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What to do
Example 2
Raquel recently switched her usual detergent for an "eco-friendly", natural and biodegradable detergent. The label is very vague but she refused to look more into it and continued to use it. 
Example 1
evidence 2
Environmental awareness and action manual for dummies
Personal Dimension
Sofia posted a story on her Instagram page about Earth Day with the hashtag "Save the Earth" but takes long showers, has never used public transport, rarely car pools and buys bottled water because it "tastes better". 
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Sofia posted a story on her Instagram page about Earth Day with the hashtag "Save the Earth" but takes long showers, has never used public transport, rarely car pools and buys bottled water because it "tastes better".

Personal Dimension

Regina Villarreal A01721864

Environmental awareness and action manual for dummies

evidence 2

Example 1

Raquel recently switched her usual detergent for an "eco-friendly", natural and biodegradable detergent. The label is very vague but she refused to look more into it and continued to use it.

Example 2


What to do

What to do

This is a classic example of slacktivism, which is a term that refers to engaging in superficial actions that mask off as supporting a cause and making a difference, when in reality they have little to none real impact. This often involves online activities but no real personal commitment, which might provide a sense of satisfaction for acting upon an issue, but its effectiveness is limited and doesn't create a real life change, "Sharing a link or signing a petition is easy, and so is disengaging from the cause 10 seconds later" (Lodewijckx, 2020). While social media has a huge impact, it is not enough to solve a crisis of this magnitude, and real-life actions are necessary. 'Slacktivism': Legitimate Action or Just Lazy Liking?It sounds like a contradictio in terminis , like 'sound of silence' or 'sensible Twitter debate'. But 'slacktivism', a contraction of 'activism' and...CitizenLab's Blog Lodewijckx, I. (2020). 'Slacktivism': Legitimate Action or just lazy liking?. Citizen Lab. Retrieved from https://www.citizenlab.co/blog/civic-engagement/slacktivism/ on May 20, 2023.

So what can you actually do to avoid falling into slacktivism? 1. Research and educate yourself Do you care about an issue or have a cause you want to support? Take the time to educate yourself about the issues you care about. Truly understand why this is happening, what is being done about it, potential solutions and think of ways in which you can actively get involved. Knowledge is power, if you know what's going on, chances are there is something you can do about it. 2. Take your actions offline While social media can have a positive impact and allow the word being spread regarding an issue, it is crucial to take your actions offline. Join organizations, participate in events, devote your time, resources and energy to actions that can make a real difference. 3. Support Legitimate Organizations Before donating or getting involved with an organization, research about their credibility and transparency. Support established and reputable organizations that have actually made a positive impact. Don't just follow something blindly, "what you do after the hashtag is what can prevent you from becoming a slacktivist" (Morlock, 2020). How to Avoid Slacktivism: A Guide for Digital ActivistsThe notion of being an activist is not a new concept in America - or, even around the world - but, the nature of protests, demonstrations, and other...Medium Morlock, T. (2020). How to avoid slacktivism: A guide for digital activists. Search Medium. Retrieved from https://medium.com/swlh/how-to-avoid-slacktivism-a-guide-for-digital-activists-81b4d7b12530 on May 20, 2023.

Rachel has fallen victim to greenwashing, and believe it or not this happens more often than one might think. According to Business News Daily greenwashing is "when a company purports to be environmentally conscious for marketing purposes but actually isn't making any notable sustainability efforts" (Edwards, 2023). The label being vague, only showing "eco-friendly" can be deceitful and not actually show truthful information, and by not looking more into it, you're allowing the company to continue greenwashing the public and you might actually do more harm than good. What Is Greenwashing, and How Do You Spot It? - businessnewsdaily.comGreenwashing is when a company purports to be environmentally conscious for marketing purposes but actually isn't making any notable sustainability...Business News Daily Edwards, C. (2023). What is greenwashing. Business News Daily. Retrieved from https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/10946-greenwashing.html on May 20, 2023.

What can you do to not fall into corporations greenwashing? Here are 3 easy tips to identify greenwashing and what you can do about it. 1. False claims or vague language Often companies will use false claims or vague language in their labels to trick people into believing their products are eco-friendly. It is important to do your research about the company, the product's ingredients and their efforts in regards to climate change. And hey, if you realize a company is using false claims, don't be afraid to call them out! 2. Lack of transparency Companies may give certain true information but aren't transparent in their manufacturing process, material sourcing or supply chain. Look for companies who aren't afraid to show their process and give updates on their progress; make sure you have no doubts about their intentions as a company. 3. Lack of eco-labels Some products might say they are "eco-friendly", "sustainable", "biodegradable", etc, but lack eco-labels. Eco-labels are "marks placed on products to help identify those products that meet specific environmental performance criteria, therefore are deemed environmentally preferable" (EPA, n.d). Try looking for these eco-labels, they can help avoid greenwashing. What Is Greenwashing and What Can You Do about It?As you work to help your company meet its climate commitments, such as advocating for climate-safe retirement funds, you may find that your company...Workforclimate Moore, J. (n.d). What is greenwashing and what can you do about it? Work for Climate. Retreived from https://www.workforclimate.org/post/what-is-greenwashing-and-what-can-you-do-about-it?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIkPic1-qE_wIVnAKtBh0aPAqLEAAYASAAEgLOQ_D_BwE on May 20, 2023. Introduction to Ecolabels and Standards for Greener Products | US EPAOn this page: Ecolabels are marks placed on product packaging or in e-catalogs that can help consumers and institutional purchasers quickly and...US EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). (n.d.). Introduction to eco-labels and standards for greener products. Retrieved from https://www.epa.gov/greenerproducts/introduction-ecolabels-and-standards-greener-products on May 20, 2023.



Citizen Dimension

Alex stopped recycling because his mom told him that "him recycling 50 plastic bottles a week won't help solve the climate crisis and it's a waste of time".

Example 1

Mexicos president has implemented the most important reforestation program in the world, by planting trees in a million hectares. The planted trees are supposed to absorb almost four million tons of carbon dioxide. However, he also approved and encouraged the construction of a refinery in Dos Bocas, Tabasco, and a thermoelectric plant in Huexca, Morelos.

Example 2

What to do

What to do

While individual action isn't enough to solve the climate change crisis, it is necessary. In this case, Alex's mom is trying to discourage him from recycling, thinking his efforts won't do anything. However, individual action and responsibility is essential to solving the climate crisis, "It's essential that each of us who cares about the fate of the planet at least makes an attempt to align our individual actions with our role as public citizens" (Mark, 2019). Everyone including individuals, corporations, governments must put in our "grain of salt". Yes, Actually, Individual Responsibility Is Essential to Solving the Climate CrisisIn November, Sierra published an article by one of the magazine's editors, Katie O'Reilly, about her personal struggle in deciding whether to have...Sierraclub Mark, J. (2019). Yes, Actually, Individual Responsibility is Essential to Solving the Climate Crisis. SierraClub. Retrieved from https://www.sierraclub.org/sierra/yes-actually-individual-responsibility-essential-solving-climate-crisis on May 20, 2023.

In this battle against climate change there are people who will try to discourage us from acting against it, so here are 3 things you can do to use your individual power to fight against this issue. 1. Reduce, reuse, recycle We all generate waste, but the way we dispose of this waste is what matters. The three R's are super important in our battle against climate change. When you reduce the amount of waste you produce, you're preventing pollution. When you reuse materials, you're saving energy and reducing manufacturing emissions. When you recycle, you turn waste into new products. "Reducing, reusing and recycling waste helps save landfill space by keeping useful materials out of landfills" (Missouri Department of Natural Resources, n.d). 2. Buy locally sourced foods When you buy local foods, you are reducing gas emissions, thus improving your carbon footprint, as the food you consume doesn't have to travel far to get to you. Buying local creates a smaller environmental impact. 3. Carpool or using public transport Carpooling or using public transportation is an awesome way in which you can reduce your individual carbon footprint, helping the environment. Reduce, Reuse and RecycleWaste is often an unavoidable result of human activity. It occurs in our homes, schools, offices and factories. How we choose to handle that waste...Mo Missouri Department of Natural Resources. (n.d.) Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Retrieved from https://dnr.mo.gov/waste-recycling/reduce-reuse-recycle#:~:text=Reducing%2C%20reusing%20and%20recycling%20waste,manufacture%20the%20product%20are%20reduced. on May 20, 2023.

The government will sometimes feed us lies (or half truths) to make us worry less about the climate crisis. In this case, Mexico's government has started actions like planting trees, to reduce GEI contamination and carbon emissions but at the same time they are approving the construction of a refinery and a thermoelectric. Thay are being hypocrite with their actions, and to an uninformed citizen it might look as if their government are taking meaningful actions , when in reality, the amount of carbon dioxide the trees absorb is not enough to balance the emissions being put out by the refinery. "El cambio climático no está en el radar de AMLO"El calentamiento global es innegable. El aumento de la temperatura modificó la distribución del sargazo y provocó que grandes cantidades lleguen a...El Universal Dominguez, L. (2019). El cambio climático no está en el radar de AMLO. El Universal. Retrieved from https://www.eluniversal.com.mx/ciencia-y-salud/el-cambio-climatico-no-esta-en-el-radar-de-amlo/ on May 20, 2023. AMLO 'presume' las 10 acciones de su gobierno contra el cambio climáticoEl presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador presentó este viernes un decálogo de las acciones que México está implementando en la lucha contra el...El Financiero AMLO presume 'presume' las 10 acciones de su gobierno contra el cambio climático. (2022). El Financiero. Retrieved from https://www.elfinanciero.com.mx/nacional/2022/06/17/amlo-presume-las-10-acciones-de-su-gobierno-contra-el-cambio-climatico/#:~:text=M%C3%A9xico%20est%C3%A1%20implementando%20el%20programa,toneladas%20de%20di%C3%B3xido%20de%20carbono. on May 20, 2023.

Governments can sometimes be deceitful, and getting out of this deception can be hard and require a lot of effort. Here are some things you can do to ensure you aren't being lied to by your government. 1. Educate yourself In order to realize when you're being lied to, you must know about the topic. You got to understand the facts, causes and impacts of climate change in order to identify when the government's actions or narrative are fake or misleading. 2. Vote Responsibly Make sure you know who you're choosing to be represented by. Make sure they have a genuine commitment to the climate change crisis, and that their values align with yours, "our political leaders will do anything to stay in power, including deceiving the voting public on urgent matters of climate change" (Arnold, 2021). 3. Don't be afraid to call your government out When you realize the government is being deceitful, call them out! Go to peaceful protests, participate in public pressure, raise awareness and 'force' the government to present a more transparent and effective response to climate change. Government's climate change web of liesOur political leaders will do anything to stay in positions of power, including deceiving the voting public on urgent matters of climate change,...Independent Australia Arnold, S. (2021). Government's climate change web of lies. Independent Australian. Retreived from https://independentaustralia.net/politics/politics-display/governments-climate-change-web-of-lies,15569 on Mat 20, 2023.



"I love thrifting, it's good for the environment!" says Nicole, who buys clothes (used and new) every month and has a closet full of clothes she barely uses .

Example 1

Andrea loves to buy from Amazon's eco-friendly line "Amazon Aware", but what she doesn't realize is that their products are manufactured in Pakistan and are delivered in single-use plastic .

Example 2

What to do

What to do

Consumer Dimension

There is no doubt thrifting is good (or better) for the environment, however there is a fine line between buying clothes and overconsumption. Thrifting will do no good to the environment if you constantly buy new clothes. Overconsumption and barely using these clothes cause a huge amount of textiles that end up in landfills, "a truckload of abandoned textiles is dumped in landfills or incinerated every second. Meanwhile, it is estimated that people are buying 60% more clothes and wearing them for half as long" (UN Environment Programme, 2022). The environmental costs of fast fashionNew season, new styles, buy more, buy cheap, move on, throw away: the pollution, waste, and emissions of fast fashion are fueling the triple...UNEP UN Environmental Programme. (2022). The Environmental cost of fast fashion. Retrieved from https://www.unep.org/news-and-stories/story/environmental-costs-fast-fashion#:~:text=Plastic%20fibres%20are%20polluting%20the,a%20circular%20economy%20for%20textiles. on May 20, 2023.

Here are some tips to make better shopping choices and not fall into overconsumption. 1. Buy circular or upcycled clothes When you buy circular or upcycled clothes you are making sure your clothes have a second life, preventing the textiles to end up in a landfill. Look for companies that offer an upcycle system! 2. Reduce your fast fashion shopping While fast fashion can be cute and practical, it is terrible for the environment. Fashion production makes up 10% of total carbon emissions, "it dries up water sources and pollutes rivers and streams... even washing clothes releases 500,000 tons of microfibres into the ocean each year, the equivalent of 50 billion plastic bottles" (Maiti, 2023). 3. Don't be tempted by the price! While nobody loves a discount more than me, don't be tempted into buying something you do not need just because of the price. Only buy clothes you love or really need, to avoid contributing to the huge textile issue in regards to the climate change crisis. Fast Fashion: Its Detrimental Effect on the EnvironmentClothing retailers like Zara, Forever 21, and H&M make cheap and fashionable clothing to satisfy the needs of young consumers. Yet, fast fashion has...Earth.Org Maiti, R. (2023). Fast Fashion and its Environmental Impact in 2023. Earth Org. Retrieved from https://earth.org/fast-fashions-detrimental-effect-on-the-environment/ on May 20, 2023. Thriftscape - How to avoid fashion overconsumption in 2021Fashion consumption, especially fast fashion consumption, is at an all time high. The average person buys 70 fast fashion garments a year, that is 1...Thriftscape How to avoid fashion overconsumption in 2021. (n.d) Thrift Scape. Retrieved from https://thriftscape.co.uk/how-to-avoid-fashion-overconsumption-in-2021/ on May 20, 2023.

The online retailer launched "Amazon Aware" on March 2022 in order to offer "conscious" and "more sustainable" choices to its customers. However, Amazon was accused of "grotesque greenwashing" after it was discovered that their "eco-friendly" line was made all the way in Pakistan and delivered in single-use plastic (Nazir, 2023). This type of greenwashing can trick a customer into believing their purchase is not harming the environment. Nazir, S. (2023). Amazon accused of 'greenwashing on a grotesque scale'. Retail Gazette. Retrieved from https://www.retailgazette.co.uk/blog/2023/01/amazon-greenwashing/ on May 20, 2023.

Everyone loves to shop on Amazon, however it is a huge pollutant as reports claim, "Amazon's plastic packaging waste could circle the world 800 times" (Elton, 2022). So what can we do to avoid greenwashing and reduce your climate change impact on this platform? 1. Look where the products you're buying are coming from Most products on Amazon say where they are manufactured from and which warehouse they are being stored in, make sure you choose products being created or stored near you to create the smallest impact possible. 2. Don't just buy something because it says it is sustainable Look into the products, seller and manufacturer; make sure they are legitimate and that they aren't making empty claims to get you to buy their product. 3. Schedule your products to arrive on the same day When you're in checkout, you're given the option to group all your items into 1 package to reduce the packing supplies used. Make sure you choose this option, you can wait a few more days for your items if it means it could have a positive impact on the environment! Elton, C. (2022). Amazon's annual plastic packaging waste could circle the world 800 times, report alleges. Euronews Green. Retrieved from https://www.euronews.com/green/2022/12/15/amazons-annual-plastic-packaging-waste-could-circle-the-world-800-times-report-alleges#:~:text=In%20total%2C%20the%20online%20retail,earth%20more%20than%20800%20times. on May 20, 2023.



"Biotechnology can make crop production cheaper and increase crop yield". However, crops enhanced with biotechnology soak a lot of nutrients out of the soil, which can impact its fertility and the production of future crops.

Example 1

In the lab we go through a lot of nitrile gloves, and most of these gloves are biodegradable. However, this occurs by anaerobic decomposition, which means methane is released (greenhouse gases).

Example 2

What to do

What to do

Professional Dimension

Biotechnology is often seen as a career full of positives for the world and climate change, however this is not all true. While there are many positives and right now we can't identify a lot of negative impacts biotechnology could have on the environment, it doesn't mean it doesn't or won't have a big impact on the world. As described in this example, while one may think biotechnology is the solution or future or crops and the agriculture industry, what we fail to understand is that this 'positives' also have a negative impact on the soil they are being planted in. Pros and Cons of Biotechnology for the Environment - Environment CoWe are reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn affiliate commission. The climate change crisis is a growing concern for...Environment Co Marsh, J. (2022). Pros and Cons of Biotechnology for the Environment. Environment. Retrieved from https://environment.co/pros-and-cons-of-biotechnology-for-the-environment/#:~:text=Crops%20enhanced%20with%20biotechnology%20soak,to%20help%20mitigate%20this%20problem. on May 20, 2023.

While right now there aren't many known 'cons' to biotechnology, there are a few things we can do to make sure our actions as biotechnologists don't contribute to the climate crisis. 1. Correctly use and dispose of instruments used in the lab Don't overuse single-use intruments like micropipette tips, gloves, petri dishes, etc. As this items can mostly only be used once, make sure to correctly use and dispose them to reduce the posibility of increasing the climate crisis. 2. Never believe your actions won't have a negative impact While as a biotechnologist you might think your actions will change the world for the better, never believe they won't have a negative impact. In fields like this, an impact might not be immediately noticed, it make take years, so always think of ways to avoid a future negative impact on the environment. 3. Look for ways to be climate-smart. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94R8mP43eBk

In a field like biotechnology, one might think there are no negative impacts, however in instances like this example, we sometimes deceive ourselves into thinking biotechnology can help the invironment, without thinking about the possible consequences, specially in mundane instances, like the use of nitrile gloves. While nitrile gloves are biodegradable, their decomposition process occurs anaerobically, which means they release methane. The quicker the gloves decompose, the faster the release of methane. This is a consequence one might not think about! Latex and Nitrile gloves industry: Responsible management for sustainable development - SHIELD ScientificENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY Today there is a need for companies to demonstrate their responsibility for preserving the...SHIELD Scientific Latex and Nitrile gloves industry: Responsible management for sustainable development. (n.d.) Shield Scientific. Retrieved from https://www.shieldscientific.com/glove-education/9180/latex-and-nitrile-gloves-industry-responsible-management-for-sustainable-development/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CAccelerated%E2%80%9D%20biodegradability%3A%20most%20latex,is%20the%20release%20of%20methane! on May 20, 2023.

While in the lab it is often necessary to use gloves, we must be conscious when we use them. We must make sure we don't use them when it is not necessary, nor to use an excessive amount. We must also make sure to correctly dispose of the gloves, as they will eventually break down in landfills. Nitrile gloves cannot be recycled or reused if they are contaminated with chemicals or bacteria, but if they aren't contaminated most recycling programs accept nitrile gloves. Can Nitrile Gloves Be Recycled?Do you work in a place that requires personal protective equipment (PPE)? Maybe it's a lab, hospital, clinic, tattoo parlor, salon, or somewhere else...Primo Dental Products Can Nitrile Gloves be Recycled? (2021). Primo Dental Products. Retrieved from https://primodentalproducts.com/blogs/news/can-nitrile-gloves-be-recycled#:~:text=There%20are%20currently%20three%20types,never%20be%20recycled%20or%20reused. on May 21, 2023.

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