Community Hub


Despite its somber name, Deathwalk is a place of community and activity. Kasamei frequently alights here, and, accordingly, many of her followers call this place permanent home. The majority of inhabitants in Deathwalk follow either Steramestei or Kasamei, though there is diversity within the populace.Compared to other Circadian cities, Deathwalk is known for its intimate, cozy design. Many visiting Deathwalk for the first time are impressed that the city feels more like a rambling village than a busy urban center. Tea shops, community halls, and lovingly tended graveyards are fixtures within Deathwalk.

Forest of Beasts

Suul'Nedhna Wood

While there are many woods I'm Circadia, Suul'Nedhna Wood is a vast forested expanse. It is the birthplace of Hyrnedhna and one of the few places where it is rumored Beast Tongue is still taught and spoken. Prior to the Blood War, Suul'Nedhna was considered dangerous. Now, teeming with hostile Hyrnedhnai, it is often deadly.It should surprise no one that the Beast Queen, Hyrnedhna, has no urban capital. However, many of her followers live in one of the villages established throughout the woods. Additionally, some of Beodhen's wilder Devout call the woods home.

Nepheris's Great Trade City

Lyr' Nephri

While Beodhen's Tel'Faeris may be the capital of Circadia, Lyr'Nephri--Nepheris's favored city--is the undeniable center of trade and commerce. A bustling city populated by people of all walks of life, Lyr'Nephri maintains an inimitable character of both urban grace and chaotic city bustle. It is led by a popularly elected city council of 12 individuals.Various prominent families call Lyr'Nephri home, including the esteemed Rakes family. Though he is only infrequently in residence Nepheris himself keeps his private estate towards the Eastern quarter.

The Ancient Tunnels

Me'guul Caverns

Equal parts natural wonder and Mortal ingenuity, the Me'guul Caverns are a labyrinth of interconnected cave systems. Long ago, it is said that the earliest worshippers of the Old Gods called these caverns home--remnants of their cave art and sculpture remain. Today, the caves are only sparsley populated by some of the strangest Devout in Circadia: the Cults of Gu'labir. Many might traverse the caverns for days without encountering another Mortal. However, on Gu'labir's High Holy Day, it is advised best to avoid pilgrim worshipper's revelries.

Mynair's Port Town

Port Naia

Smaller than other cities, Mynair's former primary territory is nonetheless a dynamic center of nautical activity. Even after Mynair's death, the port town boasts fish markets, all manner of guild halls, centers of worships, and even fine restaurants.The success of Port Naia is owed in part to the collaboration of both Nepheris and his High Priestess, Myr'naianesa the former High Priestess of Mynair. Nepheris's Devout have welcome new businesses and customers alike, and the port has recovered steadily from the Blood War.

The Vineyards of Verine


While many of the Gods favor cities and centers, Verine's favored strongholds are the sprawling southern territories of Vyr'Vera. Rolling hills and lush countryside offer boundless farmland. Scenic towns, both large and small, are clustered throughout the landscape. While Verine herself only infrequently alights, many of her most prominent families live in the various villas. Due to its beauty, Vyr'Vera is a popular destination for many travelers.

Nepheris's Great Trade City

Lyr' Nephri

While Beodhen's Tel'Faeris may be the capital of Circadia, Lyr'Nephri--Nepheris's favored city--is the undeniable center of trade and commerce. A bustling city populated by people of all walks of life, Lyr'Nephri maintains an inimitable character of both urban grace and chaotic city bustle. It is led by a popularly elected city council of 12 individuals.Various prominent families call Lyr'Nephri home, including the esteemed Rakes family. Though he is only infrequently in residence Nepheris himself keeps his private estate towards the Eastern quarter.

The Forest of Beasts

Suul'Nedhna Wood

While there are many woods in Circadia, Suul'Nedhna Wood is a vast expanse of forested area. It is the birthplace of Hyrnedhna and rumored to be one of the few places where the ancient Beast Tongue is still taught and spoken. Prior to the Blood War, Suul'Nedhna was considered dangerous--now, teeming with hostile Hyrnedhnai, it is frequently deadly.It should surprise no one the Wild Queen has no urban capital--however, many of her followers live in one of the villages established in the woods. Additionally, many of Beodhen's wilder followers call the place home.

Kasamei's Community Hub


Despite its somber name, Deathwalk is a place of community and activity. Kasamei frequently alights here, and, accordingly, many of her followers call this place permanent home. The majority of inhabitants in Deathwalk follow either Steramestei or Kasamei, though there is diversity within the populace.Compared to other Circadian cities, Deathwalk is known for its intimate, cozy design. Many visiting Deathwalk for the first time are impressed that the city feels more like a rambling village than a busy urban center. Tea shops, community halls, and lovingly tended graveyards are fixtures within Deathwalk.

Beodhen's Golden City


The current capital of Circadia,Faeris'Tel is the longtime center of Beodhen's worshippers and a large population of layfolk. Known for its sweeping architecture, grand civic events, and general wealth, all who live in Faeris consider themselves lucky.The Lionhardt family call Faeris'Tel home, and Lionhardt Castle is located in the northern section of the city. In many ways, the Lionhardts are the unofficial governance of Faeris'Tel: their long established prominence in the city has offered them historical presence.Faeris 'Tel is formally led by an elected mayor--currently, Garris Brightborne.

Nepheris's Great Trade City

Lyr' Nephri

While Beodhen's Tel'Faeris may be the capital of Circadia, Lyr'Nephri--Nepheris's favored city--is the undeniable center of trade and commerce. A bustling city populated by people of all walks of life, Lyr'Nephri maintains an inimitable character of both urban grace and chaotic city bustle. It is led by a popularly elected city council of 12 individuals.Various prominent families call Lyr'Nephri home, including the esteemed Rakes family. Though he is only infrequently in residence Nepheris himself keeps his private estate towards the Eastern quarter.

Mynair's Port Town

Port Naia

Smaller than other cities, Mynair's former primary territory is nonetheless a dynamic center of nautical activity. Even after Mynair's death, the port town boasts fish markets, all manner of guild halls, centers of worships, and even fine restaurants.The success of Port Naia is owed in part to the collaboration of both Nepheris and his High Priestess, Myr'naianesa the former High Priestess of Mynair. Nepheris's Devout have welcome new businesses and customers alike, and the port has recovered steadily from the Blood War.

Verine's Fields of Bounty


The Goddess Verine has significant influences in both Beodhen's Tel'Faeris and Nepheris's Lyr'Nephri. For this reason, she has never had much use for a formal capital city. Instead, her favored followers live in the sumptuous province of Vyr'Vera. Rolling hills, sparkling coastal waters, and mild temperatures serve as setting for countless villas. To live in Vyr'Vera is to live a life of bounty...bounty occassionally marred, it is said, by the complicated politics the Jealous God invites.

Verine's Fields of Bounty


The Goddess Verine has significant influences in both Beodhen's Tel'Faeris and Nepheris's Lyr'Nephri. For this reason, she has never had much use for a formal capital city. Instead, her favored followers live in the sumptuous province of Vyr'Vera. Rolling hills, sparkling coastal waters, and mild temperatures serve as setting for countless villas. To live in Vyr'Vera is to live a life of bounty...bounty occassionally marred, it is said, by the complicated politics the Jealous God invites.

The Starlit Archipelago

Brightwater Isles

Befitting the Star Lady's temperament, Steramestei's primary territory is a distant series of hard-to-reach islands. They are undeniably beautiful, though few have seen them, and spiraling star towers stand as hallmarks to the purview of the Goddess's Devout.The Brightwater Isles are home almost exclusively to Steramestei followers and Toto. Many assume such communities to be distant and standoffish--and they perhaps are to outsiders--but inhabitants find vibrant community with one another.

The Unlikely Place


Fairchild is the site of one of the early Blood War massacres. The town--occupied primarily by Steramestei followers--was directly in Hyrnedhna's path as she marched to Mynair's sea. As she marched, a large troop of her raging Hyrnedhnai--including the Ragged Bear--chanced upon the tiny village. Most of the residents were slaughtered. The massacre is one of the reasons Circadian followers of Steramestei became involved in the war.Strangely, however, the town is now associated with Opix. No one knows why, and it is habited equally by followers of Opix and Steramestei.

Beodhen's Golden City


The current capital of Circadia,Faeris'Tel is the longtime center of Beodhen's worshippers and a large population of layfolk. Known for its sweeping architecture, grand civic events, and general wealth, all who live in Faeris consider themselves lucky.The Lionhardt family call Faeris'Tel home, and Lionhardt Castle is located in the northern section of the city. In many ways, the Lionhardts are the unofficial governance of Faeris'Tel: their long established prominence in the city has offered them historical presence.Faeris 'Tel is formally led by an elected mayor--currently, Garris Brightborne.

The Unlikely Place


Fairchild is the site of one of the early Blood War massacres. The town--occupied primarily by Steramestei followers--was directly in Hyrnedhna's path as she marched to Mynair's sea. As she marched, a large troop of her raging Hyrnedhnai--including the Ragged Bear--chanced upon the tiny village. Most of the residents were slaughtered. The massacre is one of the reasons Circadian followers of Steramestei became involved in the war.Strangely, however, the town is now associated with Opix. No one knows why, and it is habited equally by followers of Opix and Steramestei.

Map Key

  • Divine City
  • Major Location
  • Ruins
  • Abyssal Scar
  • Scar Marker

  • Water
  • Forest
  • Flat Land

  • Mountains
  • Coast and Islands
  • River
  • Water Body
  • Major Ocean

Map Key

  • Divine City
  • Major Location
  • Ruins
  • Abyssal Scar
  • Scar Marker

  • Water
  • Forest
  • Flat Land

  • Mountains
  • Coast and Islands
  • River
  • Water Body
  • Major Ocean

The Starlit Archipelago

Brightwater Isles

Befitting the Star Lady's temperament, Steramestei's primary territory is a distant series of hard-to-reach islands. They are undeniably beautiful, though few have seen them, and spiraling star towers stand as hallmarks to the purview of the Goddess's Devout.The Brightwater Isles are home almost exclusively to Steramestei followers and Toto. Many assume such communities to be distant and standoffish--and they perhaps are to outsiders--but inhabitants find vibrant community with one another.

Map Key

  • Divine City
  • Major Location
  • Ruins
  • Abyssal Scar
  • Scar Marker

  • Water
  • Forest
  • Flat Land

  • Mountains
  • Coast and Islands
  • River
  • Water Body
  • Major Ocean

The Imagined Home of the Gods


Horizon is believed by Mortals to be the home of the Gods and the terrestrial location of the Pantheon. However, this is but belief: no Mortal save the High Clergy have visited large island, and the High Clergy remain sworn to secrecy.Although it appears on maps as through it is level with the rest of the continent, Horizon actually appears to hover far above the ocean, unreachable by normal means. Those on the Eastern coasts say that--on every High Holiday--great lights shine from Horizon. Additionally, it is thought that the Aurora Borealis originates from Horizon itself.

The Central Godscross

Gods Road

Read more about Gods Road here.

A place of incredible holiness, Gods Road--called Eskrinėrya in the ancient language--is the site of many a Divine occurence. Gods Road is one of the most important locations in all of Circadia.Gods Road was an important location during the Blood War. Today, it is the location of Highgate Keep and the Highgate Barracks. The Keep is the home of the High Clergy while the Barracks house the most elite of the Devout.