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Demonstrate ROI to decision makers and develop relationships with stakeholders.
Data lineage feature gives tangible evidence of how and where the data is used, both inside and outside the domain. With lineage, you accelerate the democratization of data:
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Lineage usage. Summary
Meet Claire, a Data Project Manager
Meet Lisa, a GIS Project Manager
Meet Paul, 
a Data Steward
Meet Anna, 
a Digital Manager
Meet Alex, an Open Data Project Manager
Lineage usage. ExampleS

In your opinion, how data producers and portal administrators can benefit from lineage?

You can select more than one answer

What is the purpose of lineage?
 What is an ODS object? 
The data lineage feature provides a visualization of your ODS objects*:

  • how they're related to other ODS objects, 
  • where they're being used, 
  • and by whom.

With data lineage, you can visualize reuses from all ODS portals and embeds of ODS visualizations stored in our platform. You know what happens to your data and you can keep track of reuses of all sorts.
What is lineage?
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What is lineage?

The data lineage feature provides a visualization of your ODS objects*:

  • how they're related to other ODS objects,
  • where they're being used,
  • and by whom.
With data lineage, you can visualize reuses from all ODS portals and embeds of ODS visualizations stored in our platform. You know what happens to your data and you can keep track of reuses of all sorts.

What is an ODS object?

  • other published datasets
  • published pages
  • geographical processors
  • maps created with a map builder
  • charts created with a chart builder

What is the purpose of lineage?

Lineage usage. ExampleS

Meet Alex, an Open Data Project Manager

Meet Claire, a Data Project Manager

Meet Anna, a Digital Manager

Meet Paul, a Data Steward

Meet Lisa, a GIS Project Manager

Lineage usage. Summary

Click on the arrow to open the next usage.

Data lineage feature gives tangible evidence of how and where the data is used, both inside and outside the domain. With lineage, you accelerate the democratization of data:

Assess what might break in case a dataset is modified or deleted. Manage the portal more easily.

Demonstrate ROI to decision makers and develop relationships with stakeholders.

Motivate data producers, show results. Keep the Open Data energy up.

Find out how published data is used within the domain. Define what to invest the time and efforts into.

Find out how published data is used across the network of all ODS domains. Map your community of partners and re-users.

Meet Alex, an Open Data Project Manager for a French public institution. Next Tuesday, he has a meeting with the Chief of staff who will question the importance of Open Data platform and will ask for concrete numbers and results. Without data lineage: Alex spends 4 days to conduct analysis: he asks around internally, reads studies on the benefits of Open Data, and tries to showcase the reuses that some open data activists occasionally share. But he knows these are just the tip of the iceberg. With data lineage: Alex spends 20 min to find the number of uses and the most popular datasets. At the meeting, he demonstrates ROI to decision makers and proves why they need to invest into Open Data.

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