Principles of material designing
Created on April 3, 2023
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by: Janika Jazmin Cardenas De Dios
Principles of materials designing
The main reason to have an emphasis on review in material design is to reinforce the learners language learning and retention, also emphasis on review allows consistency, confidence and correction around the learning process
Here should be an emphasis on review:
It’s important integrate the language skills (listening, writing, speaking and reading) to enhance the proficiency in the second language, also integrate skills allows a real world application in context when the learner has to interact in a conversation where the student need to listen and speak or if is a virtual context needs to write and read.
Skills should be integrated
When we are creating material for ESL learners we have to take into account that the content must be engaging for them, the reason is that engaging material can provide motivation, retention, comprehension and practice around the lesson.
Content should be engaging:
a. From the Maley document, what are the most important principles in materials development, for you?
The language designing materials should be meaningful in the way that the content is related with the context, experiences and needs of learners. Also should be natural, which means use the language how native speakers do. And should be useful which means that it is practical to apply for learners' lives
Language should be meaningful, natural and useful
the importance to design material focus to provide opportunities for outcomes is because it allows students to identify their strengths and weaknesses about different areas or abilities in the English learning process that means motivation, improvement and a better assessment.
Materials should provide opportunities for outcome feedback
a. From the Maley document, what are the most important principles in materials development, for you?
According to Febrina, what are authentic and non-authentic materials?
Authentic material is the material that you can find in real life, Rogers and Medley (1988) characterize authentic material as materials which expose the genuineness and naturalness of the language and are well-contextualized in the native speakers' context.For example, videos, movies, songs, news, magazine and so on.
Authentic material
According to Febrina, what are authentic and non-authentic materials?
Non- authentic material is material that is used for teaching purposes. This material generally follows some syllabus or curriculum to accomplish for the target language. For example textbooks exercises, grammar drills, role-plays, simplified texts, language games.
Non-authentic material
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using authentic and non authentic materials in the class?
- Secondly, real-life materials are regarded as effective to motivate learners in learning English. According to Oura (2001), triggering learners willingness and interest is still a challenging task for the teachers.
- Thirdly, real-life materials can increase learners' communicative competence.A quasi-experimental study was conducted by Gilmore in 2011 to discover the impact of implementing authentic materials and its relation to communicative competence.
Firstly, genuine materials enable learners to experience the real language and have a closer interaction with the target language (Klickaya, 2004; Al-Azri & Al-Rashdi, 2014; Huang, Tindall & Nisbet, 2011).
Advantages using authentic material
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using authentic and non authentic materials in the class?
- Secondly, Martinez (2002) as cited in Al-Azri and Al-Rashdi (2014) note that authentic materials might be culturally biased. It is because most EFL learners have different cultural backgrounds with the target language. This may lead to confusion and misunderstanding since the learners are not fully aware of the cultural differences
Firstly, Rogers and Medley (1988) argue that unedited authentic materials are too difficult to understand by learners. It is because authentic materials contain complex words and language features (Gilmore, 2007).
Disadvantages using authentic material
- Thus, it is easier for the learner to master the lesson.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using authentic and non authentic materials in the class?
non-authentic materials such as textbooks are designed by the teacher based on the learners' capability and language level.
Advantages using non-authentic material
- Textbooks and simplified learning materials are considered giving lack of exposure to the real English language use in daily life.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using authentic and non authentic materials in the class?
non-authentic materials are designed and simplified by teachers, it makes non-authentic materials seem unnatural.
Disadvantages using non-authentic material
o Febrina, W. (2017). Authentic vs Non-Authentic Materials in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in Indonesia: Which One Matters More?. Maley, A. (2016). Principles and Procedures in Materials Development. In M. Azarnoosh, M. Zeraatpishe, A. Faravani & H. Kargozari, Issues in Materials Development (4th ed., pp. 11-29). Rotterdam.