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Mini games competition
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Mini games competition



6 mini games 15min for each game 5 points for the winning team of each game 1 reward for the final winners



a name

But before starting the games... each team needs :

Scrambled words
The last letter
The odd-one-out
Throw the ball


Let's start

Stop the bus
The words mispelling doesn't count
1. We give you a letter 2. When we say "start the bus", you have 3min to write the most words that start with this letter 3. When we say "stop the bus", everybody hands up 4. 1 point for every word

Stop the bus

bang= wrong pronunciation
1. Take one paper 2. Try to correctly read the word that is written 3. If you succeed, you keep the paper 4. The team with the most papers win


1. We give you a theme and throw the ball 2. 3 seconds to find a word in the theme and throw the ball to another team 3. No words or word not in theme= team eliminated 4. Last team on game= winners

Throw the ball

Raise your hands
Be the fastest to find the intruder

The odd-one-out

1. We give you a word 2. 3seconds to find a word that ends with the last letter of the previous word 3. No words or word not in theme= team eliminated 4. Last team on game= winners

The last letter

Raise your hands
Be the first to put the letters in the right order to find the word

Scrambled words

So the winners are...

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