Saris Peraza A
Created on May 3, 2023
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Daniela Miranda
Sara Peraza
Chapter 7 / Marley and me
The world's worst dog
10 unknown words
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Grabbed/agarró to take hold of someth ing or someone suddenly and roughly -She grabbed her towel and headed for the beach. -He grabbed me so hard that I couldn't do anything.
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Disappointed/Decepcionada/ounhappy because someone or something was not as good as you hoped or expected, or because something did not happen -Remember that you were disappointed to not have been informed. -If you disturb my guests, I will be very disappointed.
Wobble/Tambaleo If something wobbles, it moves from side to side, -My table started to wobble -As I see it wobble, will be the first to warn.
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Seemed/parecíato give the effect of being; to be judged to be -Well, there was a problem nobody seemed able to solve -Seven years seemed like nothing to Jacob (Genesis 29:20).
Leash/Correaa piece of rope, chain, etc. tied to an animal, especially to a dog at its collar when taking it for a walk -With the leash going very well, he loves to walk. -What Sharon still do not like is the leash.
Towards/Haciain the direction of, or closer to someone or something -Towards the west, the beach ends at least a kilometer. -Towards the end of 2014, the articles were less positive.
distrustful/desconfiada/o not trusting someone or something -And is distrustful up to with his own men. -But, for a distrustful person, nothing can make him believe.
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Suddenly/De repente quickly and unexpectedly -Judgment will come suddenly, like a thief in the night. -After several minutes of silence, he suddenly asked a question.
Silly/Tonto/a showing little thought or judgment -And it sounds silly, but that's basically what we do. -Make up silly songs about different emotions, using any tune.
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10 unknown words
Many people in Boca Raton had dogs, but their were very different to Marley. Most of these dogs were very, very small. Marley really wanted to be friends with these little dogs, but the dogs didn't want to be friends with Marley. One day, when Jenny and John went to have lunch in a restaurant, they tied Marley to a leg of the table with his leash, in an instant, the table began to wobble, suddenly, Marley was chasing a dog, but with the table tied to him, after they grabbed him, they just paid for their drinks and left. Jenny had another baby, named Colleen, when she was 2 months old, John had his fortieth birthday, even though he wanted to do something fun, the day was pretty quiet; Arriving home at eight thirty, his children, Patrick, Conor, Colleen, and his wife Jenny, were sleeping, a little
disappointed and sad, he went outside to have a drink, while Marley accompanied him, he reflected on his life, and about Marley, and how old he was. Days later, his friend Jim called him for a drink, when they were at the bar, the bartender needed him, since someone was calling him on the phone; when John answered, it was Jenny, who needed him to help her with Collen, because she had woken up, Jim offered to take him, and when he got to the street John saw a lot of cars, and he thought it might be a party, he invited Jim to go to his house, and when he opened the door, Jenny had a surprise party for him. A few days later, John wanted to take Marley to a beach, called Dog beach, where dogs could run off leash; when he arrived, he noticed that the dogs were on a leash, and a man informed him that the police told them that the dogs had to use it, suddenly John saw a man arrive with a dog that seemed dangerous but the man told him that he was friendly and not to worry, after talking to him for a while, the man told him that it seemed illogical to him that they didn't let dogs walk without a leash when Dog Beach was for dogs, saying
this, he released the dog from him, and Marley looked at John, like she's saying "please, please, I'll be good, I promise!" John, a bit suspicious, let go, and Marley happily ran into the sea, Marley started drinking water and John started yelling "Marley! No! That'll make you sick!" not listening to him, Marley continued, and began to go around in circles, John yelled "Marley NO!", but it was too late, Marley was pooping everywhere and people were yelling at John "Hey, put a leash on him." your dog!", "Yuck!", etc. They all began to leash their dogs, and John felt that he was being watched. Normal dogs don't drink seawater, and although Marley wasn't bad, he sometimes did fool himself. On the way home, John would say to Marley, "Sometimes you're the worst dog in the world." He never took him tothe beach again.
Even if Marley does things that are a bit annoying and/or uncomfortable, you don't have to get angry or blame him, you also have to teach him with love and patience.
Despite the things that others do, we must learn to be patient, and to love people or pets like Jhon and Jenny did with Marley.
BEWAREDuring the activity you cannot speak at an inappropriate volume, nor can they be reviewing or interrupting other groups
ATENTIONIf you finish the puzzle you must to be in complete silence
The game consists of a puzzle, in which, by teams of 4 people (in total there will be 6 groups), each of these will be given a small puzzle, and who finishes it first will win a prize. The prizes will be from 1st place to last place, all the other groups will earn a kind of consolation prize.
Sara PerazA
dANIELA Miranda