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artificial intelligence
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artificial intelligence

evaluating the potential impact of AI on our society.

Even with the growing popularity of AI technology, the general public is still split in their thoughts and feelings on the intelligence that's becoming readily available. Many may be wary of these 'robots of the future' and others may be accepting them into their everyday lives with open arms.



the evolution of AI is a threat and will eventually become dangerous
the evolution of AI has a positive impact on our society



the two sides of the argument

Many of the technological advancements made in the past decade have been beneficial to us and have made day to day living just that much easier

positive impact

- creates personalized playlists based on user activity - recently introduced the DJ AI 'Xavier' for each user

Google Maps
Adobe Photoshop

- Amazon's personal assistant, 'Alexa' uses AI tecnology - provides ads and product suggestions based on user browsing history

- recently launched their AI powered creation tools: content-aware fill, intelligent selection tools, automated image enhancement

- calculate optimal routes based on current location and traffic - provide personalised reccommendations based on user preferences

forms of AI technology in day to day lives

was seen as limiting human creativity / taking work away

Adobe's new AI helper tools (introduced recently to backlash from artists)

adobe controversy

However, since AI is advancing at a remarkably alarming rate, many are rightfully wary of the new technology being pushed out to the public.

imposing threat

Becoming increasingly popular among students and young adults as a 'helper' in completing school work (e.g homework or essays) and sometimes even entertainent (mainly Snap AI)

Notion AI
Snapchat AI

Different applications used to impersonate another person, changing one's appearance or voice.

popular AI technology (2023)

dangers in deepfake technology


  • replacing humans in jobs - including factory work and desk jobs
  • potential for unintended consequences - i.e ai growing out of human control
  • concentration of power - are largely owned by big tech corps, which raises concern over data security and user safety
  • lack of regulations - political bodies are unable to implement restrictions since AI is changing every week
  • advancements leading to laziness and lack of human creativity

other 'threats' of AI technology :


'AI is likely to be either the best or worst thing to happen to humanity.'-Elon Musk

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