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6 grade
by:Renata Romero
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6 grade

by:Renata Romero


7. Timeline

6. History

5. Most famous place in Sweden

4. Type of goverment

3. Climate

2. What is the capital of sweden

8. Alfred Nobel

1. About Sweden

What i'm going over

Sweden is a country with thousands of offshore islands and inland lakes, along with extensive boreal forest and snow-capped mountains. Its official name is the kingdom of Sweden and it is located in Europe. Its main cities are the eastern capital stockholm Mambo and Gothenburg in the southwest. And in this country there are approximately more than 10 million inhabitants. The inhabitants of this country are used to walk and enjoy the silence of nature. On top of that they take Fika at least once a day. The Fika is an activity that consists of drinking coffee and eating some cakes and candies.

about sweden

The capital of Sweden Stockholm is built on 14 islands and has more than 50 bridges, plus a medieval old town Gamla Stan, there are even royal places and museums.

what is the capital of sweden?

Sweden has a temperate climate due to the Gulf Stream. Some of its historical regions have particular climatic characteristics. For example, Gotland has an oceanic climate, Swealand has a humid continental climate, and Norrland has a boreal climate, respectively.


The goverment of sweden is a constitutional monarchy based on parliamentary democry. Goverment affairs in Sweden are run by a cabinet of ministers, which is headed by the prime ministers. The cabinet and the prime ministers are responsible before the Riksdag, which is the parliament. The king, who since september 15, 1973 has been his majesty King C`arl XVl Gustavo, king os sweden, has no competition and is not a party or the executive or the legislative.

type of government

vasa museum

The Vasa museum is also located in djurgarden next to the skansen museum. This museum contains a XVll century ship. the vasa. This shipwrecked on her first voyage in 1628 in the waters of stockholm, and was recued from the bottom of the sea 333 years later. to this day the Vasa is known as the Swedish Titanic, and is the best preserved ship from the XVlll century.

drottningholm palace

Drottningholm palace, is located on the island of Lovon, and is one of the royal palaces of sweden. The name Drottningholm means "The islet of the Queen", since during the reign of king john lll of Sweden, they made the decision to build a great palace for his wife Catherine Jagellon.

skansen museum

The Skansen museum is an open-air museum located on the island of djurgarden in stockholm. This museum was founded in 1891 by Artur Hazelius in order to show the way of life in sweden during the last centuries.

most famous places in sweden

King Erik lX is assassinated by prince of denmark.

King Olof converts to christianity and makes it the official religion of Sweden.

Eric the visctorious becomes the first king of sweden.

Christianity is introduced the swedes by Saint Ansgar.

1160 CE

1004 CE

970 CE

829 CE

800 CE

The vikin age begins.



Alfred Nobel was a swedish chemist, writer, engineer, and inventor who was born in 1833 in stockholm, sweden. He was the person who managed to make dynamite in 1861, and used his money to create prizes that were named after him.

thank you

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