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Our mission is to make science learning equitable by providing free resources that teachers and students love.

Videos similar to this that are aligned to middle school standards!

Phenomena-based learning connects science education to real-world phenomena, promotes critical thinking, and develops student understanding of scientific concepts and skills for future STEM careers.

Each video will feature people from a variety of backgrounds demonstrating science phenomena.

Science Phenomena Videos

  • 50 simple 2-minute videos that demonstrate science phenomena
    • Introduce the demonstrator(s)
    • Complete demonstration
    • Ask a question, "What happened and why?"
    • Thought- provoking discussion questions, summary and explanation for teacher, and links for continued exploration provided below the video
  • Aligned with middle school science standards (NGSS and Virginia SOL)
  • Organized and easily searchable on Virtual Science Teachers website
  • Features people from many different backgrounds
  • Freely available, No advertisements

Science Phenomena Videos


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  • Science learning is not equitable.
    • Low-income schools have higher teacher shortages and fewer resources.
    • Many students do not have many opportunities to experience exciting science phenomena.
  • Many kids feel that science is not for them.
    • The majority of students, when asked to draw a scientist, draw the scientist as white and male.
    • The most popular science demonstration videos do not reflect the diversity of our communities.
    • Students are less likely to go into STEM if they do not feel included.
  • Teachers need much more support in all forms, to include ready-to-use resources.
    • Teacher shortages reflect that teachers are overwhelmed and under-supported.
    • YouTube is often blocked, contains ads, and time-consuming to search through.
  • Virtual teachers struggle to provide students with experiences that bring science to life.
    • Virtual schools are often very selective about which resources teachers are allowed to use.

The Need

For a Series of 2-Minute Science Phenomena Videos Featuring People from Diverse Backgrounds

  • Timeline- The team will complete 4-5 videos/month over the course of 12 months.
  • Choose 50 Science Demonstrations- A team of local STEM educators will choose 50 science demonstrations that are aligned with NGSS and SOLs.
    • For example:
      • MS-PS1-2. Analyze and interpret data on the properties of substances before and after the substances interact to determine if a chemical reaction has occurred.
      • SOL PS.3 The student will investigate and understand that matter has properties and is conserved in chemical and physical processes.
      • Demonstration of an exciting chemical reaction called "Elephant's Toothpaste"
  • Plan for Each Demo- The team will create a script, gather needed equipment and materials, and write a summary, explanation, and engagement questions.
  • Find Our Demonstrators- The team will reach out to local science teachers, scientists, and other community members (perhaps NNS employees!)who would like to be featured in a science demonstration video.
  • Film the Demonstrations- The science demonstrations will be professionally filmed at the Brooks Crossing iLAB, ODU, and other locations in the Hampton Roads area.
  • Edit- Videos will be edited at the Brooks Crossing iLAB.
  • Publish- Videos will be reviewed and when ready, published along with the demonstration summary and engagement questions on the Virtual Science Teachers website, eMediaVA.org, social media, and the ENDLESS Key (an app that provides learning resources to students without internet).



For a Series of 2-Minute Science Phenomena Videos Featuring People from Diverse Backgrounds

Select an image below to expand to full screen.

  • EQUITABLE SCIENCE LEARNING- Students everywhere gain access to high-quality science education resources, regardless of their school or district's resources.
  • ENGAGEMENT- Phenomena-based learning engages students and promotes asking questions and conducting scientific investigations.
  • VA OUTREACH- Over 20,000 students in Virginia have already used Virtual Science Teachers resources in over 45,000 learning sessions so far this school year. This number is expected to grow.
  • NATIONAL OUTREACH- Roughly 400,000 students nationwide have used VST resources in nearly 700,000 sessions so far this school year. This number is expected to grow.
  • INCLUSIVENESS- Send the message to students everywhere that science is for everyone.
  • SUPPORT TEACHERS- Teachers love free, time-saving, ready-to-use resources that engage their students!

A Powerful Impact


For a Series of 2-Minute Science Phenomena Videos Featuring People from Diverse Backgrounds

Todd Tribble Board Member

Dr. Michael Murtagh Board Member

Timothy Haitaian Board Member

Dr. Maryam Ashoori Board Member

Gerardo Zuniga Guerra Secretary

Robin Herod Treasurer

Dr. Enyinne Williams Vice Chair

Dr. David Humble Board Chair

Suzanne Sprague Executive Director

Virtual Science Teachers is made up of several professionals with extensive experience in education, technology, product development, governance, and finance. We have come together with a common purpose, to support science teachers and student learning, with the goal of equitable science learning for all.

Our Team

506 Las Gaviotas Boulevard Chesapeake, VA 23322

Visit: virtualscienceteachers.org

Email: suzanne@virtualscienceteachers.com

Contact Us