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Other areas in South Florida are facing the same problem. Many cities have begun to increase preventative flooding measures. 
Combating Flooding
- Miami has raised city roads and installed water removing pumps (Donald 1) 
- Floodwalls, sea improvements, pumping stations have also been installed (Cox 1)
- Many people in the area are resistant to change as there is high cost 
- Sea level rise has caused the population denisty in the area to grow 
- This leads to expansions that destroy the homes of the wildlife there
- Beach erosion also pushes the wildlife further inland
Donald, R. (2022). Climate Knowledge and Community Ritual: Miami Weathercasters as Climate Change Communicators. Journal of Communication Inquiry, 46(1), 17–38. https://doi.org/10.1177/0196859920977150

Cox, S. (2022). Inscriptions of resilience: Bond ratings and the government of climate risk in Greater Miami, Florida. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 54(2), 295–310. https://doi.org/10.1177/0308518X211054162
Climate Change
Miami, FL
- Many areas now suffer from intense droughts 
- This effects the local agricultural system as well as the running water source
Climate Change
- Climate change not only effects sea levels but disrupts the process of photosynthesis 
- There is also an increase in rainfall as well as tropical storms

Environmental Damage
- Higher sea levels lead to further coast erosion 
- Warm climate change also effects the agricultural success of the region
- Flooding has caused many people to lose their homes
- Fixing personal homes and city damage is expensive 
- The area has to deal with short and long term costs to prevent the area from further flood damage (Cox 1) 
- Human expansion to combat flooding has impeeded on the environment  
- Such as by removing trees (Cox 1)
- Damage to "local infrastructure" (Donald 1)
- Damage to homes and streets 
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Humans- Damage to "local infrastructure" (Donald 1)- Damage to homes and streets

Environment- Human expansion to combat flooding has impeeded on the environment - Such as by removing trees (Cox 1)


Flooding- Flooding has caused many people to lose their homes- Fixing personal homes and city damage is expensive - The area has to deal with short and long term costs to prevent the area from further flood damage (Cox 1)

Environmental Damage- Higher sea levels lead to further coast erosion - Warm climate change also effects the agricultural success of the region


Climate Change- Climate change not only effects sea levels but disrupts the process of photosynthesis - There is also an increase in rainfall as well as tropical storms

Droughts- Many areas now suffer from intense droughts - This effects the local agricultural system as well as the running water source


Miami, FL

Climate Change

Sources:Donald, R. (2022). Climate Knowledge and Community Ritual: Miami Weathercasters as Climate Change Communicators. Journal of Communication Inquiry, 46(1), 17–38. https://doi.org/10.1177/0196859920977150Cox, S. (2022). Inscriptions of resilience: Bond ratings and the government of climate risk in Greater Miami, Florida. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 54(2), 295–310. https://doi.org/10.1177/0308518X211054162

Wildlife- Sea level rise has caused the population denisty in the area to grow - This leads to expansions that destroy the homes of the wildlife there- Beach erosion also pushes the wildlife further inland

Combating Flooding- Miami has raised city roads and installed water removing pumps (Donald 1) - Floodwalls, sea improvements, pumping stations have also been installed (Cox 1)- Many people in the area are resistant to change as there is high cost

Other areas in South Florida are facing the same problem. Many cities have begun to increase preventative flooding measures.

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