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Verb to be
Do / Does
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Verb to be

Do / Does

2. After you receive the correct option, answer the questions orally with your classmates. Speak about it. Then move to the next question.
1. Choose the option that completes the question correctly between verb to be or do / does.



Verb to be

Do / Does

STEP 1: Choose correctly between verb to be or do / does to complete the question

Question 1/10



1. What ________ your email address?

1. What's your email address?

now, answer the questions orally:

step 2: Read the explanation to the correct answer. Then, answer the questions orally.

Next Question


Explanation: In the question "What _____ your email address?"we don't see any other verb. Every sentence NEEDS a verb. This means that the verb is what we are missing. Then we use verb to be. Verb to be can be verb and his own auxiliar at the same time.

Question 1/10

STEP 1: Choose correctly between verb to be or do / does to complete the question

2. How ______ you spell your last name?

Question 2/10



now, answer the questions orally:

2. How do you spell your last name?

Explanation: In the question "How ______ you spell your last name?"we have the verb "spell". Every sentence needs only one verb. This means that we are missing the auxiliary. Then we use do.

step 2: Read the explanation to the correct answer. Then, answer the questions orally.


Next Question

Question 2/10

3. Who _____ your favorite movie actor?

STEP 1: Choose correctly between verb to be or do / does to complete the question

Question 3/10



now, answer the questions orally:

3. Who's your favorite movie actor?

Explanation: In the question "Who _____ your favorite movie actor?"we don't see any other verb. Every sentence NEEDS a verb. This means that the verb is what we are missing. Then we use verb to be. Verb to be can be verb and his own auxiliar at the same time.

step 2: Read the explanation to the correct answer. Then, answer the questions orally.

Next Question


Question 3/10

4. _____ you like dogs?

STEP 1: Choose correctly between verb to be or do / does to complete the question

Question 4/10



4. Do you like dogs?

now, answer the questions orally:

Explanation: In the question "_____ you like dogs?"we have the verb "like". Every sentence needs only one verb. This means that we are missing the auxiliary. Then we use do.

step 2: Read the explanation to the correct answer. Then, answer the questions orally.


Next Question

Question 4/10

5. ______ you often stressed?

STEP 1: Choose correctly between verb to be or do / does to complete the question

Question 5/10



5. Are you often stressed?

now, answer the questions orally:

Explanation: In the question "______ you often stressed?"we don't see any other verb. Every sentence NEEDS a verb. This means that the verb is what we are missing. Then we use verb to be. Verb to be can be verb and his own auxiliar at the same time.

Next Question

step 2: Read the explanation to the correct answer. Then, answer the questions orally.


Question 5/10

6. What _____ your favorite season?

STEP 1: Choose correctly between verb to be or do / does to complete the question

Question 6/10



Explanation: In the question "What _____ your favorite season?"we don't see any other verb. Every sentence NEEDS a verb. This means that the verb is what we are missing. Then we use verb to be. Verb to be can be verb and his own auxiliar at the same time.

6. What's your favorite season?

now, answer the questions orally:

step 2: Read the explanation to the correct answer. Then, answer the questions orally.

Next Question


Question 6/10

7. Where ______ you usually have lunch?

STEP 1: Choose correctly between verb to be or do / does to complete the question

Question 7/10



now, answer the questions orally:

7. Where do you usually have lunch?

Explanation: In the question "Where ______ you usually have lunch?"we have the verb "have". Every sentence needs only one verb. This means that we are missing the auxiliary. Then we use do.

step 2: Read the explanation to the correct answer. Then, answer the questions orally.


Next Question

Question 7/10

8. How often _____ you in a hurry?

STEP 1: Choose correctly between verb to be or do / does to complete the question

Question 8/10



Explanation: In the question "How often _____ you in a hurry?"we don't see any other verb. Every sentence NEEDS a verb. This means that the verb is what we are missing. Then we use verb to be. Verb to be can be verb and his own auxiliar at the same time.

8. How often are you in a hurry?

now, answer the questions orally:

step 2: Read the explanation to the correct answer. Then, answer the questions orally.

Next Question


Question 8/10

9. What phone _____ you have?

STEP 1: Choose correctly between verb to be or do / does to complete the question

Question 9/10



Explanation: In the question "What phone _____ you have?"we have the verb "have". Every sentence needs only one verb. This means that we are missing the auxiliary. Then we use do.

now, answer the questions orally:

9. What phone do you have?

step 2: Read the explanation to the correct answer. Then, answer the questions orally.


Next Question

Question 9/10

10. What do you think your family _____ doing right now?

STEP 1: Choose correctly between verb to be or do / does to complete the question

Question 10/10



Explanation: In the question "What do you think your family _____ doing right now?" we don't see any other verb. Every sentence NEEDS a verb. This means that the verb is what we are missing. Then we use verb to be.Verb to be can be verb and his own auxiliar at the same time.

now, answer the questions orally:

10. What do you think your family is doing right now?

step 2: Read the explanation to the correct answer. Then, answer the questions orally.


Question 10/10


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Verb to be

Do / Does

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