5 Governance, Ethics & Compliance
- Governance: Accountable rules & processes
- Ethics: Sustainable mindset & behaviours
- Compliance: Conformity with external & internal rules
- Transparency: Openness & meaningful stakeholder dialogue

4 Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
- Inclusive leadership across the organisation and engaging all staff
- Inclusive recruitment and selection practices in hiring process
- Equal opportunities for all staff
- Open and inclusive company culture and healthy work-life balance
- Recognition of societal DEI role

3 Health & Safety
- Going for zero accidents
- Build our safety culture
- We are all safety leaders
- We strive for health and wellebeing of our staff

2 Environment & Circular Economy
- Preserve and strengthen ecosystems and biodiversity
- Embed circularity in our core business processes
- Ensure compliance with environment performance standards

1 Climate Action
- Enablig decarbonisation of the power sector
- Carbon neutrality in system operations by 2040
- Carbon neutrality in our own activities by 2030
- Transitions to a carbon-neutral value chain for new assets and construction works
- Increase climate resilience