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the space race

The conquest of space was a difficult competition between the US and the Soviet Union.Despite the dropout of some german scientists and surprisingly for the americans, the soviet union won the first step of the long space race in 1957 with the Spanik satellite. The Soviet Union has also managed to be first one to sent an animal in space, the dog Laika.

the america vs soviet union

At this point the US Congress faced a loss of prestige due to initial setbacks in space exploration, leading to the establishment of the North American Space Agency in 1958 in order to keep up with USSR achivments

In 1962, President Kennedy promised the American people that NASA would be committed to landing a man on the Moon by the end of the Sixties. However, the Soviet space programme achieved many firsts, including the first day spent entirely in orbit,, the first multiday trip, the first woman on a space mission, and the first human spacewalk on 8 th march 1965.

the race for the moon

After the humiliating defeats in the first phase of the space race, the US redesigned the foundations of the entire space programme and as a conseguence two success followed : first the Gemini programme and then the Apollo's and then in 1969, the United States, first successfully tested a moon landing module during the Apollo 10 mission. then made Apollo 11 land humans on the Moon on 20 July 1969 and two of them, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin could finally step onto the lunar surface and plant the American flag on

in 1989 with the disintegration communist bloc , deep change was marked in the relations between the nations that were Now less focused on the ideological and political supremacy than on the use of the outer space for commercial and scientific and collaboration.

towoards the end

To this proupose the International Space Station was soon built.The twenty-first century has probably marked the end of the pioneering era in the field of the space exploration infact Even NASA itself has redesigned its aims, dismissing the Space Shuttle, which will be replaced by Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle, and is planning new goals: a permanent settlement on the Moon and a human landing onto the "Red Planet", Mars in addition to other important scientific goals in astrophysics

. For the United States, these challenges see new competitors, not only Russia, heir of the old Soviet union but also india china and the European union

john f. kennedy's moon speech