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Anna Bolena I was born in 1507(?) and  she death in 19th May 1536 in London.The parents is Thomas Boleyn and Elizabeth Howard.In 1533 is married Henry VIII and they have one child:Elizabeth I ,in 3 yers have two miscarriages and the king began to think that she was nit the right woman In 1536 Henry was courting Jane Seymour .In order yo marry Seymour ,Henry had to find reasons to end the marriage to Anne.Henry VIII had Anne investigated for high treason in April 1536.On 2 May,she was arrested and sent yo the Tower of London ,where she was tried before a jury of peers,including Henry Percy , her former betrothed,and her unclle Thomas Howard,3rd Duke of Norfolk; she was convicted on 15 May and beheaded four days later. Modern historians view the charges against her.Anne is a victim of romance.
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Anna Bolena I was born in 1507(?) and she death in 19th May 1536 in London.The parents is Thomas Boleyn and Elizabeth Howard.In 1533 is married Henry VIII and they have one child:Elizabeth I ,in 3 yers have two miscarriages and the king began to think that she was nit the right woman In 1536 Henry was courting Jane Seymour .In order yo marry Seymour ,Henry had to find reasons to end the marriage to Anne.Henry VIII had Anne investigated for high treason in April 1536.On 2 May,she was arrested and sent yo the Tower of London ,where she was tried before a jury of peers,including Henry Percy , her former betrothed,and her unclle Thomas Howard,3rd Duke of Norfolk; she was convicted on 15 May and beheaded four days later. Modern historians view the charges against her.Anne is a victim of romance.


Anne was a middling stature,with a swarthy complexion,long neck,wide mouth and her eyes,which are blak and beautiful. Anne was a young woman of noble birth,though many say of bad character,whose will is law to him ,and he isexpected to marry her should the divorce take place,whichit is supposed will notbe effected ,as the peers of the realm .

This is my choice because Anne Boleyn is a simbol of injustice. She was executed just because she was a woman .In my opinion her death should not have happened because she was innocent , her husband was the only one guilty.

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