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Celia López Santos 4 eso A
Joaquín Sorolla
Vendiendo Melones
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Celia López Santos 4 eso A English

Joaquín Sorolla

Vendiendo Melones

8. Description of the painting

7. Historical context of the painting chosen

6. Paseo a orillas del mar

5. El mamón

4. ¡Aún dice que el pescado es caro!

3. Other major works

2. The fame of Sorolla

1. Painther biography


Joaquín Sorolla Bastida was born in Valencia, the 27 of February in 1863 and died in Cercedilla, the 10 of August in 1923. He was a Spanish painter. He left more than 2200 cataloged paintings and he trained as a painter in the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Juan. His wife´s name was Clotilde García del Castillo and his songs were Joaquín Sorolla García, Elena Sorolla García and María Sorolla García.

Painter Biography



How did Joaquín Sorolla get fame?

Other major works

Paseo a orillas del mar

El mamón

¡Aún dicen que el pescado es caro!

It is painting made by the artist Joaquín Sorolla in 1894. It is exhibited in the Prado Museum in Madrid

¡Aún dice que el pescado es caro!

Familia segoviana, El Mamón

Paseo a orillas del mar, painted in 1909, is a painting by Joaquín Sorolla where his wife is represented.

Paseo a orillas del mar

Historical context of the painting chosen

DEScription of the painting