Section 4
Section 4 test your reading skills and ability to understand the purpose, structure and main idea of short authentic written text such as labels, instructions, signs, notices, menus, advertisements and announcements. In this section, you are being tested on: Your ability to read for information and argument.*If you can understand in detail a wide range of long and complex texts which you're likely to come across in social, professional or academic life. *If you can identify precise points of detail including attitudes and opinions, whether implied or stated.
How to do Section 4
*Start by looking at the sample text, options and correct answer. Notice the information or words from the text which tells you why is the correct answer. *Aim for a general understanding of the topic and purpose of the textand what its main message is, as this is what this section is designed for the test. *Read the text again and think about the meaning of the missing words.* Read the options carefully. Think about the precise meaning of each option. Does it fit the meaning of the text? Does it fit the register of tone of the text? What context is it usually used in?*If possible, eliminate one of the options. Trying the options in the context of the whole text can help you to recognise which is more appropriate*If necessary, look at the words that come directly before and after the gap. There may be a preosition, a verb or a noun from a verb noun collocation that can help you to identify the missing word.*The options may include fixed expressions or colloquialisms. Learning examples of these will help you in this task.*If the options are all words with similar meanings, think of other words you know which collocate with each of them.*Once you've chosen your answer, read the whole sentence again to check if it makes sense in context. *Always choose an answer for all the questions, even if you are not sure if it's correct.
Match the text to the type.
Q. 22 Why is the company apologising? How might this affect the costumers? Q. 23 How flexible is the restaurant with different food needs? Do they do it well? Q. 24 When roadworks need to be done due to wear and tear on the road, and these works are essentials, do you do upkeep, preservation or maintenance? Q. 25 Which verbs collocates with first aid? Q.25 Which of the three answers refers to the future.
Focus on the questions
Page 23 a) How many texts are there? c)How many options are there for each question? b) How many questions are there? d) How do you indicate your choice?
Focus on the instructions
Q. 3 Look at question 25. What is the meaning of the verbs in options a, b and c? Are they different in how they are used in language? Then think about first aid. Does one option fit better with the action of doing that? a) administer________________________________________________________________________ b) conduct________________________________________________________________________ c) execute ________________________________________________________________________
Pages 24- 25For each word, think of three other words that they would normally collocate with. a) facilities b) concern c) preservation d) execute e) dream Q.2 Look at the exampe question. Which word in the last sentence of the text indicates the noun you need to choose to fill the gap?
Focus on the language
EXAMPLE: The value of old books is determined by many of the same criteria as modern books - condition, content and edition. Many people think that just because a book is old, it is valuable, but a book has no collectable value by A)[X] age aloneB) [ ] normal standardsC) [ ] today's collectores
Questions 22 - 26 Read each text and put a cross [x] by the missing word or phrase, as in the example.
Q.22 CASH PAYMENT ONLYOur payments facilities are not currently working and we are unable to accept credit card payments at this time. Please accept our apologies for any_______A) [ ] irregularity experiencedB) [ ] inconvinience caused C) [ ] incompetence acknowledged Q.23At MANGO MANIA we ___________ catering for everyone. Should you have any allergies or concerns, please inform the waiting staff and they will ensure that our kitchen is made aware. A) [ ] pride ourselves onB) [ ] familiarise ourselves withC) [ ] model ourselves on
Q.24 ADVANCE NOTICE - ROAD CLOSURE. 9 - 25 JuneThe closure is necessary in order to carry out essential ___________ to the road surface. For access to Wood Lane, please use Meadow Drive. A) [ ] upkeepB) [ ] preservation C) [ ] manteinance Q.25First Aid GuidelinesIn the event of a cardiac arrest, please follow the steps outlined below in order to_________ first aid. A person's survival depends on a rapid first response.A) [ ] administerB) [ ] conductC) [ ] execute
Q.26 DO YOU DREAM OFGetting a university degree? Owning your own house?Travelling the world? By saving a minimum of £ 10 a month in the Gold Award account you can_________ whatever you dream of and make that dream come trueA) [ ] get under your beltB) [ ] set your sights onC) [ ] take stock of