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By: Oleg

Cybersecurity Cube Quiz & Presentation

Information states: Storage Transmission Processing Click to go to page!
Desired goals: Confidenciality Integrity Availability Click to go to Page!
Safeguards: Policy & Practices Human factors Technology Click to go to page!

John McCumber Created the cube in 1991 and it is to establish a evaluation of information security and it is in a rubiks cobe like model. The cybersecurity cube has 3 main sides

What is it?



Infor. States

Desired goals


Infor. States


Desired goals

The First dimention commonly called CIA triad or Desired goals side and it is mostly targeted towards information, Confidenciality, Integrity, Availability, Providing protection to sensitive documents, to keep the integrity of the data,Availability: ensuring that information systems and services are accessible and operational when needed.Just some examples of what this side focuses on Some real world examples: Keeping sensitive data encrypted and safe, Keep your data and emails available for you at any time required, keeping the information in a non corrupted state.

Desired Goals 1st Dimention


Infor. States

Desired goals



Its main focus goes to three categories Storage: Data at Rest (DAR). Transmission: Data in Transit (DIT) & Processing its main goal is targeted to what hapens to data or informaton seither being stored, prossesed, or being sent out for storage in an information system, such as that stored in memory or on a magnetic tape or disk. Transmission is transferring data between information systems and Processing wich is performing operations on data in order to achieve a desired objective. Some examples: Transmission: Gmail sending your e-mail to the recipient, Having your google document stored in the cloud, Google processing your data to acomodate your prefferences better in the algorithm.


Information States 2nd Dimention

Infor. States

Desired goals



Examples: Providing Employee training protocols & Code of conduct,Risk management, Security policies Firewalls and Intrusion, Encryption, Endpoint protection

Safeguards refer to the measures put in place to protect and secure an organization's assets, systems, and data from cyber threats. This includes people-related safeguards such as employee training, access controls, and incident response, process-related safeguards like risk management, security policies, and change management, as well as technology-related safeguards such as firewalls, encryption, and endpoint protection.


Safeguards 3rd Dimention

Infor. States

Desired goals



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You are now ready for the next step wich is the quizz this is the last page that is for you to go the last page!


The Next Step

Infor. States

Desired goals



You have begun the quiz, Keep your correct and wrong answers counted if you got anything wrong concider reveiwing it later. Now if you are ready to proceed click the Next button if you wish to reveiw the information once more click the Home button in the top corner, Remember to try to do your quiz in atempts. Good luck! ︾︾︾︾

Question 0/6


Question 1/6


Question 2/6


Question 3/6


Question 4/6


Question 5/6


Question 6/6


By: Oleg

Thank you for your attencion

The end