Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


By Javi and Inés


-It's the measurement of how much mass is in a given volume and its relation.-We can calculate it dividing its mass by its volume.-For example, if we have to measure the density of one litre of water, we must divide the mass(1kg/L) by the volume(1000 cm3 = 0,001m3). The result is 1kg/L.
-It's the quantity of space that an objet occupies.-It's measured depend of the shape of the object you want to measure.-If it's a regulary-shaped object, such as a cube, we measure three sides of the object and multiplying those sides, we get the volume in metres cubed (m3).-If it's a iregulary-shaped objet, like a marble, first, use a beaker filled of water and measure the water level without the marble. Later, measure the water level again with the marble. The difference between the water level before and now is the volume and we measure it in litres (l).
-It's the amount of matter in an object.-We measure it in kilograms with an instrument called scale.-For example, we can compare the mass of a pencil and a pen.




The properties of matter

-It's the upwards force, that is, the movement of the object in the up direction and otherwise an object floats if the upthrust is higher than the gravity or the weight of the object.
-Pushes the object down and is the same of the weight.
-This property shows us if the matter is or isn't floating in a liquid.-Density affects it. For example, as ice is denser than liquid water, the ice floats in the ocean. -When we throw an object in the water, two forces are acting on it.


-Most metals are hard materials like diamonds.-The sponge is a soft material.
Thermal conductivity
-For example, copper is an electrical conductor beacuse it lets the electric current to pass through it.-In the case of glass, it wouldn't be a electrical conductor. On the contrary, it would be a electrical insulator because it doesn't allow to flow the electricity.
Electrical conductivity
-Salt is a soluble sustance because you can dissolve in water. Vinegar is another example too.-The sand is not a soluble element because it cannot dissolve in water.
-Many metals are thermal conductors because they allow thermal energy to pass through them.-But plastic will be a thermal insulator because thermal energy doesn't let to pass through it without difficulty.

Other properties of matter

- A mixture that has a varied colour or texture is called heterogeneous mixture.-Each substance in the mixture retains its specific properties.

-This mixture has a consistent colour and texture.- Every part of a homogeneous mixture has the same properties.

This type of substance has two or more different kinds of molecule not conbined chemically

The molecules in a pure substance can be a single element, for example oxygen.

A combination of elementscombined chemically, for example the water.

Single element
-They are made up only by one kind of molecule.-For example the sugar.-They can be of two types:

Pure substances and mixtures

A solution is a mixture of one or more liquids with one or more subtances.In a solution, the substances are dissolved in the liquid.The liquid components of a solution are called solvents.The other components are called solutes.
