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Se refiere a algo que se compra a un precio elevado y poco accesible.

Se refiere a algo que se compra a un precio muy bajo o por debajo de su valor real.

¡Es una ganga!

Primera cuestión

is a sudden, temporary overflow of water onto normally dry land, causing significant damage and disruption to the affected areas.

is a controlled release of water during periods of excessive rainfall.

Gastar dinero a manos llenas

Segunda cuestión

is a temporary decrease in rainfall that occurs seasonally, leading to a shortage of water resources but not causing significant long-term effects.

is a prolonged period of abnormally dry weather characterized by a lack of precipitation, resulting in a water deficiency and causing adverse impacts .

What is a drought?

Question 03

to the process of melting or defrosting a substance, typically ice or snow, due to an increase in temperature.

a culinary technique where frozen food is allowed to return to its natural or desired temperature before cooking or consumption.

What does the verb 'thaw' refer to?

Question 04

a state of extreme poverty or lack, where individuals or communities lack the basic necessities of life, such as food, shelter, and clothing.

a state of isolation or abandonment, where individuals are completely cut off from social connections and support networks.

Was does the word 'destitution' refer to?

Question 05

the physiological sensation and need for food that arises when the body lacks adequate nourishment.

a strong desire or craving for food that is not necessarily based on a physiological need.

What does the word 'hunger' refer to?

Question 06

a psychological concept related to child development. It describes the stage when a child begins to understand and comply

the act of expressing agreement or approval, to something.

What does the word 'assent' refer to?

Question 07

the act of exposing oneself to the warmth or heat of the sun, typically for relaxation or enjoyment.

a state of contentment or satisfaction, often as a result of a recent achievement or positive experience.

What does the phrasal verb 'bask' refer to?

Question 8

It is clear that now you know some vocabulary related to Global Warming. Now open your books on page 76/77 and read the text: 'In the land where life is on hold’.

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