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UseS of AI


of the new vehicles are expected to have some or other form of AI-powered technology




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing

of mobile users are using ai-powered voice assistants


“ AI, the future human ? ” Nowadays artificial intelligence is everywhere and everyone has at least one device equipped by AI, for example our smartphone. Published in October 2022, “Autopsie d'une intelligence artificielle” or autopsy of an artificial intelligence is a science- fiction documentary which deals with artificial intelligence and its consequences. It mainly targets younger people, so the teenagers. This documentary was directed by Jean-Christophe Ribot and was selected at the Pariscience festival, a festival that reunites projects such as documentary or film around science. Through the documentary, we learn the use of AI in different domains, how it works but also how we are including it in our society. At first, AI was created to simplify our lives and we thought that it would be the solution to all of our problems. Therefore a lot of companies tried to include AI, for example Google. There were also a few more attempts in other domains like medicine but somehow it didn’t work as scientists planned it. Little by little, we are getting more and more dependent on this intelligence. Nevertheless, even if it looks like they are independant , robots don’t think by themself. As a matter of fact, they still rely on humans since they are searching information in their database created by humans and because of their mistakes we can’t trust it at 100%. This documentary was pretty clear and easy to understand. There was information that I didn’t know about this technology and the explanation plus the opinion of the “expert” were interesting to listen to since most of them work on it almost everyday. And it is a bit scary that we went that far with AI, especially with deep learning. Today with AI you can do whatever you want and in the wrong hands this could lead to something dangerous. However some parts were missing, there were also moments that were not relevant and sometimes boring but I would give this documentary a 4 out of 5. Elodie Sisongkham

Filipe Vilas-Boas was born in Portugal in 1981. He is a self-taught conceptual artist currently living and working in Paris. Without being a naive tech utopist or a reluctant technophobe, he explores our use of technology and its ethical and aesthetic implication. His installations , performances and conceptual artworks question the global digitalization of our society, mostly by merging our physical (IRL) and digital (URL) worlds.

“ AI, the future human ? ” Nowadays artificial intelligence is everywhere and everyone has at least one device equipped by AI, for example our smartphone. Published in October 2022, “Autopsie d'une intelligence artificielle” or autopsy of an artificial intelligence is a science- fiction documentary which deals with artificial intelligence and its consequences. It mainly targets younger people, so the teenagers. This documentary was directed by Jean-Christophe Ribot and was selected at the Pariscience festival, a festival that reunites projects such as documentary or film around science. Through the documentary, we learn the use of AI in different domains, how it works but also how we are including it in our society. At first, AI was created to simplify our lives and we thought that it would be the solution to all of our problems. Therefore a lot of companies tried to include AI, for example Google. There were also a few more attempts in other domains like medicine but somehow it didn’t work as scientists planned it. Little by little, we are getting more and more dependent on this intelligence. Nevertheless, even if it looks like they are independant , robots don’t think by themself. As a matter of fact, they still rely on humans since they are searching information in their database created by humans and because of their mistakes we can’t trust it at 100%. This documentary was pretty clear and easy to understand. There was information that I didn’t know about this technology and the explanation plus the opinion of the “expert” were interesting to listen to since most of them work on it almost everyday. And it is a bit scary that we went that far with AI, especially with deep learning. Today with AI you can do whatever you want and in the wrong hands this could lead to something dangerous. However some parts were missing, there were also moments that were not relevant and sometimes boring but I would give this documentary a 4 out of 5. Elodie Sisongkham