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Office/ Routine 
Anything the staff handles and is non-urgent
Clarification, interaction, confirm  
Prescription or refill 
New medication
Prescription / Pharm 
Can be called by a pharm or patient. Each acct has specific instructions 
Cannot wait for the office to re-open
Needs advice 
Has symptoms 
Patient ER 
A pt states they need to reach the O/C Dr 
Stat, critical, abnormal
Home health
Call reasons 
A specialist needs to physically visit a pt at a hospital
A pt is admitted , the staff needs to page an O/C Dr 
A hospital calls to report  a baby has been born  
Private facilities calling to report results
Nursing Home
Short or long term pt´s living in a facility that receive specialized care 
Doctor to Doctor
A Dr needs to discuss a pt´s condition with another Dr
Bad/ Sick baby
Good baby 
Nursing homes 
Private practice 
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Clarification, interaction, confirm





A pt is admitted , the staff needs to page an O/C Dr




A specialist needs to physically visit a pt at a hospital

Good baby

Bad/ Sick baby

Prescription / Pharm


Can be called by a pharm or patient. Each acct has specific instructions

A hospital calls to report a baby has been born

Nursing Home

Short or long term pt´s living in a facility that receive specialized care


Prescription or refill


Has symptoms


Nursing homes


New medication

Needs advice

Cannot wait for the office to re-open

Stat, critical, abnormal

Home health


Office/ Routine

Patient ER

Private facilities calling to report results

A pt states they need to reach the O/C Dr

Anything the staff handles and is non-urgent

Doctor to Doctor

A Dr needs to discuss a pt´s condition with another Dr

Private practice


Call reasons

This is a special service that all types of patients can receive. A health professional visits them at their home to provide different types of care

Home health

Type of home health

  • Rehab
  • Nurses
  • Aides

A private lab is calling to report results that need to be paged to the O/C Dr

Lab calls


  • Stat
  • Critical
  • Abnormal

The nurse or clerk will call into to a pediatircian´s office to let them know that they have a new patient. In these cases the Dr will most likely go visit the patient as there is something wrong with the baby

Bad/ Sick Baby

Sick baby

  • DOB
  • Lenght and weight
  • Type of birth
  • Apgars
  • What is wrong with the baby

Someone calls in regarding a bill, this is handled by the office and their staff



  • Paying a bill
  • Need bill to be sent
  • Clarification on a bill

Routine lab calls are normal results that do not need to be paged, these are regular notifications just to inform that the results are in.

Routine Lab calls

Someone will call in to make an appointment, depending on the client or acct they may also have a specific option for cancelling, pay close attention!


Types of appts

  • Dr appt
  • Service appt (HVAC/plumbing)
  • Estimate appt

These calls can be made either from the pharmacy or the patient. The patient has never taken this med before and needs to start it ASAP

New prescription

Types of new meds

  • Post op meds
  • Pt was seen at the ofc that day and the rx was not sent
  • Pt is sick and needs a rx

Patient emergencies are hard to determine and we have to probe to find out if this is an ER. We can look out for key words or situations

Patient emergency

Keys words

  • Having symptoms
  • Needs advice
  • Cannot wait for the office

TIP! When in doubt page it out

This is a key word that the hospital staff will use so we can identify the call reason. Many people from the hospital can call us like the clerk, nursing supervisor, nurse


Types of orders

  • Medication
  • Diet orders
  • Discharge
  • Restraint

A routine consult is when a patient is currently at the hospital and needs to be seen by a specialist but is not in critical or an emergent condition.

Routine Consults

Time frame

  • Can wait up to 24 hours

This is a key word that the hospital staff will use so we can identify the call reason. Many people from the hospital can call us like the clerk, nursing supervisor, nurse. When referring to condition we can be talking about many situations


Types of condition

  • Altered mental status
  • Code blue or rapid response
  • Elevated heart rate and pressure
  • Allergic reactions

The nurse or clerk will call into to a pediatircian´s office to let them know that they have a new patient. This is just a notification call

Good baby

Good baby

  • DOB
  • Lenght and weight
  • Type of birth
  • Apgars

When we talk about nursing homes we can be referring to several types of facilites and different levels of care. Some have 24/7 care and others overwatch patients

Nursing homes

Type of nursing homes

  • Rehab center
  • Assisted living facility
  • Nursing home

These calls can are made by the pharmacy staff (pharmacist or tech). They need to speak to the Dr in order to give the pt their medication

Clarification / Interaction


  • Verify the dosage (may be odd)
  • Verify that they gave out the correct rx (pt usually takes a different one)
  • Drug interaction with another rx
  • Allergies

This is a key word that the hospital staff will use so we can identify the call reason. Many people from the hospital can call us like the nurses, lab techs, radiology techs, etc.


Types of results

  • Blood work
  • X-ray
  • Imaging
  • Urine cultures

When refering to a private practice we are talking about a Dr that is calling from his own office, he does not work at a hospital

Private practice

Reasons for a Dr to Dr

  • Discuss a mutual pt
  • Update the Dr on the pt´s condition
  • Obtain details on pt´s medical history

These calls can be made either from the pharmacy or the patient.We have to follow the specific instructions for every acct. TIP! Refills are usually not ER´s

Prescription or Refill

Examples of most common refills

  • Pain or narcotics
  • Blood pressure
  • Insulin

A patient is admitted at the hospital and has a serious medical condition or the patient's condition is deteriorating and or life threatening

Stat consult

Time frame

  • Immediatley
  • ASAP
  • Stop drop and go

Hospice care is a special care service that patients who are terminally ill receive 24 hour care as the patient may pass away soon


Type of hospice

  • Home health hospice care
  • Inpt hospice care

These calls can also come from witihin a hospital, when a Dr at the hospital needs to speak to a specialist in most cases


Reasons for a Dr to Dr

  • Discuss a mutual pt
  • Talk about the pt's symptoms with a specialized DR
  • Possible admit a patient