Professional Development Graphic Organizer
Angie Huang
Created on April 12, 2023
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District Wide Professional Development Plan
Key Characteristics
- presented to the entire district staff
- used for introducing entire faculty to an innovation
- takes place over the course of multiple days
- everyone receives standardized instruction
Site-Based Professional Development
Key Characteristics
- training done for the staff at each school site
- still operates under the long term professional development plan of the school district
- addresses the vision/goals of the district as well as the vision/goals of the school site
Communities of Learners
Key Characteristics
- composed of small, collaborative teams
- learning is customized and geared towards the needs of the participants in their respective work site
- team members collaborate to address concerns encountered in the workplace and find professional development to meet individual needs
Remote PD via Online Video Broadcast
Key Characteristics
- reflects the impact of technology
- live, virtual presentation to an audience as if the presenter was in the same room
- participants still provided with opportunities to interact with the presenter
- on site facilitators present to help answer questions and provide clarification
Institute Day
Key Characteristics
- single day presentation
- used to introduce an innovation
- presents a single topic or can be a collection of various topics selected by participants
professional Development Models
EDU-585Angie Y. Huang
Appropriate activities:
- teambuilding
- storytelling
Appropriate activities:
- Collaborative, small group learning
- Discussions and think-pair-share
- Opportunities for role-playing/practicing techniques
- Focuses on the goals of the specific site
- Content presented is centered around the specific needs of staff and student population.
- Often considers stakeholder input
- Requires more funding
- Lack of budget may prevent these type of professional developments from occuring.
Appropriate activities:
- Goal setting activities and planning
- Collaboration amongst small groups/teaching teams
- Self-directed and autonomous learning
- Focuses on actual concerns and problem-solving
- Process is time-consuming
- Lack of available time during the school year
Appropriate activities:
- Digital collaborations (Kahoot!, Mentimeter, etc.)
Appropriate activities:
- Professional learning communities (PLCs)
- examining assessment data
- book studies
- debriefings
- colleague observations
- Participants can join remotely; convenience in scheduling
- All members can participate in discussions via online platform which may be difficult in in-person, large group trainings
- Lack of more individualized/personal interactions between participants and the presenter(s).
- Potential technology issues may occur
- Useful for introducing everyone to an initiative.
- Following introduction, interested participants can go on to take part in further professional development.
- Can offer participant choice for a collection of content.
- Lacks followup
- Information presented is sometimes never discussed again
- Involved all faculty/district-wide
- Instruction is standardized so that everyone receives the same information
- Spans multiple days to allow enough time for elaboration and feedback
- While it spans multiple days, it is still not enough time for full implementation of learning (Fogarty & Pete, 2017).
- Lacks implementation, time for practice, and opportunities for coaching and mentorship.