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La penisola dello stivale
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La penisola dello stivale





We're going to talk about a very famous country called Italy. But, first we have to say some characteristics of it. It is a country located in southern Europe, in the center of the Mediterranean. It has a difficult and rugged relief (there are many mountains and hills). Also, it has 450 islands. Besides, the country has a a great gastronomy.


Places of Interest

What food can you eat?

The best time to visit

Why have we chosen it?


Places of Interest

Italy is a country with a lot of places of interest, like the "Roman Coliseum". Also, it is one of the most visited countries, it's always in the top 5. In addition, the country has many famous cities, for example: Rome, Naples, Venice and Milan.

The Coloseum is one of the 7 Wonders of the Modern World



These are the most famous monuments

PISA TOWER (Pisa)The Pisa Tower is inclined because the place where it is, is very unstable.

DUOMO OF MILAN (Milan) Construction took 600 years and work continued on the upper sections and portals until 1950.

COLOSEUM (Roma) There were gladiator competitions in the time of the ancient roman emperors.

PLEBISCITE SQUARE (Naples) This structure is half semicircular and half rectangular.

What food can you eat?

There are a lot of possibilities, but we are going to advise the best. Italian gastronomy is characterized by its elaborations with abundant vegetables, fruits, meats, fish, rice, pastas and breads.



These are the most famous foods

MARGHERITA PIZZAIt is a Neapolitan pizza prepared with tomatoes, fresh mozzarella albahaca, It is the most popular pizza, but there are many.

SPAGHETTI CARBONARA They are spaghetti with a sauce elaborated with egg, pecorino or Parmesan cheese, guanciale or bacon and pepper.

LASAGNA It has pasta in sheets with distinct ingredients (meats, vegetables, fish) and which is elaborated with bechamel and plenty of queso rallado to grate it in the oven.

RISOTTO ALLA MILANESE It is a risotto that has spread throughout the world. In each case with its particular local variants. It is a winter dish.

The best time to visit

The best time to visit Italy is in spring, from April to June, or in autumn, between September and October. In these periods it is possible to visit the variety of regions that make up the country with mild temperatures and fewer tourists than in high season. Although it will always be a very good option to visit it.

Why have we chosen it?

We have chosen this country because it has many interestant monuments and places and a delicious gastronomy. In addition, you can walk its wonderful streets and cross its rivers. To sum up, you should visit Italy at least once in your life.

CREATED BY: José Francisco Gonzales Clavijo and Aarón Gómez Rodríguez


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