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Elena & Lola
Animal rights : animal testing
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Elena & Lola

Animal rights : animal testing


1) Ralph's life


The bunny's name is Ralph. He is a tester and he is deaf in one ear and blind in one eye. He has his fur shaved off and chemical burns on his back.He says that humans are superior to them and that they must do their jobs.His parents, his siblings his children were all testers but they died at work. He says they were born to die at work and that's what makes them happy.We can see that he is in pain and sad.When he goes to work the other rabbits say they don't want to die. When he leaves work we see that Ralph is not in good condition, he is injured all over and he is in tears. He says that without humans who buy products tested on animals he would not have a job...and probably in fields like normal rabbits.

2) Resume

"The love for all living creatures is the most noble attributes of man" Charles Darwin

3) Around the world

Many popular brands use animals for their products like :

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