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Moderator User's Guide - MTN ULearn - Unlimited Learning for you
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Enhance your skills within MTN ULearn and strive towards realizing your full potential.

Moderator User's Guide - MTN ULearn - Unlimited Learning for you




Highlighted element (no interactive):Highlighted element to be clicked: Button to go to next slide: Button to go to prevous slide:

During this guide you will be asked to interact with the environment using the mouse to reinforce your knowledge of the use of the ecosystem. Below is a series of interactive elements that will appear on the different screens.


How to interact with the guide

If you wish to access a specific area within this interactive guide, you can click on this button, which you will find on the upper right corner along this guide. Clicking on the topic of interest it will take you directly to the desired area. You can also access the FAQ, Frequently asked questions, and click on each question to see the answers. Please click on next button to discover the table of contents.



How to interact with the guide

3.4 Order tabs and lessons

3.3 Add a survey

4. FAQs

3. Add a PLUS to your experience as a moderator

3.2 Add new tabs

3.1 Add scheduled video calls

2.2 Discover Learning Experiences

2.1 Role of moderator

2. Create Learning Experiences

2.12 Evaluate participants’ progress

2.11 Share an experience with your team/other users

2.10 Clone a Learning Experience

2.9 Collaborative work

2.8 Dynamize Learning Experiences

2.7 Forum and chat Edit exercises

2.6.3 Add section with exercises

2.6.2 Add section containing a resource

2.6.1 Add text, images and other sections

2.6 Add sections

2.5 Create a lesson in the experience



2.4 Create a Learning Experience from scratch

2.3 Learning experience / a public list / SCORM content (course)

1. Access MTN ULearn

1.1 Log in



This learning ecosystem was created with the purpose of increasing the competencies of the members of the organization and their different skills, always working aligned with the company’s objectives. This program will open the way to information and training that will allow intellectual, professional and personal development.






The ecosystem has a team of people who actively work to make any user the best version of themselves through continuous and unlimited updates and enrichment. Our team will support you in navigating the ecosystem through training and advice.


Within the ecosystem's resources, you can find content from leading providers worldwide, in various formats and multilingual, from courses, e-books, audiobooks or podcasts to structured and customized Learning Experiences tailored to each organization.


Discover how to find the content or format you are interested in and access it. In addition, the ecosystem works based on Artificial Intelligence, so you can customize it and adjust it to your interests and needs.



Access MTN ULearn



Access MTN ULearn



From this moment on, we invite you to be the best version of yourself through MTN ULearn.


Log in



Log in


Once you have your active credentials you will be able to identify yourself from various devices.


On your web browser: access the Login button located at the top right, select library and insert your userID and password.Click on the button.

Log in


On your web browser: access the Login button located at the top right, select library and insert your userID and password.Click on the button.

Log in



Through the APP: You can download the application directly from your browser at the bottom of your screen, to access just insert your credentials.


Log in


IMPORTANTYou will find a support button that allows you to directly communicate with a dedicated IT team for assistance with login issues or any challenges while navigating the ecosystem. Click on the button.

Log in


To utilize this support service, simply click on the button located in the lower left corner. Feel free to ask a question or provide a comment, and remember to include your contact email.This support feature has been designed with the diverse technological landscape, personalized assistance, effective communication, and community-oriented values in mind, ensuring a seamless experience across various African contexts.

Log in



Create Learning Experiences




Role of moderator



Role of moderator




Within your ecosystem you will have, as a moderator, the possibility of creating Learning Experiences for the institution's members and monitoring the performance of the participants. You will also have the possibility of assigning collaboration permissions to other users so that they can monitor the specific experiences they have been assigned; being able to track consumption statistics, or activities as well as edit content and lessons within each created experience.


Discover Learning Experiences



Discover Learning Experiences



A Learning Experience is a unique and personalized learning proposal, which contains a series of structured and organized multi-format content, either from the ecosystem itself or your own content that you can include in your experience. You will be able to include generic manuals, internal company videos or even genially or Kahoot. These contents are adapted to the needs of the organization to improve the skills and competencies of employees.

Discover Learning Experiences

  • Offer your team selected contents of each specific area.
  • Encourage motivation for continuous learning.
  • Develop strategic vision.
  • Improve communication skills and foster soft skills.
  • Encourage users to be aligned with the values and objectives of the organization.

Within a Learning Experience, you will be able to:



Discover Learning Experiences


  • Lessons: This tab collects all the content included in the Learning Experience, in an ordered layout and organized by modules or sections.
  • Exercises: This section presents all the exercises that have been designed in the experience. You can indicate which of them will remain active so that your team can work on them, or if you wish, deactivate them.
  • Forum: In this section you can start a "debate or discussion", introducing a thread for the rest of the users to continue adding opinions, answering certain questions, etc.
  • Quotes: In this tab you will be able to observe certain paragraphs, sentences or words that you have previously selected from the text of an e-book.
  • Chat: It works as an instant messaging tool. It can be used to resolve doubts, comments, etc.
  • Statistics: This section will show the participation of each user in the experience, as well as the contents worked on and the hours dedicated to each of them.
  • Survey: This option will allow you to establish satisfaction questions about the content or the Learning Experience addressed to the users who have participated in them.


These Learning Experiences are structured in tabs that allow the user to correctly organize work:

IMPORTANT As a moderator, you will have a button within each experience that will allow you to edit your content at any time.

Discover Learning Experiences




Learning experience / a public list / SCORM content (course)



Unlimited Learning

Learning experience / a public list / SCORM content (course)




Create a Learning Experience from scratch



To create your first Learning Experience,go to your user area and access “Learning Experiences”.

Create a Learning Experience from scratch


Then click the button “go to Learning Experiences” and access the creation area.

To create your first Learning Experience,go to your user area and access “Learning Experiences”.

Create a Learning Experience from scratch



You will be able to create and edit your experience through the editing button in the bottom right corner of your screen.

Create a Learning Experience from scratch


From this area, simply click on the button , select the option “create Experience”

Create a Learning Experience from scratch


And then choose “from scratch".

Create a Learning Experience from scratch


You must now complete the required fields of the Learning Experience information area. Keep in mind that these data and settings can be also modified later at any time. You will now see explained in detail every field of this area.

Create a Learning Experience from scratch

Click on these buttons



IMPORTANTYour editing button will allow you to edit the content at any time.

Once clicking on the save button, you will have your first experience created.

Create a Learning Experience from scratch



Create a lesson in the experience



Create a lesson in the experience

To create your first lesson, just click on the “new lesson” button.


Create a lesson in the experience

You will then be asked to fill out a lesson description with the required information:

  • Title: Title of the lesson (e.g.: part 1 ; project 1)
  • Description: Write a description of the subject to be worked on within this lesson.



After these steps, you will need to choose the type of section to include in your lesson by clicking on one of the available ones (you can add as many sections as you wish within each lesson).

Create a lesson in the experience



If you need to edit any lesson later on, simply click on the name of the lesson from the navigation panel, then click on the editing button and choose the "edit lesson" option.

Create a lesson in the experience


Create a lesson in the experience

You will enter the editing area. Once you are done editing,click on "save".




Add sections



Within modules or lessons, you have the option to incorporate specific sections, which provide a streamlined approach to organizing and structuring content. Furthermore, utilizing sections in corporate training serves as a beneficial tool for enhancing learning effectiveness and user performance within an experience. In a Learning Experience you can divide the content into sections according to what you need to add. To do this you will have 3 different types of sections as detailed below.

Add sections

¿Cómo editar una experiencia?


Add sections

¿Cómo editar una experiencia?

Into this section, you can add any information or text you wish, as well as images, charts, videos or embedded elements. You will need to add a title for this section and then include text within the description section.


Add text, images and other sections



Add sections

¿Cómo editar una experiencia?

To add a resource, you must add a resource section within the lesson. If you select this option a new tab will be displayed and you will have to add a title and description of this section.


Add section containing a resource


Add sections

¿Cómo editar una experiencia?


Add section containing a resource


Then, you will have to add the desired content by choosing from the following options Click on each available option below:


Add sections

¿Cómo editar una experiencia?


Add section with exercises

To add exercises to your lesson, you will need to create an exercise section.


Add sections

¿Cómo editar una experiencia?


Add section with exercises

You can add new exercises from this section by clicking on the New exercise button.


Add sections

¿Cómo editar una experiencia?


Add section with exercises

Once you have filled in the necessary information fields, you can choose the type of exercise.



Add sections

¿Cómo editar una experiencia?


Add section with exercises

When adding exercises within the lesson, you can choose between different types of exercises (with automatic and manual correction).



Add sections

¿Cómo editar una experiencia?


Add section with exercises

IMPORTANTIf the exercise has been structured with more than 1 attempt, the user must make the final submission by pressing the "submit" button.



If you wish to edit any exercise, you must go to the "exercises" tab. From this tab, you will enter the bank of exercises included in the experience. Click on the button.

Edit exercises

¿Cómo editar una experiencia?

Edit exercises


To edit any of them, you can select the pencil icon on the side of each exercise. Click on the button.

Edit exercises

¿Cómo editar una experiencia?

Edit exercises


IMPORTANTIt is essential to save if you are not actively working or editing an experience. To ensure security, accounts are logged out after a certain amount of inactive time.

If you cannot see the icon, you must first deactivate the exercise, only then you will enter the editing area. You can deactivate exercises by clicking on the circle yellow with a ticket under the "active" column.You can add new exercises to this bank from the editing button, setting any of the exercise types. By deactivating exercises, you can keep them in this area created and ready to be used as you nurture your Learning Experience, and prevent them from being accessed or viewed by participants.

Edit exercises

¿Cómo editar una experiencia?

Edit exercises




IMPORTANTIt is essential to save if you are not actively working or editing an experience. To ensure security, accounts are logged out after a certain amount of inactive time.

If you cannot see the icon, you must first deactivate the exercise, only then you will enter the editing area. You can deactivate exercises by clicking on the circle yellow with a ticket under the "active" column.You can add new exercises to this bank from the editing button, setting any of the exercise types. By deactivating exercises, you can keep them in this area created and ready to be used as you nurture your Learning Experience, and prevent them from being accessed or viewed by participants.

Edit exercises

¿Cómo editar una experiencia?

Edit exercises




IMPORTANTIt is essential to save if you are not actively working or editing an experience. To ensure security, accounts are logged out after a certain amount of inactive time.

If you cannot see the icon, you must first deactivate the exercise, only then you will enter the editing area. You can deactivate exercises by clicking on the circle yellow with a ticket under the "active" column.You can add new exercises to this bank from the editing button, setting any of the exercise types. By deactivating exercises, you can keep them in this area created and ready to be used as you nurture your Learning Experience, and prevent them from being accessed or viewed by participants.

Edit exercises

¿Cómo editar una experiencia?

Edit exercises





Forum and chat



Forum and chat

As part of the program's focus on development through collaborative learning, all experiences allow you to create discussion threads and debates where users can share their opinions and doubts about the experience. Furthermore, thanks to these tabs, interaction between the group of users participating in it will be possible, for a constant and unlimited collaborative learning.



Forum and chat

FORUM The forum section is useful because it allows users to interact and discuss training-related topics. This encourages the exchange of ideas and knowledge, as well as collaboration and teamwork. Users can raise doubts, questions and comments on the topics they are discussing, and other colleagues can respond and provide guidance. In addition, the forum can be used to share experiences and best practices, as well as to encourage the active participation of employees in their learning and professional development process.



To start a discussion thread, click on the forum tab. You can then type a question or create a new thread in the text box. Once the question is set, simply click on "add".

Forum and chat



Forum and chat

To participate in the discussion thread, users can click on the dialogue icon and enter the forum for that particular question. To answer the question, simply type in the answer box and click "add".



CHAT Chat within a Learning Experience is useful because it allows employees to interact in real time and ask questions or clarify doubts as they arise. In addition, it allows the moderator to maintain a direct thread with all the participants of the experience, which allows the management and monitoring of the learning process in real time. To send a message through the chat, simply go to the bar at the bottom of the screen, type a message, and click send.

Forum and chat




Dynamize Learning Experiences



Dynamize Learning Experiences

In this section, you will see how to dynamize any Learning Experience through the incorporation of available online interactive or gamification platforms. Your experience, being fully editable and customizable, has text boxes in different sections of the experience. Each of these boxes has a panel that will allow you to easily and quickly add activities from online platforms such as: Kahoot, Genially or any Google tool, such as forms, surveys, slides and more. This will give you the possibility to dynamize the sections without users having to leave the experience to other pages, instead they will be able to do it directly from the areas of the experience that you want to make more dynamic.



Dynamize Learning Experiences

Just click on the "Add iframe" option and from there you will be able to include the insertion code provided by the gamification platforms and that's it! You will now have a gamified experience incorporating activities in your text boxes. What is an Iframe? It is a link that allows you to insert documents, videos and interactive media within any page.




Collaborative work



Collaborative work

Engaging in collaborative efforts enables the creation and oversight of Learning Experiences across diverse profiles. This facilitates the assignment of access privileges to experiences, benefiting area managers and other moderator users seeking to contribute without necessitating moderator passwords. Inviting fellow users as collaborators empowers them to concurrently edit experiences, fostering joint efforts to craft impactful and enriching Learning Experiences. This approach encourages teamwork amongst colleagues in shaping and refining Experiences, promoting efficient collaboration and enhancing productivity.



To initiate this process, navigate to your Learning Experiences section within your user account.

Collaborative work


Click the designated blue edit button and proceed to the "permissions management" option. From there, you can extend collaborative permissions to one or more moderators.

Collaborative work


To add these moderators, you will have to enter their usernames in the "user identification" section. Once you have added the users you want to include, you must select the Learning Experience in which you want to incorporate them. To search, just click on the "+" symbol shown below.

Collaborative work


Collaborative work

This will allow you to search for the experience in this tab.



Collaborative work

Trabaje de manera colaborativa

By adopting a collaborative approach, you have the opportunity to partner with fellow moderators and colleagues. This enables the incorporation of diverse areas or subjects into your Learning Experience, enhancing its richness and ensuring convenient accessibility for supervisors and area managers.

Finally, moderators and collaborators included in an Experience should go to the "Moderating" carousel to work on the experience in which they have been included.




Clone a Learning Experience



To create a duplicate of your experience, just click on the editing button and choose the clone option. You'll be prompted to provide the necessary experience information and settings. Once you click the Clone button, your new experience will be instantly available for utilization and sharing with the intended team.

You have the flexibility to replicate your experiences multiple times, tailoring them to meet the unique and specific requirements of various designated areas. Each Learning Experience will present distinct usage data within the statistics section, enabling you to oversee and supervise the progress of each particular team as necessary.

Clone a Learning Experience

Trabaje de manera colaborativa


To clone your experience simply click on the editing button and select the option clone. You will be asked to complete the experience information and settings. By clicking on the Clone button, you will have your new experience ready to use and share with the desired team.

You will be able to clone your experiences as many times as you want to give it a more individual and personalized use to the needs of a designated area. Each Learning Experience will show different usage data in the statistics tab, so you can track and monitor work by each specific team if needed.

Clone a Learning Experience

Trabaje de manera colaborativa




Share an experience with your team/other users



Share an experience with your team/other users

To invite users to your experience, there are three different options.



Via LinkYou will be able to share the link with your users. Once they have entered your program and clicked on the link you have sent, they will automatically become part of that experience.

Share an experience with your team/other users


Via LinkYou will be able to share the link with your users. Once they have entered your program and clicked on the link you have sent, they will automatically become part of that experience.

Share an experience with your team/other users



By codeAs a moderator, you will be able to share the code that appears in the "Information" section. Users will only have to enter it in their ecosystem by clicking on the button + next to their user account on the top right.

Share an experience with your team/other users



The moderator adds the participantsTo do this, you must open the dropdown from the button and click on "Users" then, we add the participants we consider through their user ID.

Share an experience with your team/other users


In addition, we can mark the option to be notified with a predetermined message.

Share an experience with your team/other users




Evaluate participants’ progress



Monitoring the progress and accomplishments of the corporate community engaged in an experience will enable you to tailor your ongoing enhancement approach to the fullest. To assess any experience, simply access your user profile and choose the grades option.

Evaluate participants’ progress


Evaluate participants’ progress

Using the search bar, you must type the name of the experience you wish to access.



Evaluate participants’ progress

IMPORTANTThe contents will be shown in yellow and the exercises in green.

Once loaded, it will be displayed:

  • List of participants who are working on the experience in the (left column).
  • Resources you have included in the experience (top panel).



Evaluate participants’ progress

For multiple-choice or test questions, answers will be automatically graded, and the obtained score will be indicated in the box on the right side of the answer.In cases where manual grading is necessary, you'll need to review the answer and assess it in the scoring section. You also have the option to add a comment under the "review" column if you wish.

To assess an exercise, click on the name of the content you wish to review or the exercise you want to evaluate. The platform will present the list of users active in that experience. It will showcase user scores and designate completed exercises, questions, or tests with an icon . If you'd like to assess and rate activities within a resource, select the user's name, and the platform will provide the user's activity list.



Add a PLUS to your experience as a moderator



You can add extra interactions to your experience to make it much more enriching and personalized. Most of these can be found in the "introduction" section, by clicking on the editing button.

Add a PLUS to your experience as a moderator




Add scheduled video calls



Your Learning Experience allows us to add video calls by clicking on the "create" button.

Add scheduled video calls


The ecosystem allows you to create video calls from Zoom, Skype and Google Meet.

Your Learning Experience allows us to add video calls by clicking on the "create" button.

Add scheduled video calls




Add new tabs



To add a new tab, click on the option "New Tab".

The tabs are located at the top of our Learning Experience.

Add new tabs


Fill in the required fields of the tab, such as name, title, description, images or multimedia content and more.

Add new tabs




Add a survey



To add a survey, open the drop-down from the button and click on "New survey".

Add a survey


Add a survey

Select the way want to create the survey, which can be structured from an external PDF or with multiple choice or free-response questions as part of the experience.




Order tabs and lessons



At any time you can organize a Learning Experience by changing the tabs order or order the lessons. To do this, click on “change tabs order” or “order lessons”.

Order tabs and lessons






Click on each question to know the aswers

7. Can I upload a resource directly from my computer to a Learning Experience?

6. How do I activate a certificate of completion for my Learning Experience?

5. What’s the difference among SCORM, lists and Learning Experiences?

4. What does it mean when the word "Required" appears in a field?

1. How do I access MTN ULearn on mobile devices?

3. As a moderator, where can I see the content consumed by users?

2. If I have a technical problem, where can I contact support?




Moderator User's Guide - MTN ULearn - Unlimited Learning for you

Thanks for completing this interactive guide!

Certificate A certificate can be enabled, which users can download and obtain upon completion of the experience. This certificate can be shared on the LinkedIn platform, allowing the user to show their achievements to their network of contacts. Also, a cut-off mark can be set for the approval of the experience, and the send date of the certificate can be set, which guarantees the validity of the certificate.

Experience information fields Additional data.

Share in repository Enabling this option will allow other moderators to clone your experience.

Name It is recommended to name the experience precisely in order to be able to identify it quickly, for example: Topic, level and the name of the person responsible for the experience "Leadership - Project 1 - Maria Campos".

Chat As a moderator, you can enable or disable this tab at any time.

Visibility Choosing private, users will need an invitation to access and statistics will be generated for the desired group only; in public experiences, everyone will be able to follow and access.

Language Choose the desired language.

Dates By selecting start and end dates, users will be able to access this experience on that time frame only.

Description You can add any information you wish, as well as images, charts, videos or embedded elements. This will be the first thing users see when they access an experience.

Cover You can add a cover image.