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Andrea Valdés Padial 4ºESO A





Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde

My personal opinion

3.The Carew Murder Case

6.The Last Night

1. The Story of the Door

2. The Search for Mr Hyde

5. A Face at the Window

4. The Letter

7.Dr Lanyon´s Story


8. Henry Jekyll´s Story


Dc. Jekyll is a kind and old doctor who has two friends: Utterson (a lawyer) and Lanyon. During the plot, there is an unknown man, called Mr Hyde. He was an evil and mysterious man. The lawyer Utterson had discovered that Dc. Jekyll had given his entire fortune to Mr. Hyde, so he try to discover why. That happened because they are the same person. Dc. Jekyll knows that people have a good and an evil part in the brain. So, he made an experiment about this. First, he tried with animals, but he realized that it only happened with humans, so he decided to experiment with himself. However, the result was an evil man whose cruelty get worse. Finally, the truth was discovered. Dc Jekyll is working to invent a new potion to release the evil man inside his good self, but the experiment didn´t work well, and Mr Hyde appears forever.

Henry Jekyll

Edward Hyde

Mr. Utterson


Dr. Lanyon

Sir Danvers Carew


He was a doctor. Dc. Jekyll knew that people have a good and an evil part in their brains. So, he decided to create a potion that could control it. Unfortunately, this made that this potion transforms him into an evil man forever.

Mr. Hyde was the evil side of Dc. Jekyll. He is warped, awful, and evil. He hasn´t got a conscience and he produces several violent acts and crimes.

He is a lawyer. He is a cold, serious, and distrustful man. He was tall and thin and he wore elegant clothes. During the story, he tries to discover what happened between Dc Jekyll and Mr Hyde. In the end, he discovered that they are the same person.

He is the servant and the steward of Henry Jekyll, although he has to obey Edward Hyde too. He helps Mr. Utterson at the end of the story.

He is Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Utterson´s old friend. He is the first who knows the truth about Henry Jekyll. Unfortunately, he fell ill and died, but he wrote a letter for Mr. Utterson, detailing the connection between Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

He was one of Mr. Hyde´s victims. He had been a client of Mr. Utterson.


Robert Louis Balfour Stevenson (1850-1894) was a Scottish novelist, poet, and essayist. He first studied engineering, because his father had studied it, and then he studied law. He had been always interested in literature since an early age, and at the age of twenty-five, he devoted his life to literature. He suffered from tuberculosis, so he had to travel far searching for suitable climates for their health. He wrote about these travels in his first book. Stevenson is the author of books like Treasure Island, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Travel Donkey by Cevannes... In 1880, Stevenson´s health started to get worse and he and his wife decided to move first to Edinburgh, then to Switzerland, then to New York, and finally to Samoa, where he died at the age of forty-four years.

My personal opinion

In my opinion, it is a very strange but original story. This shows bipolar illness in an extreme way. Its plot is very interesting because although I have already heard this story before, it surprised me. I think that the author knew to get into the characters and thought like they had thought their acts, a thing that it´s very difficult in characters like them. About the final, I hoped for a happier final, although I recognize that it makes us think that our acts have consequences.