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Map of the Known Underdark Cheat Sheet Historical Timeline 1. Gods of the Underdark 2. Major Regions 2.1 The Warm Lands2.2 The Cold Lands3. Species3.1 Long-Lived Species3.1.1 Drow3.2 Short-Lived Species 3.3 Sub-Humanoid Species4. Government4.1 All People's Congress4.1.1 Notable Figures4.2 Cult of the Twins4.2.1 Notable Figures5. Major Factions5.1 The Third House5.1.1 Families of the Third House 5.1.2 Notable Figures5.2 The Butchers Guild5.2.1 Notable Figures5.3 The Huksians5.3.1 Notable FiguresAppendices

Table of Contents

Geography: The Underdark is a region of interconnected subterranean tunnels, chambers, and caves roughly the size of a continent. It is split between two major areas, the Upperdark and Lowerdark, also called the “Warm Lands” and the “Cold Lands” by its native inhabitants. The Warm Lands comprise the upper section of the Underdark and is the area that most outsiders are familiar with. The climate ranges from temperate to tropical depending on proximity to the surface and/or thermal vents and is generally damp and humid. The Warm Lands boast sprawling urban centers, as well as many smaller towns, villages, and communities spread across its sprawling chambers. There are seven major ports of entrance to the Warm Lands from the surface, and thirteen major ports of entrance to the Cold Lands from the Warm Lands. The Cold Lands comprise the lower section of the Underdark and is almost entirely unknown to outsiders due to extremely tight travel restrictions between the two regions. The climate is bitterly cold, with the areas outside of the cities and settlement-zones being unlivable outside of magical means (for beings not native to the region). Despite its incredible depth, the Cold Lands (unlike the Warm Lands) possess a sprawling false sky made of dense semi-luminescent mist called “Kryofog” which pools on the ceiling of the caverns. This fog emits an extremely dim light which allows those in the Cold Lands to see in grayscale. The Cold Lands are highly industrialized, with cities and settlement-zones connected by massive steam engines run off Kryofog. Government: The majority of the Underdark is governed by a diarchy of the All People’s Congress and the Cult of the Twins. This dual government, officially called “The Post-Settlement Government”, was formed just two generations ago (roughly 600 years), ending a period of intense civil unrest known as The Terror. Notable Factions: The Third House - Collective name for the predominant organized crime syndicate in the Underdark. The name is a tongue-in-cheek reference to the two "houses" of government - as in, organized crime is the unoficall third power in the Underdark. Six major crime families control the Third House and each specialize in their own area of criminal expertise, though all are headed by powerful mages and deal in unspeakable magics. While the Third House operates throughout the Underdark, their seats of power are in the Cold Lands, which they govern semi-autonomously with the 'permission' of the All People's Congress.The Butchers Guild - As many denizens of the Underdark are either carniverous or eat a high protein diet, the Butchers Guild holds a surprising amount of political power. Many local officials are Butchers and some of the wealthiest citizens have strong ties to the guild. For short-lived species, joining the Butchers Guild is one of the only ways to escape poverty and earn full citizenship. In recent decades, the Butchers have dipped their toes into street-level crime and compete with the Third House for control of some of the biggest cities in the Warm Lands (one notable example being Verve Har'ol). The Huksians - Also called Huksian-Equalists or Equalists, the Huksians are a progressive political movement inspired by the late politician and activist, Huks Kobold. Since their namesake's assassination nearly a decade ago, the Huksians have grown in prominance, especially in the urban centers of the Warm Lands. They call for, amongst many reforms, the abolition of the citizenship system, a comeplete restructuring of the All People's Congress, and absolute equality amongst the species. While it is not illegal to be a Huksian, there have been increasingly harsh crackdowns on members of the movement, especially by the Drada. Species: Denizens of the Underdark are split into two categories, those who live under and well over a century. Long-Lived species have preference in Underdark society, while short-lived beings are ruintinely descriminated against. This bias is a holdover from the time of Lloth's tyranny, and in modern times, Drow remain the most privileged members of Underdark society. Common Long-Lived Species - Drow, Myconid, Kryoforged, Duergar, Svirfneblin, DerroCommon Short-Lived Species - Imaskari Humans, Vril, Grimlock, Tannaruk, Quaggoth, Darkling, Kobold, Firenewt Sub-Humanoid Species - All creatures which are native to the Underdark but fall outside of those listed above are viewed as "sub-humanoid" and regarded as animals. This includes highly intelligent species like Illithid and Beholders, who make their homes in the deepest abysses of the Underdark beyond the Cold Lands and are feared by many. Outsiders - All sentient species from the surface are viewed with intense suspicion, especially by those who live outside of cities frequented by Abovegrounders. Despite this, these species fall outside of the regular caste system and so noth long and short lived species from the surface are treated with priviledges usually reserved for citizens.

Basic guide to the Underdark

Cheat Sheet

Age of Isolation Info about the period of time before the surface made contact with the Underdark (mention an ancient lost empire of Illithid similar to the Egyptians who had long fallen by the time of contact, as well as the kingdoms of the cave frost giants who dominated the Cold Lands between the Sundering and Unification) First Contact The surface world makes contact with the Underdark for the first time after cataclysmic earthquakes expose entrances to the region for the first time Settler Period Period of open mixing between the surface world and the Upperdark First Kingdoms Period Period of kingdom building in the Underdark (notably, no Drow exist yet) Fall of Ilythiir and the Exile of the Dark Elves The ancient Elven kingdom of Ilythiir collapses and the Dark Elves, followers of the Dark Seldarine, are cast out and escape to the Underdark for survival (following their gods, who were banished to the Abyss) Dark Seldarine Conquest The Dark Seldarine, now imprisoned in the Abyss, share magics with their faithful which allow the Drow to conquer the Upperdark and establish a new Ilythiir, subjugating the previous inhabitants of the Underdark. Additionally, they close the borders with the surface world and establish a new 'Age of Isolation' Unification Period The Drow harness the lost knowledge and technology of the Illithid to travel the Kryo-falls and unify the Warm and Cold Lands under their singular rule, pushing the cave frost giant 'God Kings' and their children into the wastes of the Cold Lands First War of the Spider Queen Lloth, the Spider Queen, betrays her lover,

Historical Timeline

There are three major groups of gods tied to the Underdark: The Dark Seldarine, The God Kings of the Wastes, and The Horrors of the Deep. The Dark Seldarine were once part of the Seldarine pantheon but were banished to the Abyss after the fall of Ilythiir. Of the gods of the Underdark, these are the only ones without physical forms on the mortal plane. Instead, their weakened bodies are imprisoned in the upper parts of the Abyss. The God Kings of the Wastes are the seemingly immortal rulers of the cave frost giants of the Cold Lands. While colloqually called "cave frost giants", these creatures native to the Cold Lands aren't actually giants, but rather, semi-intelligent abominations which wander the freezing lands of the Lowerdark. The exact nature of the relationship between the cave frost giants and the God Kings is unclear, but during the Unification, the God Kings resisted Drow conquest alongside the giants and so it is assumed they must be gods or kings - ergo "God Kings". The Horrors of the Deep are eldritch beings, sometimes worshipped as gods and sometimes simply feared by denizens of the deepest parts of the Underdark, where the mortal plane brushes against the Abyss. Those of the Warm and Cold Lands, as a rule, fear these horrors and there are few worshippers of them outside of sub-humaoid creatures like Beholders and Illithid. Dark Seldarine Draa'dalhar, The Twin God Lloth, The Spider Queen Ghaunadaur, That Which Lurks Kiaransalee, The Lady of the Dead Selvetarm, The Spider that Waits Malyk, The Dark Mage Zinzerena, The Princess of Outcasts Keptolo, The Eager Consort God Kings of the Wastes Kucing, The Many Eyes Gembala, The Herder Ramai, The Thousand Steps Johm, The Wood Maiden Raksa, The Clamboring Fiend The Pack, That Which is Damned Horrors of the Deep Great Mother, The Beholder Queen Charybdis, The Hunger Ilsensine, The Great Brain Maanzecorian, The Keeper Thoon, The All Thing

Gods of the Underdark

The Warm Lands

The Cold Lands

All People's Congress

The Cult of the Twins, previously called the 'Reformed Church of Lloth', is the second, and far weaker, body of the Post-Settlement Government. The Cult worships the conjoined-twin deity, Draa'dalhar, and is the only state-sanctioned religion in the Underdark. Sacred Purpose and Lower Doctrine: The 'Sacred Purpose' of the Cult of the Twins is to prevent the return and ascension of the tyrannical God-queen, lloth. This commitment is what brought the Cult into power millennia ago and is what makes modern denizens of the Underdark so loyal to them. The secondary tenets of the Cult, known as the 'Lower Doctrine', revolve around charity and care for the Underdark's many inhabitants. This includes providing alms and community services, acting as the main source of social welfare for the government, and advocating for the humane treatment of all species. This last doctrine, which has become increasingly important under the stewardships of the last two Matron Maxima of the Cult, has brought the church into conflict with both the leadership of the All People's Congress and the wealthiest inhabitants of the Underdark, especially the heads of the Third House. Structure: Unlike the All People's Congress, which consists of a diverse range of Citizen species, the Cult of the Twins is made up exclusively of Drow women. The Cult hierarchy is split between three distinct factions: The First, Second, and Third Circles. The First Circle, sometimes called the 'High Circle', consists of three members; the Matron Maxima, Chief Daughter, and Avatar of Lloth. The Matron Maxima is the head of the Cult and is appointed for life. The Chief Daughter is a short term but powerful position, the occupier being at times both the figurative and literal mother of the Avatar of Lloth. The Avatar of Lloth is more of an honorary leading member of the Cult, being a small child for the entirety of their tenure as Avatar. They are unique amongst church members, as they are always a human girl and the only non-drow in the organization. Furthermore, and most importantly, the Avatar is the literal reincarnation of the Spider Queen herself. The Second Circle, also known as the 'Low Circle', is comprised of drow women who were given to the Cult as infants, some out of desperation but many 'gifted' from some of the most affluent families in the Underdark (with the hope that their relative may attain the rank of Matron Maxima or Chief Daughter someday). These women are cloistered within the Ruby Palace in the holy city Orthaea for the entirety of their lives, unless elevated to the First Circle. The women of the Second Circle are divided between four groups: Grandames, Wives, Maidens, and Daughters. Daughters are the youngest members of the order, all girls under the age of puberty who are put through rigorous training and exams beginning in infancy. It is out of this group that the succeeding Matron Maxima will be selected after the passing of the previous Cult head, thus necessitating such strict schooling. Maidens are the women who reach puberty without being selected for the Matron Maxima. No longer in the running for the highest leadership position, their academic schooling is decreased and reoriented around domestic and technical pursuits like child rearing, textile crafting, and home care. Maidens are exclusively pubescent girls in training to become full Cult members. Additionally, the Chief Daughter is selected from the oldest in this cohort every ten years.Wives make of the bulk of the Cult and are the fully graduated members of the church. They oversee maintaining the Ruby Palace and its vast lands, directing the many charitable pursuits of the organization, and training up younger members. They essentially fulfill the role of dutiful bureaucracy and without them the Cult would cease to function. Grandames are retired members of the order, too old to continue their duties as Wives but still holding positions of great honor within the organization. They often hold the highest organizational roles within the Cult and continue to be active participants in the church until their final days. The Third Circle, also called the 'Benevolents', consists of the lay clergy, who are outside members on the periphery of the Cult and can be of any gender or species. Their primary function is to travel the Underdark in poverty, spreading the Cult's history and impressing upon the general populace the importance of its Sacred Purpose. They keep the story of the Twins, their struggle against their evil mother, and their ultimate sacrifice alive in the minds of the public, while also spreading fear of the return of Lloth. Besides this primary goal, they also provide direct charity to the poor, are known as benevolent peacekeepers, and are welcomed almost anywhere they go as wise people and healers. It is considered good luck for a lay clergy to sleep in one’s home, and so lodging is relatively easy for wandering Benevolents to find and communities will often throw celebrations when a member of the Third Circle comes to town. This can be a little different in cities, especially those most directly governed by Congress loyalists, where Drada are known to harass lay clergy who try to interfere with their policing.

The Reformed Church of Lloth

Cult of the Twins

The Cult of the Twins, previously called the 'Reformed Church of Lloth', is the second, and far weaker, body of the Post-Settlement Government. The Cult worships the conjoined-twin deity, Draa'dalhar, and is the only state-sanctioned religion in the Underdark.

History of the Reformed Church of Lloth

Cult of the Twins

The Third House

The Butchers Guild

The Huksians

Underdark Species Guide

Note about Drow:Contrary to surface depictions of dark-skinned, fair haired and bloody-eyed elves, the Drow are as racially diverse as their High Elf relatives. The stereotype is a bigoted hold-over from the time of the Ilythiir collapse when the cultural minority that these features were most common amongst were demonized by the controlling faction of the dying empire. When Ilythiir fell and the followers of the Dark Seldarine descended into the Underdark, many of these persecuted elves chose to join them despite not worshipping Lloth. These elves, called the Oru'Drawe (their name coming from the region of their origin), were broadly assimilated into the developing Underdark elf culture and the modern name 'Drow' is a derived from these peoples. The physical features common amongst the Oru'Drawe became more prolific amongst the modern Drow, and due to their rarity amongst surface elf populations, have become outside signifiers of Underdark origin. But the reality is that there are many High Elves born with a mix of these characteristics, as well as a large population of Drow that look indistinguishable from their High Elf counterparts. This is an immediate surprise that outside visitors to the Underdark will face when journeying to cities such as Verve Har’ol and is a known bias that many High Elves are already somewhat aware of within their own culture, as surface elves bearing these features still face outright prejudice, being seen as followers of the Dark Seldarine despite there being literally no correlation between the two.

Drow Bloodlines

Notable Figures

Raksa is interested in the creations of mortals. During Unification, she joined Gembala not because she wanted to force out the invaders, but because she wished to take their pretty things for herself. Like a dragon, Raksa steals and hoards mortal inventions, things as important as steam engines to insignificants odds and ends like silverware. She's been known to snatch up little mortals and tear the goods off their bodies, not caring if she kills them in the process.

Raksa, The Clamboring Fiend

Neutral Evil Goddess of Greed, Treasures, and Desire

Ghaunadaur's origins are a mystery, though some have speculated that it has simply always been. When the Dark Seldarine were cast into the Abyss, Ghaunadaur was already there. Though it participated in the Conquest, it is unclear how invested the ancient one really is in the ambitions of its fellow gods. It was the only god to remain neutral during both the First and Second Wars of the Spider Queen.

Ghaunadaur, That Which Lurks

Neutral Evil God of Abominations, Oozes, and Outcasts

The Ramai are ghosts, as far as anyone can tell. They always appear in groups of white, humaoid shades and drift along with very little regard for the physical world around them. Up until the Unification, it was believed that Ramai were unintelliget hauntings peculiar to the Cold Lands. But during the fighting, the Ramai proved themselves violent, indiscriminate killers. They would have continued their murdering if not for Gembala's retreat. When the Herder fled, the Ramai simply stopped.

Ramai, The Thousand Steps

True Neutral God of Ghosts and Hauntings


Charybdis, The Hunger

Chaotic Evil God of Hunger and Gluttons


Great Mother, The Beholder Queen

Chaotic Evil Goddess of Beholders and Beholder-kin

Once a talented drow necromancer, Kiaransalee's skill inspired the jealousy of Lloth. The Spider Queen lured Kiaransalee into the Abyss, where she tortured her into insanity and then made her into a puppet for Lloth's own violent ends.Kiaransalee ascended to godhood herself after the Second War of the Spider Queen, when she betrayed Lloth and aided the usurpers cause.

Kiaransalee, The Lady of the Dead

Chaotic Evil Goddess of Undead, Necromancy, and Vengeance

The Pack is the devoted follower of Gembala, sworn to him through an unbreakable oath of loyalty. Little is known about them, but they appear as a large sick dog, smelling of rot and vomit and dripping viscera as they walk. They seem to be in constant pain, crying out and whining and barking with every tortured step. The Pack is a powerful combatant, remorselessly devouring their prey without hesitation.

The Pack, That Which is Damned

Neutral Evil God of Suffering, Pain, and Abuse

Asexually born of the god of destruction, Talos, Malyk withered in the shadow of his imposing father. Mostly forgotten by gods and mortals alike, Malyk wandered the realms untethered and unseen until being recalled to the court of the Seldarine to celebrate the marriage of Corellon and Lloth.Malyk fell instantly in love with Lloth, and the two eventually began a passionate affair. He followed her into exile, but remained neutral during the Second War of the Spider Queen, definitively ending their millenia-long relationship.

Malyk, The Dark Mage

Chaotic Neutral God of Chaos, Rebellion, and Wild Magic

Despite her intimidating looks, Johm is actually an incredibly friendly spirit. She was the original inhabitant of the frost wood, but left to wander the smaller glens of the Cold Wastes after the Unification. She is entirely silent besides soft grunting from behind her unmoving wood mask, like a child imitating speech. While she participated in Gembala's defense of the Cold Lands, she played a purely supportive role and has never intentionally killed.

Johm, The Wood Maiden

Neutral Good Goddess of Lost Children, Fireplaces, and Hospitality

Selvetarm is the grandson of Lloth through her youngest daughter, Vandria, the Seldarine goddess of grief. Raised among the Seldarine long after his grandmother's banishment, Selvetarm was manipulated into becoming a spy for Lloth after being seduced by Kiaransalee. When his betrayal was uncovered, he was cast out by his grandfather, Corellon.He backed Lloth during the Second War of the Spider Queen, but was forgiven by Draa'dalhar because of his youth.

Selvetarm, The Spider that Waits

Lawful Evil God of Warriors, Warfare, and Slaughter

A trickster goddess, it is impossible to detangle the many myths and rumors surrounding Zinzerena's past. What is known is that she was not actually banished into the Abyss, nor did she support Lloth's attempted coup. Rather, she willingly chose to follow the Dark Seldarine into exile.Zinzerena readily backed Lloth's violent rule, but just as eagerly changed sides to support her children. Her loyalties are an absolute mystery to all.

Zinzerena, The Princess of Outcasts

Chaotic Evil Goddess of Murderers, Outcasts, Lies, and Treachery


Maanzecorian, The Keeper

Chaotic Neutral God of Lost Things

The troubled youngest son of Shiallia, the goddess of pregnancy, Keptolo bewitched Lloth to break her marriage vows and was cast into the Abyss for it. He and Lloth's son, Vhaeraun, were married and had an infamously toxic relationship. When Vhaeraun left him for the drow priestess, Thalra, he was so furious that he compelled an entire city to partake in an orgie that went on so long it killed everyone of exhaustion. Despite his feelings, he still supported Vhaeraun against Lloth.

Keptolo, The Eager Consort

Chaotic Evil God of Fornication, Infidelity, and Vanity

Despite his incredible size, Kucing is a silent and secretive watcher. He is known to disguise himself amongst the craggy mountains of the wastes and is incredibly hard to find if he wishes to remain hidden. Those few mortals who have met him say he is surprisingly playful, inquistive and cat-like in his attittude. He hungrily demands secrets and gossip and will sometimes keep travelers for days until he weedles out every little hidden knowledge they have, no matter how small or petty, and then cast them aside once bored.

Kucing, The Many Eyes

Chaotic Neutral God of Secrets and Hidden Knowledge

City Sounds

Verve Har'ol

The Black Jewel

Verve Har'ol, more commonly called the 'Black Jewel', is the place that Abovegrounders think of first when they imagine the Underdark. The infamous city is a notorious den of sin; a place of bright neon lights, parties that never seem to end, gambling, drugs and libations of all kinds, sex and, of course, crime. It's notoriously a play-land for Abovegrounders, who find a sort of lawless headonism in the dense city streets of the Black Jewel. The city itself is a massive vertical tower, stretching from a large fissure in the surface all the way down to the floor of the Underdark, with the interior of the tower making up the bulk of the city proper. It is cramped, noises, and lit at all times by blinding neon lights powered by the enchanted Kryofrost. The city is split between the upper and lower layers, with the former catering to Abovegrounders and the latter being where its denizens actually live. Travel outside of the city is tightly controlled by the Settlment Government, while the city government is largely controlled by the Butchers' Guild.

Draa'dalhar is the conjoined-twin deity of siblings Eilistraee and Vhaeraun. They were born when the siblings, both children of Lloth, sacrificed themselves during the Second War of the Spider Queen to seal away their mother's soul in the body of a human child. Draa'dalhar is the leader of the Dark Seldarine and is the most widely worshipped deity in the Underdark, being the patron of the Cult of the Twins.

Draa'dalhar, The Twin God

Lawful Neutral God of Siblings, Justice, and Order

It is rumored that Gembala was once mortal, a man cast down into the Cold Lands for his crimes or perhaps a wandering soul swallowed by the earth. Regardless of his origin, Gembala is known as a powerful protector of the Cold Wastes and someone to be feared. He is one of the few God Kings who seeks out violence and has been known to wipe out whole armies for entering his natural domain. During Unification he rallied the God Kings and cave frost giants into battle, but was defeated and retreated deep into the frost wood to survive.

Gembala, The Herder

Lawful Neutral God of Beasts and the Life Cycle


Thoon, The All Thing

Lawful Neutral God of the Deep

Lloth is the former leader of the Dark Seldarine. Once the consort of the Seldarine king, Corellon, Lloth and her allies were banished to the Abyss after their failed coup destroyed the Ilythiir Empire. After millenia of tyranical rule in the Underdark, Lloth was betrayed by her eldest children, Eilistraee and Vhaeraun, and sealed away in the body of a human child. She has been in a kind of stasis ever since, unable to break free of her mortal prison.

Lloth, The Spider Queen

Chaotic Evil Goddess of Assassins, Darkness, Evil, Drow, and Spiders

City Sounds

Upper Capitol

Capitol of the Warm Lands

Overall description

  • Quick fact info

City Sounds

Lower Capitol

Capitol of the Cold Lands

Info about the city

  • Quick Facts


Ilsensine, The God Brain

Lawful Evil God of Mind Flayers and Psychics