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Can we model, bradycardia and vasoconstriction, the main mechanisms of adaptation of the human body against apnea ?

Apnea, a sport more and more practiced

- Interface: ESAO VISIO/ Reference: 451461/ Extension 1 - 3 electrodes + connection cables: A rught wrist/ a left wrist/ a left ankle inside - Scientific workshop software to record ECG and heart rate



To model a contraction, we made a montage with an isolated piece of rat intestine. In the column where it was hooked, we added acethylcholine and recorded bowel activity before, during and after.. Acethylcholine is a chemical mediator that induces muscle contraction.

The subject is connected with cables and electrodes and then his heart rate is measured at rest and during a 10-15s apnea period

Myogram of an isolated piece of rat intestine with added acethylcholine during PT on contraction

ECG simulating 10s apnea performed on Lea C. during PT on cardiovascular activity

Snorkeling is a discipline practised under water where the diver submerges and interrupts its ventilation.

The suspension of our breathing and immersion leads to reflex bradycardia. Bradycardia simultaneously preserves the body’s oxygen reserves and protects the myocardium from hypoxia. Its intensity depends a lot on the water temperature and of the immersion depth.

Vasoconstriction is activated by hypoxia. It decreases the diameter of the blood vessels by contraction, of its muscle fibers. It allows both to decrease the circulation in the territories less sensitive to hypoxia and to redirect most of the blood to the heart and brain that are not concerned by this vasoconstriction.

The ECG performed to model the apnea shows no evidence of bradycardia. This highlights the fact that immersion is a key factor in triggering bradycardia. So it is not enough to stop breathing to successfully simulate apnea. The contraction of the intestine modelled with acethylcholine allows to visualize the muscular contraction that generates vasoconstriction. We can share that here as long as there is acethylcholine with the intestine, it is contracted which is similar with vasoconstriction. As long as we do hypoxia, the muscles will contract and there will be vasoconstriction. So, it would be possible to model these mechanisms of apnea but we must take into account all the factors leading to their activation.

Materials and Methods


Conclusion and Discussion

FABRICE, Joulia, 2017. Apnée du sportif : des contraintes physiologiques et environnementales complexes – La médecine du sport. [en ligne]. 2017. [Consulté le 3 juin 2023]. Disponible à l’adresse : https://www.lamedecinedusport.com/sports/apnee-du-sportif-des-contraintes-physiologiques-environnementales-complexes/





apnea period

Contraction - During Manipulation

Normal Cycle - Before


Gradual return to a normal cycle

Linseis L200E Flat Bed Chart Recorder

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