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Translation methods are significant in the foreign language learning process, as they help students to understand and communicate clearly and to have reading and writing skills.

The substantial of translation method.

The method was created so students could study a foreign language with a translation. Grammar is taught with an approach to learning words, and rules by heart, such as saying "It aims to know everything about anything more than the thing itself". (Richards and Rodgers, 2001). Translation methods are important because they help you to understand the meaning of words and phrases in your mother tongue, and this makes it easier to acquire English, it also allows comparisons between our native language and the foreign language. , because it helps to identify similarities and differences between both languages, in the same way, it allows us to develop reading and writing skills, and improves comprehension when we read a text, to express ourselves in a more understandable and correct way, another important factor is that when It is translated, we learn the culture, the policy of the country from which the language is being learned, which is why it would be essential for teachers who teach the English language to use translation methods because it actually helps students to overcome those language barriers, and it is that when we translate we learn new vocabulary, phrase verb and this is an opportunity to advance in our learning process in the foreign language.


Fazal, S., Majoka, D. M. I., & Ahmad, D. M. (2016). Integration of Grammar Translation Method with Communicative Approach: A Research Synthesis. International Research Journal of Art & Humanities, 44(44), 121–130. http://search.ebscohost.com.bibliotecavirtual.unad.edu.co/login.aspx?direct=true&db=hus&AN=121267994&lang=es&site=eds-live&scope=site