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Have you ever been in love with a personal item that you chose because it was "ecofriendly"?
Then this most be hard to hear...
Decisions made in our daily life
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Environmental awareness and action manual for dummies

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Decisions made in our daily life

Have you ever been in love with a personal item that you chose because it was "ecofriendly"?Then this most be hard to hear...






Greenwashing in Personal Product Choices

Slacktivism in Social Media Activism



How do I move on from this heartbreak?

I know that hearing the reality might have been hard but these are some options you can do for next time.

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Gain a comprehensive understanding of environmental issues by seeking information from reliable sources, scientific journals, and reputable environmental organizations. Educate yourself about the root causes of climate change and the Anthropocene.

Check for credible third-party certifications, such as ENERGY STAR for energy-efficient products or Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) for sustainably sourced wood. These certifications provide independent verification of environmental claims.

Foster a culture of environmental consciousness in personal spaces and relationships. Engage family and friends in sustainability discussions, share knowledge, and collectively practice sustainable habits.

Accept the reality of climate change and the Anthropocene by staying informed about the scientific consensus through reputable sources.



Earthsplainning: Humans trying to explain something that in reality the earth all ready knows.






Delaying climate action

Opposition to climate science



Now its time to open our eyes

How can we avoid this type of misinformation and ignorance about the topic so we do not end up thinking like this?

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Support public education on climate change and environmental issues to promote informed decision-making and critical thinking.

Advocate for ambitious climate policies, renewable energy transition, and environmental protection through public engagement, voting, and participating in environmental campaigns.

Mindful consumption promotes sustainable choices and reduces wasteful habits, contributing to resource conservation and mitigating environmental degradation. Embracing circular economy principles and reducing meat consumption aligns with scientific recommendations for a more sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyle.

By relying on verified data and scientific literature, individuals can make informed choices and support companies with genuine sustainability commitments, avoiding greenwashing, and avoiding non-reliable sources!


The true face

Unveil the various shades of Corporate Green Initiatives, and explore how businesses are taking significant steps towards a greener future






Corporate Greenwashing in Sustainability Reports

Corporate Green Initiatives



Now that you know what are you going to do?

Are you still going to be part of this manipulation or are you stoping this?

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Choose products from companies committed to sustainability and ethical practices, promoting a market shift towards more eco-friendly offerings.

Scrutinize vague or unsubstantiated green claims on products or advertisements, and seek scientific evidence to support their environmental impact.

Integrate sustainable strategies into business operations, such as reducing energy consumption, promoting circular economy practices, and investing in green technology.

Implement employee engagement programs focused on sustainability, encouraging staff to actively participate in environmental initiatives.


Are you a "shopaholic"?

noun INFORMALa compulsive shopper.but while you do it, do you excuse yourself saying it doesn´t matter cause its "sustainable"?




Stop the cylce


Impulsive Sustainable Consumerism

Conscious Slacktivism in Social Media



Facing the problem

By unmasking these deceptions and harmful attitudes, individuals can develop a more discerning perspective and actively engage in genuine and effective actions to address climate change and the challenges of the Anthropocene.

Practice conscious consumption by buying durable, long-lasting products, choosing locally sourced items, and reducing single-use plastic.

Encourage companies to be transparent about their environmental practices. Engage with brands through social media or customer feedback to request more detailed information about their sustainability efforts.

Prioritize quality over quantity, and be mindful of the environmental impact of consumer choices.

Stop pretending that social media trends are good, start making your own decisions and stop following what everyone is doing. BE SMART

Dickinson, T. (2016, September 27). Trump's Big Debate Lie on Global Warming. Rolling Stone. Retrieved July 23, 2023, from https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/trumps-big-debate-lie-on-global-warming-108001/McKinnon, C. (2017, January 16). What is wrong with Donald Trump's denial of climate change? - Connecting Research. Research. Retrieved July 23, 2023, from https://research.reading.ac.uk/research-blog/what-is-wrong-with-donald-Everyday actions. (2021, November 1). 6 Claims Made by Climate Change Skeptics—and How to Respond. Rainforest Alliance. Retrieved July 23, 2023, from https://www.rainforest-alliance.org/everyday-actions/6-claims-made-by-climate-change-skeptics-and-how-to-respond/


The consumer's intention may be to align with social trends, gain social approval, or feel connected to a cause. However, the ideology behind this deception is that symbolic gestures alone suffice as activism, diverting attention from the need for systemic changes and collective action.

A consumer shares posts and uses trendy hashtags to express concern about climate change on social media but avoids taking more substantial actions beyond virtual engagement.Conscious slacktivism gives the illusion of meaningful participation while contributing minimally to environmental solutions.

lying on our social media

Lets stop

Social media usage rises with each passing year, but our culture of sharing, consuming, and double tapping has a hefty carbon footprint.

First stage: DeceptionA well-known beauty brand claims that their new product line is "environmentally friendly," appealing to consumers seeking eco-friendly options. However, the brand fails to disclose that none of the ingredients are natural, and the packaging is non-recyclable.

3 stages of falling out of love

Second stage: ManipulationBy promoting their products as "environmentally friendly," the brand manipulates consumers into believing they are making sustainable choices. In reality, the products contribute to environmental degradation due to their non-biodegradable packaging and the presence of harmful chemicals.

Third stage: Their true colorsThe brand's intention is to capitalize on the growing consumer demand for eco-friendly products without genuinely committing to sustainability. The ideology behind this deception is profit-driven, exploiting consumers' desire for green alternatives while prioritizing cost-cutting and maximizing sales.

"The new packaging saves plastic without impacting the amount of product in each compact, as the first to undergo the packaging redesign due to its mass appeal and the overall impact on plastic use"

Deception: Some individuals and interest groups propagate misinformation, denying scientific consensus on climate change. They create doubt about the reality of human-caused global warming and obstruct climate action.

What NOT to think:

False Action: By undermining the credibility of climate science, this opposition hinders collective efforts to combat climate change and fosters public confusion.Intentions and Ideologies: The intention of those promoting climate denial may be to protect vested interests, such as fossil fuel industries, by avoiding regulations and policy changes. The ideology behind this deception is anti-science and aims to preserve the status quo at the expense of addressing climate challenges.

Sherman, L., & Kirk, K. (2021, June 28). Sustainable Spotlight: COVERGIRL Takes Steps to Reduce Plastic Packaging by 35% — Spa and Beauty Today. Spa and Beauty Today. Retrieved July 23, 2023, from https://spaandbeautytoday.com/articles/sustainable-spotlight-covergirl-takes-steps-to-reduce-plastic-packaging-by-35-percentCOVERGIRL. (2021, February 16). Lash Blast Clean Mascara with Lili Reinhart. COVERGIRL. Retrieved July 23, 2023, from https://youtu.be/Tyq2Va6LFwQWe are Water People. (n.d.). Water People. Retrieved July 23, 2023, from https://wearewaterpeople.com/



HASTINGS, T., & SANTOS, S. (2022, January 3). The struggle between consumerism and sustainability | Open | ivpressonline.com. Imperial Valley Press. Retrieved July 26, 2023, from https://www.ivpressonline.com/open/the-struggle-between-consumerism-and-sustainability/article_fba8a33e-6c24-11ec-90ee-e345b5fa426d.htmlKoons, E. (2022, July 12). Greenwashing Examples 2022: Top 10 Greenwashing Companies. Energy Tracker Asia. Retrieved July 26, 2023, from https://energytracker.asia/greenwashing-examples-of-top-companies/Mignano, J., & Van Paris, C. (2023, July 10). Is Our Obsession With Social Media Harming the Planet? Brightly.eco. Retrieved July 26, 2023, from https://brightly.eco/blog/social-media-carbon-footprintSutevski, D. (n.d.). 5 Sustainability Trends On Social Media For Your Startup. Entrepreneurship in a Box. Retrieved July 26, 2023, from https://www.entrepreneurshipinabox.com/25608/5-current-sustainability-trends-on-social-media-to-utilize-for-your-startup/

Deception: Corporate green initiatives provide an illusion of environmental responsibility while lacking substantial efforts to address the company's significant environmental impact.

This is FAKE

False Action and Intentions/ Ideologies: These initiatives may serve as public relations tactics to enhance the company's image, appealing to consumers who prioritize sustainability. However, they do not genuinely address the systemic changes needed for meaningful environmental action.

"At least a third of companies that pledge to plant trees under Benioff's One Trillion Trees (1t.org) campaign do so to offset emissions, according to a Financial Times analysis of 73 environmental commitment documents."

The consumer's intention may be to align their lifestyle with sustainability values and feel environmentally conscious. However, the ideology behind this deception is that individual consumption choices alone can mitigate the broader impacts of overconsumption and industrial practices.

A consumer purchases numerous sustainable products with eco-friendly claims, believing they are significantly contributing to environmental protection, yet overlooks their excessive consumption and overall ecological By engaging in impulsive sustainable consumerism, the individual falls into the trap of green consumerism, believing that buying eco-friendly products alone will solve environmental issues.

what is Impulsive Sustainable Consumerism?

But then,

"Greenwashing is found in small and large companies alike, yet the impact is still the same. It erodes customer confidence in sustainability and allows negative environmental impacts." (Koons, E. ,2022)

First stage: DeceptionA multinational corporation boasts in its sustainability report about reducing its carbon footprint, while failing to account for outsourced emissions from its supply chain and manufacturing processes.

Lets unmask the thruth

False Action: By presenting a partial picture of their environmental impact, the corporation exaggerates its sustainability efforts while downplaying its overall contribution to climate change.

Intentions and Ideologies: The corporation's intention may be to improve its public image, attract conscious consumers, and maintain investor confidence. The ideology behind this deception prioritizes positive branding and shareholder interests over genuine environmental responsibility.

Shell’s Chief Executive Officer, Wael Sawan, writes: “As we invest in the energy needed today, our target to become a net-zero emissions energy business by 2050 remains at the heart of our strategy. We are making good progress. By the end of 2022, we had reduced carbon emissions from our operations by 30% compared with 2016 on a net basis, more than halfway towards our target of a 50% reduction by 2030."

First stage: DeceptionSome political leaders in denial of the severity of climate change claim that implementing climate policies will damage the economy and cost jobs, justifying delays in taking meaningful action.

3 stages of denial

False Action: Delaying climate action based on unfounded economic fears prevents urgent measures needed to address climate change, risking further environmental deterioration.

Intentions and Ideologies: The intention of the leaders propagating this fallacy may be to maintain the status quo, catering to economic interests and industries that resist regulation. The ideology behind this deception is short-term economic gain at the expense of long-term environmental sustainability.

"Trump did insist climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese, and he has a plan to make his denial official American policy" Rolling Stone (2016, September 27)

Deception: A social media influencer posts a picture of themselves holding a reusable water bottle, advocating for reducing plastic waste and fighting climate change, with a brand of water they created. However, this is the influencer's only environmental action, and they rarely engage in other meaningful sustainability efforts.

3 stages of falling out of love with content on social media

False Action: By using a single act of holding a reusable water bottle as a symbol of environmental concern, the influencer gives the illusion of activism while not actively participating in broader environmental initiatives.Intentions and Ideologies: The influencer's intention may be to maintain an eco-conscious image to appeal to their audience and gain popularity. However, their limited engagement in sustainability beyond performative gestures reflects a superficial approach to activism, perpetuating the notion of slacktivism.

Shell publishes reports on Sustainability, Climate & Energy Transition Lobbying and Payments to Governments. (2023, March 28). Shell Global. Retrieved July 25, 2023, from https://www.shell.com/media/news-and-media-releases/2023/shell-publishes-reports-on-sustainability-climate-and-energy-transition-lobbying-and-payments-to-governments.htmlHijazi, J. (2023, February 16). Shell Greenwashing Challenge Highlights Risk of ESG Claims. Bloomberg Law News. Retrieved July 25, 2023, from https://news.bloomberglaw.com/environment-and-energy/shell-greenwashing-challenge-highlights-risk-of-esg-claimsMilenio. (2023, April 22). ¿Greenwashing? La utopía del billón de árboles. Retrieved July 25, 2023, from https://www.milenio.com/negocios/financial-times/greenwashing-la-utopia-del-billon-de-arbolesRoastbrief. (2021).En su lucha contra el cambio climático, Salesforce restaura y cultiva 10 millones de árboles en 12 meses. Retrieved July 25, 2023, from https://roastbrief.com.mx/2021/03/en-su-lucha-contra-el-cambio-climatico-salesforce-restaura-y-cultiva-10-millones-de-arboles-en-12-meses/


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