Melissa L.M.
Created on July 26, 2023
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My Engaging
9. Reading Comprehension questions
10. Antonyms / Synonms
19. Classroom Set-Up
17. Action Sequence
16. Role Reversal
15. Using Commands
14. Dialogue Memorization
13. Chain Drill
12. Transformation Drill
11. Repetition Drill
20. Choose a New Identity
18. Role - Play
8. Translation of a Passage
7. Use Words in Sentences
6. Memorization
5. Paragraph Writing
4. Fill-in-the-Blanks
3. Reading Aloud
2. Dictation
1. Q&A Exercise
Description: Ss ask questions and answer in full sentences.How it can be applied: Ss will work in pairs. S1 will ask S2 how his/her weekend was. S2 will answer using Simple Past and vocabulary taught in class. Later, S2 will ask S1 the same question and S1 has to answer. Method: Direct Method (Helps Ss develop Speaking skills; Vocabulary is emphasized)
Q&A Exercise
Description: The Teacher reads a passage three times and Ss have to write it down in their notebooks.How it can be applied: The Teacher asks Ss to take out their notebooks; a dictation about the Amazon Rainforest will be given to them. The paragraph is a bit long but understandable, and it'll be read three times. Method: Direct Method (Helps Ss develop listening skills; Writing is an important skill; the Target Language is always used in the classroom).
Description: Ss read the section of a passage out loud. Then the Teacher explains the meaning of many words using pictures.How it can be applied: A short reading passage about the forest will be read during the class; The teacher asks for a volunteer to read the passage out loud; Once the S finishes reading, the teacher explains the meaning of several words in the passage using pictures and realia. Method: Direct Method (Reading skill is important; Usage of realia and pictures is needed to help Ss understand; Target Language is always used).
How it can be applied: Ss will be handed a sheet of paper with sentences that have missing word, and they have to fill in the blanks with the right prepositions of place; Once they finish, they have to read their answers out loud; Ss will hand back the paper to the instructor. Method: Direct Method (Grammar is taught inductively; Target Language is always used in the classroom).
Description: Ss are given a set of sentences with words missing that they need to complete with items of a particular grammar type or vocabulary.
Description: Ss have to write a paragraph using their own words.How it can be applied: Based on the topic about Prepositions of Place, Ss have to write a short paragraph about their neighborhood using prepositions of place and vocabulary learned during the class. Method: Direct Method (Written skills are also developed; The use of the Target Language is essential).
Paragraph writing
Description: Ss have to memorize a list of words in both the target and the native language.How it can be applied: The teacher prepares a list of vocabulary in the target language with the native language equivalent. The list is handed to the Ss, and they're asked to memorize every word in the list with the equivalent for the next day. Method: Grammar - Translation (Memorizing can be a good mental exercise)
Description: Ss make up sentences with new words learned.How it can be applied: Using the list handed to the Ss in the last class; they're asked to write sentences with selected words from that list in the target language in their notebooks and individually. Sentences are checked by the Teacher when Ss finish writing them down. Method: Grammar - Translation (Major focus on Writing).
Description: Ss have to translate a passage given into their native language.How it can be applied: The teacher prepares "Cinderella", a classic fairy tale, as the passage to be translated. Ss have to translate the whole passage in their native language and write it down in their notebooks. Method: Grammar - Translation (Writing skills are well-developed; To be able to translate is really essential for the Ss; To find the L1 equivalents for the L2 is necessary)
Description: Ss write the answers of some questions about a given passage based on their understanding.
How it can be applied: Using the classic fairy tale "Cinderella"; Ss have to write the answers to 5 questions about the reading passage in their notebooks individually; Ss are expected to use the target language. The questions are: Who is Cinderella? Who lived with Cinderella? What did Cinderella do at home? Who invited the girls to the ball? What happened to Cinderella during the ball? The teacher asks Ss to read the answers to check if they're right or wrong. Method: Grammar - Translation (Reading & Writing are emphasized; the Teacher is the authority).
Description: Ss are given a set of words and are asked to find antonyms in the reading passage.How it can be applied: Using the reading passage of "Cinderella", the classic fairy tale, Ss will be handed a set words on a sheet paper, and they'll be asked to look or the antonym of each word in the reading passage and write it down on the paper; it can be done in pairs. Method: Grammar - Translation (Reading & Writing are mostly emphasized)
Description: Ss are asked to repeat the Teacher's model accurately.How it can be applied: The teacher presents a short dialogue in the class about Mary & Sandy and repeats it twice; Later, the teacher has the Ss repeat each line of the dialogue after her model; Ss repeat each line many times before moving on to the next one. Method: Audio - Lingual ( Language learning is a process of habit formation; the Teacher models the language).
Description: Ss are asked to transform a sentence pattern into another pattern. How it can be applied: Using the short dialogue about Mary & Sandy, the Teacher asks Ss transform one affirmative sentence into the interrogative form. Method: Audio - Lingual (Pattern practice helps Ss to form habits; Structural patterns are presented through dialogues).
Description: Chain of conversation formed around the room. How it can be applied: The teacher will begin the chain by asking S1 "How are you today?"; S1 answers the question and asks S2 the same question; S2 answers and makes the same question to S3 and the chain continues. Method: Audio - Lingual (Ss learn how to communicate; Target Language is always used in the classroom).
Chain drill
Description: Ss memorize a short dialogue through mimicry.How it can be applied: The teacher will present a dialogue during the class; The dialogue will be a conversation between Frank & Mark; The dialogue will be repeated by the Teacher twice; Ss have to repeat each line many times before moving on to the next one; Later, the teacher divides the class in half, so one half can take Mark's lines and the other half Frank's lines and viceversa. Method: Audio - Lingual (Language forms occur naturally within a context; the Teacher provides an accurate model)
Description: Ss are given commands to perform actions.How it can be applied: The Teacher will prepare a list of commands to be taught in class. Then, the Teacher demonstrates the imperative by performing it. Later, two Ss, a boy and a girl, have to perform each action in front of the class while the Teacher says it aloud. Method: Total Physical Response (Ss learn by observing and doing; Imperatives are a powerful linguistic device).
Description: Ss command their teacher and peers to perform some actions.How it can be applied: Many sets of commands have been taught in the previous sessions; Ss are expected to start speaking after 20 hours of training; A student steps up and starts giving commands, so the teacher allows this S to direct the rest of the class with these commands. Method: Total Physical Response (Spoken language is emphasized; Ss are always active).
Description: The teacher gives Ss a series of connected commands to compromise a whole procedure.How it can be applied: Daily routines will be taught in the classroom; Ss will be encouraged to follow a set of commands about an everyday activity performed by the teacher beforehand; The everyday activity will be "Brushing teeth"; Ss will receive instructions on how to brush your teeth, then they'll be asked to perform the action sequence. Method: Total Physical Response (Ss learn by watching each other)
Description: Ss have to dramatize a situation given.How it can be applied: In groups of three, Ss will choose an occupation. Ss need to dress up as the profession chosen and will describe what they do using Simple Present. Method: Total Physical Response (Reduces stress; Ss are in movement; Ss learn by doing).
Description: The teacher creates a wonderful and cheerful classroom environment.
How it can be applied: To teach Simple Present and Verb to Be with some vocabulary about Jobs, the teacher will prepare a colorful and cute classroom environment to catch Ss eyes; Posters with grammar structures and many pictures of occupations will be displayed on the walls. Method: Suggestopedia (Reduces stress; Peripheral learning usually takes place).
classroom set-up
Method: Suggestopedia (Enhances Ss's feeling of security; Allow Ss be more open; Reduces stress).
Description: Ss are free to choose a new name and occupation to develop a biography about ther fictional selves.
How it can be applied: Using Simple Present and the vocabulary of Occupations, Ss have to create a new identity for themselves. A list of names for both men and women will be displayed on the wall for them to create their "new" self along with an occupation. Ss are each to choose a name. The teacher will pronounce each name and Ss will be asked to say which name they chose. Once Ss are ready, they'll discuss in groups of three their fictional self and what they do. For example: Hello, I'm Ben Carson; I'm a doctor at George's Hospital. Later, they'll be asked to talk about their fictional occupation in front of the class.