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Let´s go
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Ruta matemática adaptada


Let´s go

Antes de empezar, vamos a leer las normas.

You must go with your partner.

We’ll follow the teacher’s instructions.

We won’t be left behind.

We will perform the tasks carefully.

Debes ir con tu pareja.

Seguiremos las indicaciones del profe.

No nos quedamos atrás.

Realizamos las tareas con cuidado.

Before we start, let’s read the rules.

Let´s go

Si haces la ruta virtualmente, no hagas trampas.

If you make the route virtually, don’t cheat.

Ten presente desde el inicio cómo vas a evaluar esta secuencia y qué criterios vas a aplicar. Y por supuesto recuerda establecer el entregable. Es decir, qué tareas tienen como resultado un entregable por parte de tu alumnado y en qué formato quieres que te lo entreguen. Las actividades que componen la secuencia deben ser un camino orientado a que el alumno la supere con éxito por eso es fundamental que desde el principio compartas lo que esperas.

Contextualiza y acércate a la realidad de tus alumnos. Que la secuencia responda a la pregunta "¿y esto para qué me sirve?".

Incita a tu alumnado a resolver, investigar, reflexionar y crear. Déjales improvisar. Genera espacios abiertos de debate en los que puedan expresar libremente sus opiniones

Evita los fuegos artificiales. Sé práctico. Todo lo que hagas tiene que ir orientado a asentar el aprendizaje. Hazlo motivador y espectacular pero siempre con un sentido.

Organiza la secuencia en torno a un tópico o concepto que quieres impartir en un período de tiempo determinado (normalmente corto). Tiene que tener sentido por sí misma y tiene que orientarse a que el alumnado adquiera el conocimiento.

Fija objetivos de aprendizaje. ¿Qué capacidades van a adquirir nuestro alumnado cuando termine la secuencia?

Planifica, selecciona los contenidos y piensa en qué estrategias, procesos y destrezas quieres poner en práctica con tus alumnado para que alcance los objetivos que has fijado.

“Divide tu secuencia en fases o pasos. Te proponemos las más comunes pero puedes ampliarlas e incluso cambiar sus nombres”.


Let´s go


Vamos a iniciar un viaje al pasado. Necesitamos tu ayuda para desvelar un misterio. Alguien ha dejado pistas por el camino. ¿Nos ayudas a decifrarlo?We’re going to start a journey into the past. We need your help to unravel a mystery. Someone left clues along the way. Help us figure it out.

En el mapa hay 12 puntos marcados. Lee la información, y pica en el número. En cada punto obtendremos una palabra. Al final de la ruta, deberás darme el mensaje, para resolver el misterio. On the map there are 12 points. Read the information, and click on the number. At each point we will get a word. At the end of the trip, you will have to give me the message, to solve the mystery.

Let´s go!

"Thursday, 26 May, the Admiral of England arrived at this Court, to which he went to receive the Constable. Many people had gone out the door of the field to see the entrance, as well as in cars on horseback and on foot [...]. It happened that having arrived in the field where the Admiral was and making the reception, the sky was covered with a cloudy, with having made the day until then of very clear and serene sun, and discharged so much water that they all got wet more than they wanted." (Cabrera de Córdoba)

Only a few months before the arrival of the English embassy the first part of Don Quixote had been published. Cervantes was then living in the city and had to witness this event, maybe even Cervantes wrote some of the chronicles that were written to commemorate the birth of the future Philip IV and the signing of the peace.

"The Admiral was wearing a hat with feathers and diamond ribbon, a grana blacksmith with handrails and orange shoes and amber cabbage. He is a man of great body, well proportioned, canoe and showed to be over seventy years old. From the gate of the field he went to Santa Cruz by the inn of the Duke of the Infantado where were many great ladies and right way went to the slide and passed by the palace, and their Majesties looked at the accompaniment by the windows, and ladies from windows." (Anonymous).

"The market square is a beautiful and spacious square in the center of which a house has been built on purpose so that the king and queen sit together in the middle of the gallery [...]. And after a while of sitting fifteen bulls came out that were harassed by knights with spears and men on foot with cloth and swords, and all the bulls were killed, and these killed three or four men and wounded five or six more." (Anonymous).

"And suddenly there appeared a Don Quixote alone and without company, with a big hat on his head and a coat of cloth and sleeves of the same, a pair of hairy panties and some good boots with spurs beating the flanks to a poor dirty hamstring with a slaughter on the edge of the loin [...] and Sancho Panza, his squire, in front. He wore glasses for greater authority, and his beard lifted up; and as he went alone and in that figure, some neighbors began to ask us if he was the ambassador of Portugal or what that was." (Pinheiro).

That year of 1605 the Spanish court resided in Valladolid, where he had moved from Madrid only four years before. This prompted the construction of palaces and good houses. As Pinheiro says: "Enchanted palaces appeared where before there was only rubble". The entrance of the ambassador English to the city was meticulously planned. This was to be an encounter between past enemies and hosts wanted to demonstrate the greatness of the Spanish court to their guests. The city had to show off in all its splendour and the best streets in the city.

The English embassy with its "six hundred heretics heresies," as Gongora described it, caused a deep impression among the inhabitants of Valladolid who feared seeing themselves infected by English Protestantism. Valladolid had received a few years earlier by a group of Catholic exiles English who founded a seminary outside the city (1589). The College of the English was excluded from the acts of peace so that there would be no religious friction. However, members of the embassy were invited to enter in the churches, some as new then as the church of Anguish, concluded in 1604.

"In the houses of the Count of Ribadavia which are next to Saint Paul, in a large window which is on the corner of the two streets was the Admiral of England, with the cap in his hand and a cape with many diamond buttons, and the large necklace of the Order of the Garter [... ], and with him, by order of His Majesty, Don Blasco of Aragon, who told him who was each one of those who passed by, and when His Majesty came near him he made him a great reverence, and His Majesty, with great demonstration of good will, took off his cap." (Anonymous).

"After the meal preparations were made for the baptism of the Prince and for this purpose it was built on purpose to make a passageway a high scaffold that communicated the long palace gallery with the door of the church. The scaffold wood was covered with rich gold cloth and as the scaffold was high it gave visibility to all the people [...]. The prince was in the arms of the Duke of Lerma, Behind was the infanta in a chair made for the occasion held on the shoulders of knights. And so with the music of the church, the sound of trumpets and many other wind instruments ended the ceremony." (Treswell).

"The Admiral of England stood in the same window of the houses of the Count of Ribadavia, where he had been when the procession passed, from where he saw all those who came down from the palace face to face, and saw the accompaniment, and to see the baptism went by the false door of the house of the Count of Ribadavia to the College of Saint Gregory, from where he passed to Saint Paul and climbed to a tribune that is inside the main chapel admiring the greatness of this day." (Anonymous).

The organizer of the festivities in Valladolid was Don Diego Sarmiento de Acuña, Count of Gondomar, who in 1612 was appointed ambassador of England where he remained until 1622. During this time he became the confidant of James I, and was therefore feared and hated by Protestants who suspected (not without reason) that he was plotting a marriage alliance between Spain and England. Gondomar was also a book collector and his library at the Casa del Sol became the largest private library in Spain.

Some English travelers who visited Valladolid in the 19th century said they had seen among the remains of the ancient library of Gondomar a first folio of Shakespeare (1623), the first edition of his works complete. Whether or not these claims are true, which if we know is that a copy of the Quixote traveled to London in the luggage of a member of the embassy. Soon Cervantes began to influence the English writers, among they Shakespeare, who wrote a lost play, Cardenius (1613) based on an episode of Don Quixote.





746: PUEDE




CLAVES: El cociente de la división te dirá la palabra que buscas. Cuidado, las respuestas erróneas harán que te pierdas en el tiempo.KEYS: The division quotient will tell you the word you are looking for. Beware, the wrong answers will make you lose yourself in time.

Challenge 1

Reto 1

No No No Spider Man GIFfrom No No No GIFs

No No No Spider Man GIFfrom No No No GIFs

No No No Spider Man GIFfrom No No No GIFs







200: QUE

150: HASTA

100: RUCIO

En la biblioteca encontraron 4 cajas de libros escritos por Cervantes. Y cada una tiene 50 libros. ¿Cuántos libros encontraron?In the library there were 4 boxes of books written by Cervantes. And each one has 50 books. How many books did you find?

Challenge 2

Reto 2

No No No Spider Man GIFfrom No No No GIFs

No No No Spider Man GIFfrom No No No GIFs

No No No Spider Man GIFfrom No No No GIFs

En 1605 Valladolid, recibió a un grupo de ingleses para ratificar el Tratado de Londres (1604) en presencia de Felipe III y su corte y así ponerfin a veinte años de guerra. ¿De qué siglo hablamos?In 1605 Valladolid received a group of Englishmen to ratify the Treaty of London (1604) in the presence of Philip III and his court and end twenty years of war. What century are we talking about?


No No No Spider Man GIFfrom No No No GIFs

Challenge 3

Reto 3


No No No Spider Man GIFfrom No No No GIFs









225: E

200: QUE

150: NI

125: Y

Completa la pirámide matemática. El número del vértice será la solución que buscas.Complete the mathematical pyramid. The vertex number will be the solution you’re looking for.

Challenge 4

Reto 4



No No No Spider Man GIFfrom No No No GIFs

No No No Spider Man GIFfrom No No No GIFs

No No No Spider Man GIFfrom No No No GIFs

Si el perímetro de este triángulo isósceles es de 24 CMS, calcula cuánto miden sus lados.If the perimeter of this isosceles triangle is 24 CMS, calculate how much their sides measure.

29 CMS



19 CMS


Challenge 5

Reto 5










64 : sé

66: si

65: se

75: sí

Don Quijote mide 180 centímetros y Sancho Panza mide 115 centímetros. ¿cuántos centímetros hay de diferencia entre los dos?Don Quixote’s height is 180 centimeters and Sancho Panza’s is 115 centimeters. How many centimeters is Don Quixote taller than Sancho?

Challenge 6

Reto 6

No No No Spider Man GIFfrom No No No GIFs

No No No Spider Man GIFfrom No No No GIFs

No No No Spider Man GIFfrom No No No GIFs

En el pueblo de Don Quijote hay 15 molinos harineros, y cada uno tiene un aspa con cuatro brazos. ¿Cuántos molinos hay?In the village of Don Quixote there are 15 flour mills, and each has a four-arm blade. How many mills are there?





Challenge 7

Reto 7













Don Quijote y Sancho Panza han quedado a las 15:50 con Dulcinea. Elige el reloj adecuado.Don Quixote and Sancho Panza will meet Dulcinea at 15:50. Choose the right watch.

Challenge 8

Reto 8

No No No Spider Man GIFfrom No No No GIFs

No No No Spider Man GIFfrom No No No GIFs

¿Qué cuerpo geométrico no usarías para hacer una maqueta como la del dibujo?What geometric body would you not use to make a model like the one in the drawing?

Challenge 9

Reto 9






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No No No Spider Man GIFfrom No No No GIFs







Don Quijote ha roto la mitad de los sacos de vino que había en la posada. Se sabe que había el triple de 200. ¿Cuántos sacos ha roto?Don Quixote broke half the sacks of wine that were in the inn. It is known that there were three times 200. How many sacks did he break?

Challenge 10

Reto 10

No No No Spider Man GIFfrom No No No GIFs

Sancho Panza tiene un jardín en su casa, y quiere poner una valla para que Rucio no se escape. Calcula el perímetro de la valla.Sancho Panza has a garden in his house, and he wants to put up a fence so that Rucio doesn’t escape. What is the perimeter of the fence?

Challenge 11

Reto 11



18,50 mCON


19 mDE




4 leguas, y 19,3121 kmsPORTILLO

4 leguas, y 19,3121 kmsVALLADOLID

4 leguas, y 19,7121 kmsSIMANCAS

Rocinante camina 8 leguas, que son 38,6243 kms. Rucio camina la mitad, porque tiene las patas más cortas. ¿Cuántas leguas y cuantos kilómetros camina Rucio al día?Rocinante walks 8 leagues, which is 38,6243 kms. Rucio walks half, because he has shorter legs. How many leagues and how many kilometers does Rucius walk a day?

Challenge 12

Reto 12

No No No Spider Man GIFfrom No No No GIFs

Has llegado al final del viaje. Si has conseguido todas las pistas, habla con tu profe, e indícale todas las palabras por orden. Deberían formar una oración completa y con sentido.Comprobemos si has resuelto el misterio.

You’ve reached the end of the journey. If you’ve got all the clues, tell the sentences to your teacher. They should form a complete and meaningful sentence.Let’s see if you’ve solved the mystery.

Good job!!!!!

Puede que Cervantes y Shakespeare se conocieran en la ciudad de Valladolid.