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Course Overview
Biocontrol Solutions for Plant Health
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MSc 2

MSc 1

Emily Knibbs Coordinator MSc Boost

Course Overview




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Biocontrol Solutions for Plant Health





MSc 2

Emily Knibbs Coordinator MSc Boost



All Master courses are compulsoryThe Master is composed of four semesters: semesters 1 and 3 are dedicated to theoretical class and mentored projects; semester 2 and 4 to internships.“TU”= Teaching Unit; each teaching unit corresponds to a certain number of ECTS (European Credits Transfer System)The training of the Master comprehends a total of 120 ECTS Check out following sections for a short overview of the courses of MSc1 and MSc2.


MSc 1


Biocontrol Solutions for Plant Health





AIUBOO23 - TU12 - Internship 1 (minimum 4 months; 1st year; practical activity; 24 ECTS)

AIUBOO18 - TU11 - Mentored Projects (from few days up to some weeks; 1st year; practical activity; 6 ECTS)

AIUBOO17 - TU10 - Biodiversity for Biocontrol in Agrosystems (24 hours; 1st year; theoretical course; 3 ECTS)

AIUBOO22 - TU9 - Interactions : evolution and adaptation 1 (24 hours; 1st year; theoretical course; 3 ECTS)

AIUBOO16 - TU8 - Plant responses to biotic stresses and sustainable management of plant tolerance (24 hours; 1st year; theoretical course; 3 ECTS)

AIUBOO15 - TU7 - Analytical chemistry and formulation (24 hours; 1st year; theoretical course; 3 ECTS)

BOOST classes

Getting started - First month of BOOST classes

Emily Knibbs Coordinator MSc Boost


MSc 2

MSc 1



AIUBOO14 - TU6 - Natural products for biocontrol (24 hours; 1st year; theoretical course; 3 ECTS)

AIUBOO21 - TU5 - Management 1 (24 hours; 1st year; theoretical course; 3 ECTS)

AIUBOO13 - TU4 - Law & IP 1 (24 hours; 1st year; theoretical course; 3 ECTS)

AIUBOO12 - TU3 - Data analysis 1 (24 hours; 1st year; theoretical course; 3 ECTS)

AIUBOO11 - TU2 - Introduction to Biocontrol (24 hours; 1st year; theoretical course; 3 ECTS)

AIUBOO10 - TU1- Upgrading classes (1st month; 1st year; theoretical course; 3 ECTS)

BIocontrol Solutions for Plant Health





AIUBOO31 - TU13 - Data analysis 2 (24 hours; 2nd year; theoretical course; 3 ECTS)

AIUBOO41 - TU20 - Internship 2 (6 months; 2nd year; practical activity; 30 ECTS)

Emily Knibbs Coordinator MSc Boost


MSc 2

MSc 1



AIUBOO37 - TU19 - Mentored Projects - Mentoring (from few days up to some weeks; 2nd year; practical activity; 12 ECTS)

AIUBOO36 - TU18 - Biocontrol sustainability and risk assessment (24 hours; 2nd year; theoretical course; 3 ECTS)

AIUBOO35 - TU17 - Interactions : evolution and adaptation 2 (24 hours; 2nd year; theoretical course; 3 ECTS)

AIUBOO34 - TU16 - Plant responses to abiotic stresses and biostimulants (24 hours; 2nd year; theoretical course; 3 ECTS)

AIUBOO33 - TU15 - Management 2 (24 hours; 2nd year; theoretical course; 3 ECTS)

AIUBOO32 - TU14 - Law & IP 2 (24 hours; 2nd year; theoretical course; 3 ECTS)

BIocontrol Solutions for Plant Health





MSc 2

Emily Knibbs Coordinator MSc Boost



MSc 1


Biocontrol Solutions for Plant Health



In this section you will find the link to the timetables (MSc1 and MSc2).Please make sure to verify before each course that times/location have not been changed. Attendance to all courses is mandatory BOOST Courses may take place from Monday to Fridays from 8am to 6pm.Please note, that participation to all courses is mandatory (except after receipt of health certificate or major family issues) and 3 unjustified will lead to a downgrading of your marks (-0.5 on your end results).This is why we ask you to kindly let both the instructor and Emily Knibbs (emily.knibbs@univ-cotedazur.fr) know before any absence.

Class representatives are: Victoria Faivre - victoria.faivre@etu.univ-cotedazur.fr Samuel Paulo Matsinhe - samuel-paulo.matsinhe@etu.univ-cotedazur.fr Julien Dou - julien.dou@etu.univ-cotedazur.fr

MSc 1 Temitable

Samuel Clouse - samuel-harrison.clouse@etu.univ-cotedazur.fr

MSc 2 timetable

+ Info

+ Info


MSc 2

Emily Knibbs Coordinator MSc Boost





MSc 1


Biocontrol Solutions for Plant Health




MSc 2

Emily Knibbs Coordinator MSc Boost



From Monday Nov.14th - All BOOST Classes take place @Campus Lucioles (unless otherwise mentionned) Location : 1645 Rte des Lucioles, 06410 BiotAbout 25mn walk from Institut Sophia AgrobiotechClosest bus stops : Albert Caquot – INRIA or TempliersFree Parking spaces availableDedicated BOOST Classroom: N°294 (MSc2) key code: 4958 & N°292(Msc1) key code: 0292 (Ground flour on the left after main entrance)Closest Canteen: Resto U “Helio CROUS” – 2240 route des Lucioles_06410 Biot (open from 11 am to 2 pm) – see document below with all detailsA boiler + microwave will be available in one of the classrooms. There is a space down stairs with a little kitchen.Contact persons at Campus Luciole: Catherine Naniche +33 4 89 15 40 01 or MSc International office (Nélia Ghironi +33 4 89 15 42 03)Please note, that during the whole duration of the renovation work, access to ISA will stay open to you (Main Building, Canteen, permaculture garden etc..) Institut Sophia Agrobiotech (ISA) - Sophia Antipolis - BOOST Classrooms (until thursday Nov. 10th) Address: Inrae PACA, 400 Rte des Chappes, 06903 Sophia AntipolisBus stop: Les Chappes or Saint-PhilippeBoost Classrooms can be found at the top of the ISA site opposite the green-houses. Campus Valrose - Nice Address: 28 Av. Valrose, 06000 NiceFrom Bus Stop "Les Chappes" or "Saint-Philippe" bus 230 till terminus than Tram L1 Tram Stop: Université



MSc 1


Biocontrol Solutions for Plant Health





Emily Knibbs Coordinator MSc Boost


MSc 2

MSc 1




open every day except Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30-11:30 am and 2:30-4pm


Institut Sophia AgrobiotechInra PACA, 400 Rte des Chappes, 06903 Sophia Antipolis

BIocontrol Solutions for Plant Health

The objectives of this course are (i) to familiarize students with the use of R for statistical analyses and (ii) to learn the basics of the most common statistical models applicable to biocontrol experiments. Students will be introduced to the use of R to clean, manipulate, analyze, and present scientific data. The course includes a mixture of theoretical elements on statistical models and exercises to allow students to learn statistical analyses through practice.

In this course, the obligatory and facultative multitrophic interactions between insects and microbes would be extensively studied such as insect-virus and insect bacteria interactions. The effect/impact of these symbionts on the insects would also be discussed as well as how they alter the life of the insects and influence its behavior and adaptation to factors in its environment. Here, concepts such as sex determination and its consequences, cytoplasmic incompatibility, silencing of genes, etc. would be detailed.

The Management 1 course aims to provide students with the tools to understand the basics of project management: from the definition and planning of a project to its execution and termination. The course consists of lectures given by management professionals during which students actively participate in discussions.

This course introduces students to the large biodiversity that exists in agrosystems and how the different actors and players are linked. Here, various theories and their methodologies would be explored as well as important features to be considered for the improvement of biocontrol. Concepts such as genetic, taxonomic and functional biodiversity would be discussed.

This course explores how plants interact with the biotic components of their environment with key interests on crop improvement, plant breeding and managing disease resistance. The place and application of biotechnology in the process of crop improvement and protection would be generally and extensively discussed here as concepts like mapping, classical breeding, molecular markers, and marker assisted selection would be studied.

The Management 2 course focuses on the fundamentals of R&D organization and management within working organizations. A comprehensive overview on general management and leadership, business organization and R&D department functioning will be provided by management professionals during the lectures. Students will actively participate into discussions.

The objective of Data analysis 2 course is to enable students to effectively implement computerized information systems for management and analysis of geographical data. The teacher in charge will introduce the students to the use of geographic information systems (GIS) to create, manage, analyze, and map geographical data. The course includes both theoretical lectures and practical demonstrations of the functioning of a particular GIS system. Students will be taught to actively manipulate the software.

The upgrading classes would bring students to a basic understanding of the various fundamental courses that make up the BOOST teaching units. This is done to introduce (for students who have no experience) and to refresh (for students who already have experience) students to the variety of modules and concepts in the study of biocontrol.

The Biocontrol sustainability and risk assessment course aims to provide students with an overview of the possible environmental and ecological risks derived from the use of biocontrol products and strategies. The “bio” prefix implies indeed the organic origin of such compounds/organisms but does it necessarily guarantee their environmentally safe profile? The main objective of TU18 is to enable students to develop a critical view of the potential impact of biocontrol strategies on ecosystem components, non-target organisms and human health.

Mentored projects are small-scale projects that can last from a few days to a few weeks. Mentored projects are carried out during semesters 1 and 3 of the two-year Master's program in parallel with the theoretical lectures. During these projects, students can carry out practical activities in the context of a topic of interest. Mentored projects are usually proposed by Master BOOST and include short periods in host labs or companies, or collateral activities aimed at the academic and professional development of the student.

During the Law and IP 1 teaching unit, students will be introduced to the fundamentals of Environmental and Intellectual property laws. The objective is to understand how environmental and IP laws are regulated, which are the major international treaties and how those would concern the everyday work of a future professional in the field of biocontrol, and more generally in the scientific field. Lectures are provided by law professionals and include active interactions with students.

Mentored projects are small-scale projects that can last from a few days to a few weeks. Mentored projects are carried out during semesters 1 and 3 of the two-year Master's program in parallel with the theoretical lectures. During these projects, students can carry out practical activities in the context of a topic of interest. Mentored projects are usually proposed by Master BOOST and include short periods in host labs or companies, or collateral activities aimed at the academic and professional development of the student.

This course introduces analytical chemistry and gives an overview of important analytical methods and their range of application within detection of inorganic and organic compounds. Important analytical quantitative techniques from classical methods, electrochemical methods, spectrochemical/spectrophotometric methods, mass spectrometry and separation techniques are reviewed. The course also includes a range of descriptions of both primary and secondary metabolites as well as different extraction techniques involved. The course gives information on encapsulation of various products and the various techniques that can be applied depending on the state and property of the product.

This course looks into the global ecology challenges in a changing climate: rising carbon levels and the global warming impacts on sustainability of crop production and food security. It then further presents specific abiotic plant stress and its causes. Then goes on to discuss how plants respond to abiotic stress and how to adapt to these challenges.

The BOOST internships are designed so that students can have an elongated period of practical experience of one or a combination of the different BOOST focus aspects. This ultimately exposes BOOST students to focused working and professional experience with regards to research or industry. This eventually culminates in the presentation of a detailed report of the activities carried out by the student during the period and serves as a thesis for grading.

Evolutionary trends for insect survival and adaptation would be further studied in this teaching unit. Here, the basis of molecular evolution would be explored and concepts regarding host selection, parental imprinting, balanced sex ratio, sex and genomic conflicts, sexual reproduction and evolution as well as sexed and non-sexed evolution would be discussed together with the various mechanisms of adaptation to the environment.

The BOOST internships are designed so that students can have an elongated period of practical experience of one or a combination of the different BOOST focus aspects. This ultimately exposes BOOST students to focused working and professional experience with regards to research or industry. This eventually culminates in the presentation of a detailed report of the activities carried out by the student during the period and serves as a thesis for grading.

This course is a further in-depth teaching on the various aspects as would have been seen in Law & IP 1 with more focus placed on access to traditional knowledge as well as access and benefit sharing for research and exploitable traditional resources from different geographic territories. It also gives insights on the standard ethical procedures in accessing, working and dealing with these resources in the course of research.

Here, students are introduced to researchers, engineers, and industry professionals in the biocontrol world. This would include a series of presentations, talks and other events during a mini workshop tagged “BOOST Winter School” where students would have the opportunity to interact one on one and share ideas and opinions with various professionals. Also, the students will be given the opportunity for a brief poster presentation.

This teaching unit exposes students to the application of natural products in agricultural practices. Here students would explore the variations of this including botanical biopesticides, microbial pesticides and chemical mediators. The biopesticides modes of actions would also be studied extensively.


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