Mission fact checker
boudjenane sophie
Created on April 27, 2023
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credits: Carole.Burger
The team is composed of five journalists. They gather every evening with the editorial board to check the content of the newspaper for the next morning edition. During the last meeting, a group of fake news activists, The Fake News Defense Association, broke into the office and manipulated their files, photos and articles. Their goal is difficult to spot... Your mission : find the real information snooping into each journalist's office before the printing of tomorrow's newspaper. You will discover the 5 ways journalists can manipulate a photo. Note each down.
Ready? Click here
Anne Onymous
Vera Truth
The team: 5 genuine reporters looking for the truth. Click to learn about the journalists' job.
Our offices downtown
The eye of the journalist
The decoder
Anne Onymous's office
Zaid Ascoop's office
Find the real articles and photos the activists have changed before tomorrow's edition printing, snooping into each journalist's office.
Write the clues you find on your notebook, you will need your notes at the end. You will have to find a letter and a password in each office.
The decoder
Drag the file as soon as you have found the real document and drop it in this leather file.
It cannot be printed that way, you need to do something
The manipulated frontpage
Back to introduction
Vera Truth's office
Johnny formation's office
Leslie article's office
Map of the office
Back to introduction
Anne Onymous's office
Zaid Ascoop's office
Find the real articles and photos the activists have changed before tomorrow's edition printing, snooping into each journalist's office.
Write the clues you find on your notebook, you will need your notes at the end. You will have to find a letter and a password in each office.
The decoder
Drag the file as soon as you have found the real document and drop it in this leather file.
It cannot be printed that way, you need to do something
The manipulated frontpage
Vera Truth's office
Johnny formation's office
Leslie article's office
Map of the office
Anne Onymous's office
Zaid Ascoop's office
Find the real articles and photos the activists have changed before tomorrow's edition printing, snooping into each journalist's office.
The decoder
Write the clues you find on your notebook, you will need your notes at the end.
Drag the file as soon as you have found the real document and drop it in this leather file.
It cannot be printed that way, you need to do something
The manipulated frontpage
Retour à l'introduction
Vera Truth's office
Johnny formation's office
Leslie article's office
Map of the office
Read and think!!
-A hand => try to click -A cross => move an object -A line across => write something
Try several actions on the objects you find.
put the genuine document in the leather file. Something appears ? Click on it!
Look at the mouse, it can be a clue.
Once in an office, your aim is to find the photo or article that has been checked, that's why you have to investigate, visit the sites, listen to videos or audios, read and answer questions.
Do you need help?
Read and think!!
-A hand => try to click -A cross => move an object -A line across => write something
Try several actions on the objects you find.
put the genuine document in the leather file. Something appears ? Click on it!
Look at the mouse, it can be a clue.
Once in an office, your aim is to find the photo or article that has been checked, that's why you have to investigate, visit the sites, listen to videos or audios, read and answer questions.
Do you need help?
Read and think!!
-A hand => try to click -A cross => move an object -A line across => write something
Try several actions on the objects you find.
put the genuine document in the leather file. Something appears ? Click on it!
Look at the mouse, it can be a clue.
Once in an office, your aim is to find the photo or article that has been checked, that's why you have to investigate, visit the sites, listen to videos or audios, read and answer questions.
Do you need help?
Read and think!!
-A hand => try to click -A cross => move an object -A line across => write something
Try several actions on the objects you find.
put the genuine document in the leather file. Something appears ? Click on it!
Look at the mouse, it can be a clue.
Once in an office, your aim is to find the photo or article that has been checked, that's why you have to investigate, visit the sites, listen to videos or audios, read and answer questions.
Do you need help?
The decoder
The decode
Click on the newspaper to go back
The decoder
Clique sur le journal pour retourner au bureau
Clique sur le journal pour retourner au bureau
Leslie Article
Have you found the letter? write it on your notebook...
Note: On this picture, you have to understand what is off screen
Crédit de la photo : AP/Itsuo Inouye
Click to modify the frontpage
Hence the importance of::
If I place here the part of the picture showing a caring soldier, we may think he treats the prisoner well.
If I place here the part of the picture with a threatening soldier, I feel like protecting the prisoner..
Leslie Article'soffice
This file will allow you to stock the genuine photos and articles found in the journalists' offices and place them on the frontpage.
It will allow you to access the manipulated newspaper and make the necessary changes to broacast a verified information.
Put the genuine documents in the file.
This file will allow you to stock the genuine photos and articles found in the journalists' offices and place them on the frontpage.
It will allow you to access the manipulated newspaper and make the necessary changes to broacast a verified information.
Put the genuine documents in the file.
Click to snoop in the next office
Hillary Clinton health condition: malaise and hopital
Parents' alarm!A new and disgusting challenge: licking the subway poles.
Change the photo
Click to modify the newspaper
Johnny's glasses seem to help him discover the edited photos
I really need more skills in IT : photos can be so easily edited with a computer. Even the presidents use it during their campaign or against their opponent...
Seven differences
I wonder what could be the interest of hiding perspirations marks on such a photo......
Crédits :DPA/ Siemens
Johnny Formation's office
edited photo
genuine photo
Parents' alarm!A new and disgusting challenge: licking the subway poles.
Click to snoop in the next office
Hillary Clinton health condition: malaise and hopital
Change the photo
Memo :On the net , we can better understand the purpose of a site through the sections: Who are we, Contact, or legal notices... On youtube, the "about" section will be useful.
Click to modify the frontpage
Rubbish ... The context of this photo has nothing to do with a challenge, nor with a health study.There are many other photos which could illustrate this study !What's more, the author must be mentionned.
belong to
(©)of the photo
Nice souvenir of the shooting with the improvisation league "Improv everywhere" ! John
Alarmed parentsA new stupid and disgusting challenge Licking the subway poles
My letter is not me, it's ...
Vera Truth's office
Mémo :Sur le web , on peut mieux comprendre le but d'un site grâce aux rubriques Qui sommes nous, Contact, ou aux mentions légales... Sur youtube, la rubrique A propos sera utile
Clique pour modifier le journal
appartiennent à
(©)de la photo
Super souvenir du tournage avec la troupe d'improvisation théâtrale Improv everywhere ! Alain
Alerte parentsUn nouveau challenge débile et dégoutant Lécher les barres de métro
Ma lettre n'est pas du café, c'est du...
N'importe quoi ... Le contexte de cette photo n'a rien à voir avec un challenge, ni une étude de santé d'ailleurs...Il y a pourtant d'autres images pour illustrer cette étude !Et l'auteur de la photo est mentionné
Bureau de Véra Vérité
A non-profit newsroom, powered by WNYC. Licking Subway Poles "Probably Fine," Says Expert By Rebecca Fishbein Published Feb 5, 2015 The subway is ostensibly a sordid place, one filled with used condoms, human excrement and wheels of cheese. But it appears we're not all in danger of contracting smallpox from a subway pole, or so says one scientist who's been hard at work swabbing train surfaces for the last few years. His results? Thanks to the strength of our immune systems, "the subway is not something to be scared of." Well, we'll see about that. Dr. Chris Mason of Weill Cornell Medical College is one of the very sciencey brains behind the "PathoMap" study, in which he and his team swab subways and other urban surfaces to paint a molecular portrait of the city. The study is embargoed until at least next week, but Mason presented a brief overview as part the American Museum of Natural History's SciCafe series last night, and he assured area germaphobes that subways aren't nearly as disgusting as one might imagine. "You wouldn't want to lick all the poles, even though you'd probably be fine," he told us, noting that he unearthed "nothing traumatic" on the Poles of Death. "Wash your hands and don't walk around with a gaping wound." According to Mason, the reason we haven't all been sickened by subway pole exposure is that our immune systems are strong enough to handle some of the gross bacteria we've stroked on the L train. But he cautioned that in a world where Purell dispensers are stationed in every home and office, that may not always be the case. Infants and young children need to be exposed to pathogens in order to build immunity that can withstand a train pole. In fact, "the best thing to do with newborns is roll them like sushi on the subway ground," Mason said. He's only half-joking. "More exposure [to germs] as a baby is better," he said, noting that, for instance, it's better to let an adorable dog lick a small child's face than shield it from canine tongue, in order to avoid future allergies and illnesses. Another way to prevent a future ruled by Claritin? "The more cockroaches you're exposed to, the greater protection you'll have against allergies," Mason said. Gothamist is a website about New York City news, arts, events and food, brought to you by New York Public Radio. Terms Of Use Privacy Policy Accessibility ©2023 New York Public Radio. All rights reserved.
Improvisation: their theater passion
Parents' alarm!A new and disgustng challenge: licking the subway poles.
Click to snoop in the next office
Hillary Clinton health condition: malaise and hopital
Change the photo
Improvisation: their theater passion
parents alarm:a new stupid and disgusting challenge: licking the subway poles.
Click to snoop in the next office
Change the photo
corbeille à fake news
Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton slips on the steps walking into SC Strong, a non-profit facility in Charleston, South Carolina, February 27, 2016.Mark Makela/Getty Images/AFP
This photo was taken during the 2016 campaign. On two different websites, the caption mentions two very different things. What source tells the truth?
One photo, two captions ...What newspaper, what source can I trust?
Breitbart News H. Clinton’s lingering brain condition that appeared after she suffered a blood cot.
Drag the screen and watch until 1:30. Answer the questions.Click here, it will give you a new letter.
Crédit : Haitham Mussawi
Click to modify the newspaper
I would like to see this document a little better.
Anne Onymous' office
Breitbart News has extensively reported on Clinton’s various health problems, including what could be a lingering brain condition that appeared after she suffered a blood cot.
This photo was taken during the 2016 campaign. On two different websites, the caption mentions two very different things. What source tells the truth?
Glisse l'écran et regarde jusqu'à 1:30 environ pour compléter les définitions. Tu peux activer les sous-titres au besoin
Satire is one
The way a subject is seen or analysed
Choices and orientations of an editorial board
Crédit : Haitham Mussawi
Golden age of written press
Click to modify the newspaper
I would like to see this document a litlle clearer.
Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton slips on the steps walking into SC Strong, a non-profit facility in Charleston, South Carolina, February 27, 2016.Mark Makela/Getty Images
Une photo, deux légendes ...A quel journal, à quelle source se fier ?Cette vidéo devrait m'aider à comprendre le pluralisme des médias
Anne Onymous' office
Could a pen be useful?
Back to the office
Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton slips on the steps walking into SC Strong, a non-profit facility in Charleston, South Carolina, February 27, 2016.Mark Makela/Getty Images/AFP
Hillary Clinton health condition: malaise and hopital
Parents' alarm!A new and disgustng challenge: licking the subway poles.
Click to snoop in the next office
Change the photo
Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton slips on the steps walking into SC Strong, a non-profit facility in Charleston, South Carolina, February 27, 2016.Mark Makela/Getty Images/AFP
Parents' alarm!A new and disgustng challenge: licking the subway poles.
Click to snoop in the next office
Change the photo
Hillary Clinton health condition: malaise and hopital
It is a question point of view !
Is distance respected or not ?© Ólafur Steinar Gestsson and Philip Davaliconducted an experiment on camera angle shots in Denmark in May 2020... interesting!
Click to modify the newspaper
Zaid Ascoop's office!
Match the figures with the number of fingers
Prince William is royal !
This photo is unacceptable...
English lesson
Hillary Clinton health condition: malaise and hopital
Parents' alarm!A new and disgusting challenge: licking the subway poles.
Click to snoop in the next office
Change the photo
The decoder
Il ne reste plus qu'à changer le nom du journal...Quel boulot, bravo !
Alerte parentsUn nouveau challenge débile et dégoutant Lécher les barres de métro
Il ne reste qu'à changer la photographie
A code blocks the modification.... It must be a protection created by our journalists? Did you find all the letters scattered in the offices?
I wanted the theater Improv everywhere to benefit from a buzz
Click when you have understood their intentions
Their goals :
Make you smile
Embellish reality
I find perspiration disgusting.
I wanted to show how violent a war really is.
Heavily promote
Influence the readers
The activists will not let the newspaper out without explaining their actions
I just wanted to have fun.
True information
Associate the tools you have discovered to keep a critical mind and match a tool to a photo example.
Let's print the newspaper!
The point of view
Caption and source
photo editing
The context
The decoder
The decoder
The decoder
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you
The decoder
For their content
Play again
Thank you to the original escape game : carole.burger1@ac-nancy-metz.fr
To the museum of Communication in Berne.
To the Centre pour l'Education aux Medias et à l'Information - CLEMIFollow the link.