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Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

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Module 3 (Android)

How To: E-Mail Communication with Gmail

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

What is the symbol for Gmail?

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day


Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

by Google Ireland Limited, Dublin, Ireland

  • already installed on your Android Smartphone
  • uses your Google Account
  • works with other Google Products (Drive, Docs,...)

Gmail Interface

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

Tap on the eye symbols:

Three Lines More Options here. Acces your settings, archive, already sent e-mails, bin and SPAM folder.

New E-Mail It´s bold because you did not read that E-Mail yet.

Read E-Mail You already read this E-Mail. You can acces it here again.

Compose Tap here to write a new e-mail.

Google Meet Here you can do video calls.

Inbox Here you can find all your e-mails.

Gmail Folders

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

Tap on the eye symbols:

Inbox All the e-mails you get from other people.

Starred/Favorites E-mails you mark with a star to be able to find them more easily later on.

Sent E-Mails you have sent to other people.

Drafts E-Mails you have started to write but not sent yet.

Spam All the e-mails Gmail marks as Spam or harmfull.

Trash Your deleted e-mails.

Inside the E-Mail

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

Tap on the eye symbols:

Subject The title of the e-mail.

Sender The name and e-mail adress of the person (or company) that sent the e-mail to you.

Reply-Arrow You can tap on this arrow to reply directly.

E-mail text Here you see all the text of the e-mail. Attachements (documents, pictures,...) are at the bottom.

Star Here you can mark an e-mail with a star. This e-mail will go into you favorites, where you can find it quickly.

Archive, Delete, Mark as unread Here you can put an e-mail in the archive, delete it or mark it again as unread for later.

Where does Gmail put e-mails that are potentially harmfull to you?

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

How To:Send a new E-Mail

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

Video Tutorial

Watch the short video on how to send a new e-mail:

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Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

Step by Step

  1. Open Gmail
  2. Tap on "Compose"
  3. Type the e-mail adress of the person you want to send the e-mail to
  4. Type a subject line
  5. Type your e-mail text
  6. Tap the arrow at the top right to send

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

Successfull E-Mail communication

  1. Sender "To":
Spell the e-mail adress correctly, if you make errors the person will not receive the e-mail.2. Subject:Think of a good title for your e-mail.Good examples: "Meeting tomorrow" or "Visa Documents" or "Application for an internship"Bad examples: "Hello", "Question" or "<No Subject>"

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

Successfull E-Mail communication

3. Beginning/Greeting:Write "Dear Sir or Madam," OR "Dear Mrs. Risser," OR "Dear Ahmad,"...4. Text:Short with all important information. Check for spelling mistakes.5. Ending:Write "Kind regards" OR "Best regards" OR "Yours sincerely"Always write your full name at the very end.


Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

STOP! Only continue if you have sent the e-mail!

Write a new e-mail to:team.digiq@gmail.comSubject: First MeetingText:Hello Team,how are you today?Kind regards,<Your Name>

How To:Reply to an E-Mail

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Video Tutorial

Watch the short video on how to reply to an e-mail:

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Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

Step by Step

  1. Open Gmail
  2. Tap on the e-mail you want to reply to
  3. Tap on the reply arrow
  4. Type your e-mail text
  5. Tap the arrow at the top right to send

Which Statement is correct?

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

How To:Attach something to a new e-mail or reply

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

Video Tutorial

Watch the short video on how to attach a file to an e-mail:

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

Step by Step

  1. Open Gmail
  2. Write a new e-mail or write a reply text as you learned earlier
  3. Tap on the attachment symbol
  4. Choose "Attach file"

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

Step by Step

5. Tap your file from the "Recent files" list OR choose the type of file (Audio, Document, Images...) and then tap the file in the list

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

Step by Step

6. Now you can see the file attached at the bottom of your e-mail7. Tap the arrow at the top right to send


Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

STOP! Only continue if you have sent the e-mail!

Reply to the e-mail you got from team.digiq@gmail.comText:Hello Team,here is the attachment.Kind regards,<Your Name>Attach a document or picture to the e-mail.

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

Module 3

How To: E-Mail Communication with Gmail
