BWT Masters in Education
Brooke Weston Trust
Created on July 10, 2023
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Application Process
The Masters in Education offered by the Brooke Weston Trust is in association with the University of Leicester. This is for you if you are a qualified teacher or educational professional looking to develop your teaching practice and the skills to support career progression.
Course Information
Course Objectives
Prior Learning
Data Sharing
- Develop their ability to design and carry out small-scale research projects.
- Critically examine their pedagogic practice and expertise in teaching
- Choose an option module of interest or to advance a specialism
- Enhance their opportunities for career progression and make a difference with a deeper understanding of effective pedagogy
The MEd is designed for qualified teachers and other educational professionals working in a range of contexts and age phases. This degree will enable participants to:
Funding Agreement
The cost of the master’s in education degree at the University of Leicester is £8,550. Brooke Weston Trust will pay half the fees, so the cost to participants is £4,275. The cost per module is £1,425. Participants will typically do 2 modules per year. Participants who complete the full master’s programme and have half the fees paid by the Trust, will be required to work in the Trust for a minimum of one academic year after completing the master’s degree.
Application Process
Step 3
Step 2
Mark Scheme
Step 1
- I will share details of my progress on the course, including attendance and grades in modules.
- I will disseminate the learning from the master’s at Trust celebration events and other opportunities in such as at department meetings, training events and similar.
- I will pay half the fees for the master’s programme.
- I will remain my school, or with the principal’s assent another BWT school, for at least one year after the completion of the master’s degree.
Brooke Weston Trust agrees to:
Funding Agreement
Participants will sign agreements with the schools that confirm the following:
- Fund half the master’s course.
- Deliver 2 modules ‘in house’ with Brooke Weston Trust colleagues – this is dependent on numbers, there will need to be at least 10 teachers on the course if we are to run the modules in Brooke Weston Trust schools.
For questions relating to the Brooke Weston Trust elements of the master’s programme please contact the Director of Professional Development for Brooke Weston Trust, Dr Rachel Lawrence-Byron.
Brooke Weston Trust
University of Leicester
For questions relating to the university elements of the master’s programme please contact the course leader, Dr Fay Baldry, Associate Professor at the University of Leicester.
Prior Learning
Participants who have completed a PGCE in the last 5 years, may be able to use 60 credits towards the master’s programme. An NPQ may also be recognised as 30 credits of accredited prior learning. The University has a process for recognising prior learning, and participants will need to follow this process.
Brooke Weston Trust will be partnering with the University of Leicester, a top 25 UK University. The University of Leicester is ranked 170 globally (THE World Rankings, 2021) and is a member of the ‘Russell Group’, recognised for their excellence in research-led academia.
For more information about the University of Leicester click here.
Data Sharing
Participants on the Brooke Weston Trust master’s programme will be students at the University of Leicester. The university will not share student data with Brooke Weston Trust, so participants will be expected to share data about their progress with the Trust. This will include information on attendance and assessment.
Master of Education MEd, PGDip, PGCert, by flexible learning | University of Leicester
Step 3
Application to the University of Leicester
If participants are successful in the Brooke Weston Trust application process, the Trust will confirm that they will pay half the fees for the master’s degree. Participants will be notified o this by Friday 21st July, and should not apply to the university of Leicester before this date. The next stage will be for participants to complete the university of Leicester’s application process. Please see the university of Leicester website for details and deadlines.
Step 1
Recommendation from the principal
Recommendation letters should be sent to this address:
To be eligible to apply for the BWT master’s teachers will need to demonstrate that their performance is good or excellent. This will be evidenced by a letter of recommendation from the principal of the school where the member of staff works. The principal would confirm:
- There are no performance concerns, and the principal is confident that the teacher has the capacity to complete the master’s programme alongside their commitments
- They have discussed the research proposal and are confident that it aligns with Brooke Weston Trust/School Improvement Priorities.
The course has been developed following consultation with University of Leicester Partnership schools and PGCE alumni. Alongside these modules, this course will provide an introduction to reflective practice (for those experienced teachers without Master's credits) and a solid grounding in practitioner research methods for all those who enrol. The Practitioner Research Methods module will prepare participants for researching and writing a dissertation on a topic of their choice which is relevant to the educational context in which they work.
Module Info
The modules on offer will enable practitioners working in educational contexts to engage in pedagogically focused study and research on a range of key cross-curricular topics that reflect and explore the issues and challenges that they face in their work across the 5-19 age range. These topics are:
- inclusive practices
- mentoring, coaching and development of effective leadership skills
- mental health and wellbeing
Application Form
Step 2
Application Form
Please complete the 4 questions in the application form. For guidance, the application should take about 30 minutes to complete. See mark scheme. Deadline: Wednesday 12th July 2023 Participants will be notified of the outcome of their application by Friday 21st July.
To find out more about the course, please refer to the University of Leicester website: Master of Education MEd, PGDip, PGCert, by flexible learning | University of Leicester
The Brooke Weston Trust in-house delivery will offer the opportunity to work alongside colleagues in Brooke Weston Trust schools. Our aim will be to create a community of practice, with teachers and leaders in different schools and phases coming together to work on their master’s degree. It will be an opportunity to support and challenge each other. Participants will complete the rest of their degree with the University of Leicester.
They will choose which modules to complete and join in with other participants on the course at the university. Brooke Weston Trust staff will deliver 2 modules. Participants will then be able to join other University of Leicester cohorts for other modules. For each module the delivery will be at the following times:
- 3 x Saturday training events per module (face-to-face 9am -2.30pm)
- 4 x twilights per module (online)
Course Information
The Brooke Weston Trust master’s offer is tailored to the needs of teachers and leaders in Brooke Weston Trust. Two modules of the programme will be delivered by Brooke Weston Trust teachers, who have a master’s degree or higher. The content of the modules will be outlined by the University of Leicester and assessment will be carried out by the university.