Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


"Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802"



After reading the poem on page 506, analyzing it, and participating in class discussion, use the poem, your notes, and your learning from the discussion to navigate the harbor by answering the questions correctly.

Read lines 4-5. What can the reader infer about the speaker's feelings based on those lines?


He appreciates the beauty and stillness of the morning.

He's not a fan of the city and it's residents.

A person must be an early bird to enjoy life.

They help the reader see that the speaker loves the benefits the city provides.

They demonstrate the flashiness of the city.

How do lines 6-8 function in the poem?


They show that even the big buildings are beautiful in the clear morning air.

How does the setting of the poem contribute to a main theme of the poem?


1802 is during the Industrial Revolution, helping the reader understand the reader's enjoyment of the city in it's more natural state, early, before the industrial aspects wake up.

The river helps the reader understand that life is meant to be meandered through slowly, like the water flowing through the city.

The city helps the reader see the sparkle and shine of the life that the Industrial Revolution has provided.

It communicates that the speaker is not a smoker.

What is the significance of the "smokefree air" in line 8?


It shows that, despite industrialization, the city has remained pure.

It provides the first clue that the speaker is not completely happy with industrialization.

line 4

lines 9-10

What line(s) from the poem hint that industry is creeping in on the pristine city?


lines 6-8

He gets bored by the quiet and bareness.

He is ambivalent because he likes nature and city.

How does the speaker feel about the natural world?


He appreciates its beauty and stillness.

Start over?

You have managed to reach the port


Try again

The lighthouse has burned out because the answer is wrong...

Oh no...