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La musica nel Medioevo
Created on May 31, 2023
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Nella storia della musica, la musica medievale è quella musica composta in Europa durante il Medioevo, ovvero nel lungo periodo che va convenzionalmente dal V secolo al XV secolo ed è suddivisa in sottoperiodi che ne distinguono lo sviluppo in quasi un millennio di cultura europea.
Introduction here
La musica nel Medioevo
Guido D'Arezzo diede un nome ai suoni dell'esacordo, con l'intento di aiutare i cantori a intonare e memorizzare una melodia anche senza leggerne la notazione. A questo fine utilizzò l'inno Ut queant laxis, dedicato a san Giovanni Battista: Guido aveva infatti osservato che i primi sei emistichi dell'inno hanno inizio ciascuno su un diverso suono dell'esacordo, in progressione ascendente. Decise, dunque, di dare come nome a ciascun suono la sillaba
L' Esacordo
Una forma particolare di musica religiosa è la Lauda (specie di cantata popolare d’argomento sacro, sviluppatasi nell’Italia centrale a seguito del movimento francescano. La lauda aveva carattere monodico e si sviluppava su una melodia semplice ma assai diversa dal gregoriano: è il primo passo della musica religiosa verso un linguaggio più moderno.
La Lauda
Write an awesome title
We don’t like to bore. We don’t want to be repetitive. Communicating in the same old ways is boring and doesn’t engage people. We do it differently. We annihilate boredom. We create things the brain likes to consume because they stimulate it.
We don’t like to bore. We don’t want to be repetitive.
An awesome title
Pose a dramatic question; this is the essential ingredient for holding the audience's attention. It is usually posed in an intriguing way at the beginning of the story to captivate the audience and is resolvedat the end.
Your content is good, but it’ll engage much more if it’s interactive
- Genially
Communicating in the same old ways is boring and doesn’t engage people
To create an interactive image ...
Contextualize your topic
Surprise your audience with interactive images
Insert an awesome video for your presentation
Insert an awesome video for your presentation
And use this space to caption it. Multimedia content is essential in a presentation, to really wow your audience. What’s more, this way you can summarize the content and entertain your audience.
Interactive visual communication, step by step:
- Plan the structure of your communication.
- Give it a hierarchy and give visual weight to the main point.
- Add secondary messages with interactivity.
- Establish a flow through the content.
- Measure results.
We annihilate boredom
The two pillars of presentation
Synthesis and organization
An awesome title
- Is animated and interactive.
- Excites the brain, using multimedia elements.
- Does not use bullet points to excess 🙃
An awesome title
- Matches the fonts and colors to the topic
- Includes images and entertains.
- Shows data in graphs
- Uses timelines
An awesome title
- A great presentation
- Is clear and structured
- Tells stories hierarchically
- Connects with your audience
Contextualize your topic
Here you can put an important title
A boring presentation
- Your audience is in a daze.
- Nobody understands anything you’ve said.
- You hear your audience snoring.
- There’s so much text that there’s no room for images.
A Wow presentation
- You hold your audience’s attention.
- Everyone assimilates the information you’ve shared.
- You hear your audience applauding.
- Interactivity and animation are your allies.
Step 4. And for you to wow your audience.
Step 3. The important thing is for everything to be suitable for the topic.
Step 2. And animations to make it fun.
Step 1. You can add interactivity to your timeline.
Awesome timeline, step by step
To tell stories in an orderly, hierarchical, structured, and concise way. These are the four pillars for giving a successful presentation.
Use timelines…
You can briefly describe what the timeline of your presentation consists of and state the milestones achieved verbally so that no one falls asleep.
And for you to wow your audience.
To tell stories in an orderly
Interactive visual communication improves the results of communication on any topic and in any context.
Maps are a great ally, use them!
Use graphs in your presentation
Use this space to briefly describe your graph and its evolution
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