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A new BEginning
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A new BEginning

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Poner orden
Contestar la radio
Coger los mandos
¿Qué harías primero?
Despiertas, estabas en criogenización y deberías haber despertado en una nueva colonia. Sin embargo estás aún en la nave y no parece haber mucho movimiento. Vas a la cabina y sigue el piloto automático. Buscas y por los pasillos te encuentras con tres personas igual de perdidas que tú. No habéis tenido tiempo de presentaros cuando la nave empieza a fallar. El piloto automático se ha desconectado, alguien debe coger los mandos. Aún estáis discutiendo cuando empezáis a escuchar interferencias en la radio. Podría ser importante ¿Instruccions tal vez? ¿Una explicación? ¡Orden! ¡Necesitamos poner orden! Si alguien no organiza esto nuestro tiempo estará acabado. Tenemos tiempo estamos en medio del espacio, lo primero sería buscar en los ficheros, los planos, saber dónde estamos y qué ha fallado.
Enhorabuena piloto, has conseguido estabilizar la nave y el piloto automático funciona de nuevo. A partir de ahora es tu misión llevarnos a buen puerto pero necesitas un equipo.
La radio no ha dado resultados pero está claro que vamos a necesitar alguien al mando de las comunicaciones. Es momento de presentarte a tu equipo, vais a tener que trabajar juntos.
¡Gracias a que has puesto orden esto ha funcionado! Tu equipo te está esperando. Cada uno tenéis vuestra función y todos os necesitáis.
Tu búsqueda ha dado sus frutos. Ya has encontrado vuestra posición y las instrucciones de la radio. Júntate con tu equipo y ponles al día
Ahora ya tenéis tiempo de presentaros pero ha surgido un problema. En la nave viajáis tripulantes de muchos países y te va a tocar hablar en inglés. Preséntate a tu equipo y pon en común el material que habéis encontrado. Esto es sólo el principio.
You have no idea why you have woken up but something is wrong and you need to work together. The autopilot is not working again and now you must decide. Planet KP2 is closer but something tells you is dangerous on the other hand L3X sounds familiar but it is further.
Thanks God you have chosen KP2. No idea of what is expecting you there but the systems are failing and you are running out of time. After a rough moment you are able to land on this new planet
L3X is a long way but everything goes ok. Suddenly the radio sounds. Someone is calling. ¿Do you answer?
You knew the radio was going to be important! They are calling from L3X they were waiting for you but nothing is going as planned and they need a document where you explain who you are, what is a human... If you convince them they will prepare everything you need and let you land.
Now you are safe but not for long. The spaceship has got all the materials to build a small base but it must be fast. Pepare a document with all the information you have about humans. Anything you may need to consider in order to survive.
You haven't answered, you were scared and you have landed but suddenly you are surrounded. You do not know who but they have trapped you and they want and answer. They want a document with all the information of what is a human. No time to waste.
You only have your science book, the classroom for all the crew with basic information and the radio. Let's work!
You only have your science book, the classroom for all the crew with basic information and the radio. Let's work!
Well done, you did it! However, as soon as you send the document you felt asleep and you wake up in a dark room alone. They are not happy yet, they need more answers. You are not scared, you are ready for the test
Well done, you did it! Your basic base is working but suddenly you fell asleep and you wake up in a dark room alone. Someone else is there and it wants more answers. You are not scared you are ready for the test.
You are back at the base and you feel dizzy. What or who was that? He, if it was a he, agreed to let you stay in the planet but they are not going to help you. If you do not annoy them they will leave you alone.
You do not have time to relax... Some of the people travelling with you on the spaceship are starting to wake up but they are having problems with their senses. You are the only ones that can help them. You should review what you know.
I cannot forget!
Important parts: * * *


I've been listening to you and that's very interesting but how do you process all that information?
Great job! Now you know a bit more about humans and you can try to help your people. Ey What's that? It's an alien !
Now each person in your group must choose one of the senses and prepare a presentation for the rest of the group. Share your work and get all the information you may need. (Smell and taste must be done by the same person)
Peripheral nervous system
Central nervous system

Nervous system

You decide to explain him. He seems friendly and it would be great to have an ally. Do a diagram in your notebook. Try to make it easy to understand.
The alien is very interested and he also explains you that they have a body just like us with bones and muscles. Draw their body in your notebook. It must have short, flat and long bones with the three types of joints.
It's time for you to help the people that are waking up you have prepared a small examination room to help them. Let's get to work!
They have accepted to let you stay. They were waiting for a human expedition and all your explanations convinced them. They have a base ready and waiting for you. If you need help with the planet and resources they will help you but they cannot help with your spaceship or your human problems.
You do not have time to relax... Some of the people travelling with you on the spaceship are starting to wake up but they are having problems with their senses. You are the only ones that can help them. You should review what you know.
Now each person in your group must choose one of the senses and prepare a presentation for the rest of the group. Share your work and get all the information you may need. (Smell and taste must be done by the same person)
I cannot forget!
Important parts: * * *


I've been listening to you and that's very interesting but how do you process all that information?
Great job! Now you know a bit more about humans and can try to help your people. Ey What's that? It's an alien !
You decide to explain him. He seems friendly and it would be great to have a friend. Do a diagram in your notebook. Try to make it easy to understand.
Peripheral nervous system
Central nervous system

Nervous system

The alien is very interested and he also explains you that they have a body just like us with bones and muscles. Draw their body in your notebook. It must have short, flat and long bones with the three types of joints.
It's time for you to help the people that are waking up. You have prepared a small examination room to help them. Let's get to work!
You have been on the base for a while now. Almost everybody has waken up and you feel at home. The aliens are very friendly and some of them even live with you.
Some of the kids that travelled on the spaceship are entering on puberty and feel wierd. It could be a great idea to explain them what they are going through.
Fill this information on your notebook to help your friends.

Sex cells


Secondary sexual characteristics

Primary sexual characteristics

Sex cells


Secondary sexual characteristics

Primary sexual characteristics

After talking to them, one of the girls wants to talk to you privatly. She is pregnant and wants your help. Investigate about pregnancy!
Can we talk? I'm very nervous... Answer my questions please!
You have been on the base for a while now. Almost everybody has waken up. It is difficult to survive but you almost feel a home
Some of the kids that travelled on the spaceship are entering on puberty and feel wierd. It could be a great idea to explain them what they are going through.

Sex cells


Secondary sexual characteristics

Primary sexual characteristics

Sex cells


Secondary sexual characteristics

Primary sexual characteristics

The alien that has been helping you now needs your help. He has a friend living with him and she is pregnant. Nobody wants to help them. They need you! Investigate about pregnancy!
Can we talk? I'm very nervous... Answer my questions please!
I'm learning a lot about humans but I am still surprised with your systems and your body. ¿Could you remind me the stages of nutrition please?
¿Could you help me with these puzzles? I find them really difficult!
¿Which gases do you need to breath?
Draw it in your notebook!
Our heart has only two chambers. Could you show me a picture of yours?
I'm sorry but I need to leave ¿Could you record a video explaining how do you clean your body, blood.. and sent it to me? Thank you!
I'm learning a lot about humans but I am still surprised with your systems and your body. Could you remind me the stages of nutrition please?
¿Could you help me with these puzzles? I find them really difficult!
Draw it in your notebook!
Our heart has only two chambers. Could you show me a picture of yours?
I'm sorry but I need to leave. Could you record a video explaining how do you clean your body, blood.. and sent it to me? Thank you!

Ask the aliens for help

I can solve this!

Oh no! The moment you were afraid of has arrived. The food you had is not going to last. What do you want to do?
Ok...you need food...but what do you eat? Could you give me a document with everything you need and I will try to find it for you.
While we wait about the food maybe is a good moment to take care of my people and their lifestyle. Are they healthy enough?

I want to improve: ___________________________

To stay healthy I need to: * * * * ...

Make a list of everything you need to do to stay healthy and check the ones you are actually doing. Then choose one that you want to improve in the next week.
Ok...We need to find all the seeds, animals and things we have to start producing our own food. Let's make a document with everything we need. Types of food and examples.


Finally we have all the food we need. Let's create a healthy menu for a day as an example for everybody.


We also need to be careful with accidents and illnesses. Can you please create a flyer to inform how to reduce risks or react to a specific health problem?

There is more to staying healthy...

Título 2

Let's see if you are ready to keep the population on your base healthy.

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