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April 2nd 1863 as the battle went on inflation did, in the south this was a problem. families broke into bakeries to feed their families.it was the largest civil disturbance for the confederacy.

Nov 19 1863 President Abe Lincoln gave a speech a few months after the battle in July 1-3 1863. Lincoln's speech talked about how we should remember the people who died here. He compared things about the american revolution / four score and seven years ago, to listening to the angel on your shoulder.

Oct 16 1859 John Brown arrived at 8:00 pm with 15 men. at 10:00 pm the raid started it was a total failure and John Brown was hanged for stealing from the government. Raid on Harpers ferry was a plan John Brown had to free slaves and arm them to free more slaves. However his plan failed and led to his demise.

John Wilkes Booth assassinated Lincoln on April 14 1865. After the murder he went into hiding and had a 100,000 bounty to his name. 12 days later he was captured. However he hid out in Maryland to get away from Washington DC. after Abe Lincoln's assassination, in Maryland he met a person named Herold. During the assassination he escaped through the back door of the ford theater. He was born May 10 1838 and died April 26 1865.

Picket's Charge July 3 1863 While the battle of Gettysburg raged on the Confederacy were losing so Robert E Lee ordered an infantry attack. 10,000 men in the charge but the Confederacy had way to little men and the planned failed. the Confederacy retreated and Union won the battle.

Surrender at Appomattox, April 9 1865

April 12, 1861.Fort Sumter shots fired start of Civil War

Andersonville prison camp Feb, 1864

April, 6 1862 Battle of the Shiloh.

Nov, 15 1864, Burning of Atlanta