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Slavery was abolished permanently in the United States.

13th Amendment

13th Amendment

13th Amendment

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13th Amendment

14th Amendment

14th Amendment

14th Amendment

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15th Amendment

15th Amendment

15th Amendment

After the Civil War-Amendments-100 Points

States were prohibited from denying equal rights under the law to any American.

14th Amendment

Voting rights were guaranteed regardless of “race, color, or previous condition of servitude”

15th Amendment

An "amendment" is ____________________ to the Constitution.

a change or addition


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After the Civil War-Amendments-200 Points

The 15th Amendment states that voting rights are guaranteed regardless of “race, color, or previous condition of servitude”. "Previous condition of servitude" refers to former__________.


Although the 15th Amendment gave African Americans the right to vote, southern states still required literacy tests. A "literacy test" measures a person's ability to _______________.

read and write