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Section 7
By: I.Griffis
Gupta Mathematics
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Section 7

By: I.Griffis

Gupta Mathematics

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Back then, Hindu's used very basic numberals 1-9 but soon, the Guptas then made a decimal system that we know today but back then there used to be a tenths place and a hundreths place. Soon later, they also found out that it also works in fractions that we know today but only tenths and hundreths. Also most of these equation were impossible without the number 0.

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Years later, The arabs soon found out about the Gupta Empires decimal and fraction system and soon started spreading word across all of Europe and the Europians started calling Gupta Mathematics ¨Arabic numrals¨.

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Soon after, a very famous Gupta Matematics named ¨Aryabhata¨ soon comined this mathematics with astronomy and made the famous discovery that the earth has 365.25 days in a year and also cauclated the estimated size of Earth.

Finally, Later in the years, until today, Mathematics was used to Build very complex buildings like the Great Mahadobhi Temple, or The Awakening Temple and it is used everywhere in the world with these simple to complex Mathematics.

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The End!

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