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Read the text about the Eurovision(by Kinneret Lotem Yamhod) and answer at least 3 questions. READ THE TEXT LINK

UNICORN 1. Open the link to read the lyrics of the song . 2. Open the link try to fill in the missing words in the song. "Fill in the missing words" (by Kinneret Lotem Yamhod)

Listen to Noa's song and answer the qestions Noa's Song - Unicorn : What do you think the song is about?

About Noa Kirel Open the link on Wikipedia and anwer the following questions: 1. First name ____________________ 2. Last name ___________________ 3. Date of birth __________________ 4. Lives in ________________________ 5. Occupation(s) ________________________. 6. Joind the army ( IDF) in ___________________________. 7. Name of the song representing Israel at the Eurovision contest 2023 is _______________