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Presentation Practice Production

PPP, or the Presentation-Practice-Production lesson framework, is a popular teaching approach used in language education. It was first introduced by Jeremy Harmer in his book "The Practice of English Language Teaching" in 1991.​ PPP is a well-used approach because it provides a structured and systematic way of introducing new language items to students, and it allows them to practice using the language in a controlled environment before moving on to more open-ended activities.This helps students to gradually build their language skills and confidence, and to develop both accuracy and fluency in the language.​

Stage 1


The presentation stage is the first stage in the PPP lesson format. In this stage, the teacher introduces the target language or grammar structure to the students. The presentation stage typically begins with the teacher eliciting prior knowledge from the students by asking questions or having a brief discussion about the topic. The teacher may then provide a clear explanation of the target language or grammar structure, often using visual aids such as pictures, diagrams, or videos to support the explanation. The presentation may also include examples of the target language or grammar structure, which the teacher can ask the students to analyse and discuss. The teacher may also provide some context for the target language or grammar structure, such as a short story or a dialogue, to help students understand how the language is used in real-life situations. The goal of the presentation stage is to ensure that students understand the meaning and form of the target language or grammar structure, and to provide them with enough context to begin using it in context. Therefore, the teacher should allow time for questions and clarification, and may also provide additional examples or practice activities as needed. At the end of the presentation stage, the teacher should check for understanding by asking students to demonstrate their comprehension of the target language or grammar structure. This can be done through activities such as gap-fill exercises, matching activities, or short answer questions.

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Stage 2



The practice stage typically begins with controlled practice activities that allow students to focus on accuracy and getting the grammar or structure right. This may involve activities such as gap-fill exercises, sentence completion, or matching activities. These activities can be completed individually, in pairs, or in small groups. As students become more confident with the target language or grammar structure, the practice activities may become more open-ended or communicative. This may involve activities such as role-plays, discussions, or games that require students to use the target language or grammar structure in a more creative or authentic way. During the practice stage, the teacher should provide feedback and correction as needed, but should also encourage students to work together and help each other. The goal of this stage is to provide students with a safe and supportive environment in which to practice and experiment with the target language or grammar structure. At the end of the practice stage, the teacher may provide a review or summary of the key points covered in the lesson so far and may also address any common errors or issues that arose during the practice activities.

In this stage,the teacher provides students with opportunities to practice using the target language or grammar structure that was presented in the first stage.


Stage 3



During the production stage, students are given a task or activity that requires them to use the target language or grammar structure to express their own ideas or opinions. This may involve role-plays, debates, discussions, or creative writing tasks. The teacher's role during the production stage is to monitor the students' progress, provide feedback, and encourage participation. It is important for the teacher to create a supportive and collaborative atmosphere, and to provide opportunities for students to work in pairs or small groups. The production stage is an opportunity for students to demonstrate their mastery of the target language or grammar structure, and to use it in a meaningful and authentic context. It is also a chance for students to take ownership of their learning, and to develop their confidence and independence as language learners. At the end of the production stage, the teacher should provide feedback and praise for the students' efforts, and may also address any common errors or issues that arose during the production activity. This helps to reinforce the key points covered in the lesson, and provides students with a sense of achievement and progress.


Example of PPP lesson

Level: Intermediate Topic: Describing Daily Routines Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use present simple tense to describe their daily routines. Materials: Whiteboard, markers, handouts with daily routine vocabulary and a model text, listening recording of daily routine descriptions. Procedure: Presentation (10 minutes) Write the sentence "I wake up at 6 am every morning" on the board. Elicit the meaning of the sentence and ask students to identify the tense used (present simple). Introduce the topic of daily routines and explain that we use present simple to describe habits or routines. Provide a handout with daily routine vocabulary and a model text to help students understand the language structure. Practice (15 minutes) Give students a handout with five daily routine sentences that are missing the verb. Ask students to choose the correct present simple verb from a list of options to complete the sentences. Check answers as a class and ask students to explain their choices. Production (20 minutes) Give students a listening recording of three people describing their daily routines using present simple tense. Ask students to take notes and then work in pairs to compare their notes and write a short paragraph describing their own daily routine using present simple tense. Monitor and provide feedback as necessary. Wrap-up (5 minutes) Ask a few students to share their paragraphs with the class. Review the main language points of the lesson and answer any questions. Overall, this lesson plan follows the PPP framework by presenting the target language and providing practice activities before moving onto a more communicative production task. By the end of the lesson, students should have a better understanding of present simple tense and be able to use it to describe their daily routines.

  • Limited focus on communication: PPP lessons often focus on the presentation and practice of specific language structures, without necessarily promoting communication or interaction between students. This can lead to a focus on accuracy rather than fluency, and may not adequately prepare students for real-life communication.
  • Over-reliance on teacher-centered instruction: PPP lessons often involve the teacher presenting information and directing the students' learning, without giving students sufficient opportunities for independent learning or collaboration. This can limit students' autonomy and creativity, and may not encourage them to take ownership of their own learning.
  • Limited engagement: PPP lessons can be repetitive and formulaic, with students engaging in similar activities over and over again. This can lead to boredom and disengagement, which may in turn limit students' motivation and willingness to learn.
  • Lack of focus on meaning: PPP lessons often focus on the form of language structures rather than their meaning, which can lead to students memorizing structures without understanding their use or context. This can limit students' ability to use language flexibly and creatively, and may not adequately prepare them for real-life communication.
  • Insufficient attention to individual needs: PPP lessons often treat all students as if they have the same level of knowledge and skills, without taking into account individual differences or learning styles. This can limit students' ability to learn effectively and may lead to frustration or disengagement.

Criticism of PPP:


There are many alternatives to PPP method. Here are few examples:

Alternatives to PPP

Enagage Study Ativate

ESA framework was developed as an alternative to the PPP model and it's often used in communucative language teaching.This model is flexible and can be adapted to suit different teaching context and levels.


A "boomerang" lesson is a teaching technique that involves presenting a language item, then moving away from it to focus on other aspects of language learning, and then returning to the original language item later in the lesson. This technique is called "boomerang" because the lesson comes back to the original language item like a boomerang returning to its starting point. The purpose of a boomerang lesson is to help students internalize new language items by providing them with multiple exposures to the language in different contexts. By moving away from the language item and then returning to it later in the lesson, students are encouraged to notice the language item in different ways and to develop a deeper understanding of how it is used.

1.Presentation 2.Practice 3.Expansion 4.Production 5.Boomerang


By using a patchwork lesson, teachers can provide students with a range of language activities and skills, while keeping the lesson dynamic and engaging.

A "patchwork" lesson is a teaching technique that involves dividing a lesson into different segments, each focusing on a different language skill or activity. These segments are often unrelated to each other, and may include activities such as reading, listening, speaking, and writing. The purpose of a patchwork lesson is to provide students with a variety of language activities and to cater to different learning styles and preferences. By switching between different activities and skills, students can maintain their interest and engagement throughout the lesson.
