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presenting our

Mariana Abitia- Giovanna Vega - Mariana De la Concha - Renata Canela Regina Ortega

NASA camp








The purpose of the camp is to give that simulation that we are on another planet and especially Mars, this planet has been extensively investigated by scientists and if there was ever life, little by little they have been able to collect great data on how humans could live on Mars.


It consists with 6 wagons To have the experience you must make an appointment with our team, the camp opens in early spring and closes in early fall. To reserve a reservation, a non-refundable fee of $27.99 must be paid. It's important to select the day and to check and if we had space . At the moment that you have reserve, we are going to send you an email, with the things that you would need. At the end you will receive an email confirming your appointment, we will proceed with the final payment which is from $300.00, and the highest $1000.00



  • Spacewalk simulator
  • Gravity loss simulator
  • Space rock search
  • Lung endurance
  • Campfire
  • Time to eat

A peek into the camp...

Developed in framevr.io platform, This would be the camp where all of this camp will take place

LInk to the camp


We were able to develope the prototypes of the rockets, their volumes, tanks, the mass of each propellante & fuels, etc. This is more or less what the calculations are and what the tanks look like.

Thanks to


To develop all of these we had to develop the reaction, balance the reaction, calculate de kinetioc, potential and total energy, the densities, volume, radius of the tank and the leng and diameter of each of them. Hard work, but we did it!


This will power the rocket making a combustion reaction with enough energy to go in the scape velocity of Mars which is 5.03 km/s

The propellants used are ethanol & dinitrogen tetroxide


See you on Mars!
