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Smartphone Day
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Smartphone Day
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Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

Let's go!

Smartphone Day

Module 6

How To: Create a flyer with the Canva app

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

Start here:Install the Canva App

  1. Open Appstore or Playstore, search for "Canva" and install it

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

Step by Step:Start

  1. Open the Canva App
  2. Choose your Log-in option
  3. Click on "Prints"
  4. Scroll down to "Flyers" and click on "See all"

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

Step by StepFinding a template

  1. Click on "Filters"
  2. Choose between:
    1. Format
    2. Style
    3. Theme
    4. Feature
    5. Subject
    6. Topic
    1. Color

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

Step by StepFinding a template

...or just search for your topic in the search bar!

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

Step by StepFinding a template

Note: Canva offers many different templates for different occasions. Some of them are not free and can only be used if you pay for them or if you have the paid "Pro version".

If you want to use this template you have to pay for it.

If you want to use this template you have to have a Canva Pro Account that you have to pay for.

Video Tutorial

Watch the short video on: How to find a template

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

Step by StepAdjusting the elements of a template:text

  1. Click on the text you want to edit
  2. You can change:
    1. Text
    2. Font
    3. Font size
    4. Font color
    5. and a lot more... try it out! :)

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

Step by StepAdjusting the elements of a template:image

  1. Click on the image you want to edit
  2. You can change:
    1. the image
    2. Color (on the bottom)
    3. Size (by dragging it)
    4. use effects
    5. choose the layer
    6. ...

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

Step by StepChoose the layer of an element

Note: If you use several images for your flyer, they may overlap. You can then decide which image should be in the front and which in the back.


sun: "bring forward"

sun: "send backward"

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

Step by StepChoose the layer of an element

  1. Click on the image you want to edit
  2. Click on the 3 dots
  3. Click on "layers"
  4. Drag and drop the element to the position you want it to be

Video Tutorial

How to adjust the elements of a template

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

Step by StepAdding new elements:graphic

  1. Click on the purple "plus sign" on the left corner
  2. Click on "Elements"
  3. Choose between:

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

Step by StepAdding new elements:photos

  1. Click on "Camera Roll"
  2. Choose a photo
  3. Choose "Add to page"
  4. Place the photo on your flyer and drag it as big or small as you like
  5. Other options:
    1. layers
    2. effects
    3. filters
    4. crop
    5. flip
    6. ...

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

Step by StepAdding new elements: Draw

  1. Click on the purple "plus"
  2. Click on: Draw
  3. Choose between pen, marker or highlighter
  4. Choose the color
  5. Draw on you flyer

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

Step by StepDeleting elements

  1. Click on the element
  2. Click on the bin symbol

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

Step by StepUndo a wrong step

  1. Click on the arrow back or ahead

Video Tutorial

Watch the short video on: How to add elements

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

Step by StepDownloading your Flyer

  1. Click on the download button
2. Choose between:
    1. Sending it via E-Mail
    2. Saving it in Google Drive
    3. Saving it on your phone
    4. ...
3. Give your flyer a good file name

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

Step by StepOrientation

  1. Home: Starting point for all projects
  2. Projects: the place where you can find all your projects
  3. Templates: the place where you find all templates

Tap on the "eye symbol" to see more information...

To give your project (for example a flyer for a summer camp) a suitable name, click on the 3 dots in the top row and then on the pencil at the top.

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

Step by StepWorking without a template & creating a blank Flyer

  1. Click on "Create blank"
  2. Choose between different elements:
    1. Graphics
    2. Photos
    3. Videos
    4. Audios
    5. Frames
    6. ...

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

Quiz:Look closely...

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

Quiz:Which elements have been changed?

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day


Don´t forget to click on "SEND" to see the right answer

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

Quiz:Which elements have been changed?

Tap on the "eye symbols" to see the answer!

The color was changed.

The layer was changed.

The layer and the alignment were changed.

The color was changed.

The alignment was changed.

The color was changed.

The text content and the font was changed.

The text color was changed.

The color was changed.

The color was changed.

The text was changed.

Quiz:Which statement is correct?

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

Quiz:Which statement is correct?

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

You can do a lot more with Canva like...

  1. Presentations
  2. CVs
  3. Invitation (Cards)
  4. Postcards
  5. Stickers
  6. Posters
  7. Facebook Posts
  8. Logos
  9. YouTube Thumbnails
  10. Instagram Stories
  11. ... and a lot more

Quiz:Which statement is correct?

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

Quiz:Which statement is correct?

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day


Which button do you have to click to change the name of your project?

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day


  1. Download or open the Canva App and create your own flyer.
  2. Click on the download button and send it via email to:


STOP! Only continue if you have sent the flyer!

Digital SkillsSmartphone Day

Module 6

How To: Create a Flyer with Canva
