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When you're done exploring this page, click on the University Library Logo in the top left corner to return to the Homepage.
Research Guides

Research Guides is where you can find useful information to assist in your research process, broken down by subject areas, specific courses, and other academic help. These guides provide useful information to help you find articlses, books, reference sources, and cite your work! Click on the Anthropology Marker for an example of the available Research Guides.

This is where you can reserve a study room at the Vasché library or Stockton campus library, request books and materials for pick-up, or reserve equipment from the Warrior Fab Lab. The Library offers 19 study rooms located on the 1st and 2nd floor of the Vasché library and one room at the Stockton campus library. These can be reserved for up to 2 hours per day (per person) and up to one week in advance. Most rooms at the Vasché library seat 4 people, but one seats up to 10. Each room is equipped with a 60-inch monitor, camera with speaker, a whiteboard wall, and Via desktop capture app for wireless connection. The Stockton campus room seats up to 6 people and is equipped with a mobile whiteboard, markers, and large table.


At the center of the page is OneSearch, the Library’s search engine that you can use to locate and access most library materials, including books, articles, videos, images, and more! OneSearch offers many ways to narrow down your searches, including by resource type, date, subject, and language. Using the drop down menu, you can narrow your searches to articles or books & media. We can also help you to get materials from other libraries using the CSU+ or CSU Libraries and Beyond options. Chat with a librarian or visit us at the Research Help Desk if you need help finding things.

Chat with us!

At the bottom of every library webpage, you can find the Chat with a Librarian button. Use this to for quick help from a Librarian 24/7.

When you're done exploring this page, click on the University Library Logo in the top left corner to return to the Homepage.
Course Reserves

On the Course Reserves page, you can search for materials placed on hold by professors to be used for your class. Some of these items are available electronically from this page by logging in with your University credentials. Others are available in print form and can be checked out at the Circulation Desk in the Library lobby. Contact a Librarian if you're unsure how to access course reserve materials.

When you're done exploring this page, click on the University Library Logo in the top left corner to return to the Homepage.
OneSearch Advanced Search

On the OneSearch Advanced Search Page, you can do more in-depth searches for advanced research. On this page, you will have options to use multiple search bars, to narrow searches by author, title, and subject, start a journal search, use Boolean logic in your searches, and much more! Contact a librarian if you need assistance navigating the advanced search features.


Use the "About" menu to learn more about the library and its spaces, learn about Library policies and procedures, contact us with questions, and more. Check out our Library Newsletter for updates about what we're doing in the Library!


Use the "Services" menu to get more information about what's available in the library, from information on checking out books to accessibility resources. Check out the Special Collections & University Archives page for unique histories about the campus and surrounding communities!

Get the University Library's latest hours here! You can even look look ahead at hours for the whole semester.

Located under OneSearch are red buttons highlighting some of our most used library tools, including Ask a Librarian, OneSearch Advanced Search, Articles by Subject, Databases A-Z, Course Reserves, and Research Guides. Use these tools in your research for quick access to articles, books, and other materials, as well as accessing help guides and course specific material. Click each button to get a more in-depth look at each of these pages.

Library Social Media

Follow us on social media @StanStateLib for library news, updates, memes, and other fun content! Click the icons below to open each page. Twitter YouTube Instagram Tik Tok

My Library Accounts

Use the "My Library Accounts" menu to keep track of your current library loans and holds, renew your checked out materials, or pay your fines.

At the top of the Library Homepage are drop down menus to learn more about the library, access library services, get research help, and check your library accounts. Within these menus, you will find a multitude of resources from citation help tools, to information about submitting your thesis. Click each menu to find out more about what's available from the library.

When you're done exploring this page, click on the University Library Logo in the top of the page to return to the Homepage.
Databases A-Z

On the Databases A-Z page, you can view a list of every database available from the University Library, listed in alphabetical order. This page is great if you know the name of the database you want to use. You can also view descriptions of each database and the type of materials you can obtain.

Look out for latest library events, displays, and updates in the flyers reel at the center of our homepage! You can also find library events and workshops in our calendar located to the left.

The Anthropology link is a general research guide for any studies within this subject area. There is a general subject Research Guide for every topic, so find your major on the webpage for extra guidance in your research!
The ANTH 3070 & ANTH 4150 links are specific guides for students taking these courses. These will provide information that useful to your course assignments. Some of your courses might have research guides for you to use, so make sure to check this webpage!
Research Help

Use the "Research Help" menu to get help from your librarians on all of your research needs. Find materials from the library or other databases, get help with citations, find materials placed on hold by your professors, or ask a librarian for in-depth help on your assignments. Are you more of a DIY person? Check out our How-To's page for video, interactive, or pdf answers to your research questions.

When you're done exploring this page, click on the University Library Logo in the top left corner to return to the Homepage.
Articles by Subject

The Library has over 160 databases for you to use in your research with a large range of subject areas to explore. To make it easier to find the one that works for you, the Articles by Subject page breaks those down by your major or topic of interest, giving you a much smaller number of databases to choose from. Click on the Criminal Justice marker to see an example.

When you're done exploring this page, click on the University Library Logo in the top left corner to return to the Homepage.
Ask a Librarian

On the Ask a Librarian page, you can contact a librarian through email, chat, text, phone, or request an appointment. Your Librarians are available to help you with all of your research needs, including developing a research question, choosing keywords, finding books and articles, citation help, and more!

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