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TOEFL - Prep 
Negative Factual Information Questions
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TOEFL - Prep

Negative Factual Information Questions

What Are Negative Factual Information Questions?

Requires verifying information that is explicitly stated in the passage

The correct answer is the one that is NOT true

The word "NOT" or "EXCEPT" appears in the question in capital letters

Questions that ask you to identify information that is NOT true or not included in the passage

How to Recognize Negative Factual Information Questions




The author's description of X mentions all of the following EXCEPT...


According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true of X?


The question may contain the word "NOT" or "EXCEPT" in capital letters


After answering, double-check to make sure you have accurately understood the task

In Negative Factual Information questions, the correct answer eitherdirectly contradicts one or more statements in the passage or is notmentioned in the passage at all.

Tips for Answering Negative Factual Information Questions

Usually a Negative Factual Information question requires you to check more of the passage than a Factual Information question. The three choices that are mentioned in the passage may be spread across a para- graph or several paragraphs.



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